Corporal Sample Clauses

Corporal. An Officer assigned to serve as Corporal shall receive an additional five percent (5%) of the employee’s base hourly rate while performing the duties of Corporal.
Corporal. To be eligible for promotion to Corporal, a candidate shall have a minimum of three (3) years full time experience as a commissioned police officer with the City of Xxxxxx Island. A candidate with less than three (3) years may petition the Civil Service Commission for a waiver of this requirement.
Corporal. After completion of seven (7) years of continuous service (including the probationary year), an officer shall assume the title of corporal. The title of corporal shall not be considered a promotion but shall represent that the officer has completed the requisite years of service with the Department to assume such title.
Corporal. All selections to Corporal are made by the Police Chief. The Police Chief may appoint up to 25 Corporals. Corporal positions shall receive seven percent (7%) above the base salary of the position of Police Officer.
Corporal. Xxxxx be a sworn member of the police force for a minimum of 3 years and shall have passed the prescribed written examination, which he or she shall be only eligible to take after completion of 3 years of service. [Ord.1165]
Corporal. A minimum of four years of continuous certified law enforcement service with a minimum of three years continuous service with the Clinton Police Department. For the purposes of testing, "continuous certified law enforcement service" shall mean: • POST certification • No gap of employment with different agencies greater than 90 daysWritten examination (50%) • Assessment Center (50%) • Police Commission interview (Highly Qualified, Qualified, Not Yet Ready) Sergeant: A minimum aggregate score of 75% shall be required to proceed forward to the Police Commission interview phase of the testing process. Corporal: A minimum aggregate score of 70% shall be required to proceed forward to the Police Commission interview phase of the testing process.
Corporal. There shall be two (2) Corporal positions subject to the staffing needs of the Department pursuant to Article 2 above. The Corporal will be placed on shifts with a Patrolman that is not filled with a Patrol Sergeant.
Corporal. Any patrol officer who has held that rank at the South Burlington Police Department continuously for seven years shall automatically be promoted to corporal. This promotion shall not be considered a promotion to a supervisory position. The automatic promotion shall be effective on the seventh anniversary of the officer’s appointment as patrol officer.
Corporal. Any member of the FOP who is currently within the step system and promoted to Corporal shall advance two steps at the time of the promotion and receive two increases each year thereafter on their promotion date until the maximum of Corporal salary is reached. If a member is going from detective to corporal, member shall increase one step initially and then two steps per year thereafter.
Corporal. A. Upon completion of thirteen (13) years of continuous service as a Police Officer for the County of Xxxxx, a Police Officer shall attain the classification of Corporal. Continuous service shall mean employment without interruption or break. Lay-offs, leaves of absence without pay, time off without pay, suspensions, and separations followed by subsequent re-employments shall not be considered as breaks in service, provided, however, that the length of such time off or separation shall be deducted from the total length of service, except that military leaves, periods during which employees are receiving Workers' Compensation and Workers' Compensation supplementation payments, leaves granted to disabled veterans due to illness resulting from a service-connected disability, and 90 days of leaves of absence granted because of personal illness in any one year shall not be deducted. B. For those Police Officer members who have been laid off and subsequently recalled, the time that they had actually been employed as a Police Officer will be credited towards the thirteen (13) years of continuous service.