Cultural Resources Survey. A Cultural Resources Survey of the Property was conducted by Chicora Foundation, Inc. in accordance with guidelines of the State Historical Preservation Office of the South Carolina Department of Archives and History. A copy of the report is attached with this Agreement as Exhibit P.
Cultural Resources Survey. The PROFESSIONAL will conduct comprehensive archival record searches, Phase I intensive field investigations, geomorphic assessment, and project completion report preparation for the project area. Weather permitting, project turn around estimate is 45 days. Alternate schedule is possible at discretion of Client. In accordance with Iowa SHPO Regulations, if standing snow and/or deep frost is encountered within project area, implementation of field studies may be delayed. All services undertaken will meet or exceed Section 106 guidelines, and guidelines established by the Historic Preservation Office of the Iowa State Historical Society.
Cultural Resources Survey. All formal cultural resources surveys conducted by the CRS will be minimally documented on the MS-CR-2 form. The CRS will contact appropriate NRCS personnel to arrange access to the area to conduct the cultural resources survey. Survey methodology will be designed and implemented according to 36 CFR 800.4(b)(1).
a.) If no cultural resources are identified during the cultural resources survey, the investigation will be documented by the CRS on the MS-CR-2 form. A copy of the MS-CR-2 along with the completed MS- CR-1 will be returned to be included in the customer or project folder. Planning may proceed upon receipt of the cultural resources documentation.
b.) If cultural resources are identified during the Cultural Resources Survey within the APE, proceed to Step 5.
Cultural Resources Survey. This task will include the following: • Conduct a Phase I archeological survey covering the entire length of the project within the limits of permanent and temporary easements. A pedestrian survey will be performed utilizing shovel test excavations in 20- meter intervals along transect(s) within the project limits to identify and assess the status of any cultural deposits or features inside the project limits. • Prepare the cultural resources report based on the background research as well as the field work. The report will include information on any archeological sites identified and recommendation for the proposed project to be in compliance with federal and state regulations regarding cultural resources. The exact locations of any significant prehistoric or historic archeological sites found will be supplied to the OWNER for planning purposes only, with the stipulation that their locations will not be part of any document released to the public. • All work will conform to the standards set for the State of Arkansas which are described in A State Plan for the Conservation of Archeological Resources in Arkansas (Xxxxx, xx. 1982, amended 2010) and the standards set by the U.S. Secretary of Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archeological and Historic Preservation. • Submit the cultural resources report to ANRD, Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, and other agencies/tribes if required for review. Respond to comments and/or questions if required to obtain concurrence on the report. • Phase II (significance testing, deep trenching, removal of cultural features, etc.) and Phase III (site mitigation) are not included in this scope of work.
Cultural Resources Survey. Objective: Complete a survey of Cultural Resources within the APE to be utilized for consultation with SHPO. Approach: A cultural resource survey update for the proposed improvements indentified in the APE. The consultant will utilize the previously conducted archaeological survey and site testing work at the Bend Airport in 2005 and 2008 in the area of the proposed improvements for background. The Consultant will update the previous work and coordinate with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to verify that no additional archaeological work is needed.
Cultural Resources Survey. ERO will conduct an intensive Class III cultural resource survey of the Corps and Service APEs that conforms to the Secretary of the Interior’s Guidelines for Identification and by supervisory personnel that meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards. This task will involve two archaeologists walking systematic transects to identify unknown cultural resources within the APEs. Resources identified during Task 1 will be documented or reevaluated, if necessary. Identified cultural resources will be documented on relevant OAHP site forms, mapped, photographed and located using a submeter GeoXH GPS unit. Each identified resource will be assessed for its eligibility to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) per 36 CFR 60.4 of the NHPA (1966, as amended). Based on a preliminary review of the project area and ERO’s previous work on McMurdo Gulch, ERO has identified the following area- specific expectations: ○ The Corps and Service APEs will intersect the historical Xxxxxx O.V. Ranch (5DA1915), which is eligible for the State Register. ERO assumes the ranch will require minor documentation because the trail will not impact any of the ranch’s constructed features. ○ The trail will intersect four to five Corps APEs. All of the crossings were recently surveyed by ERO or another cultural resource firm, PaleoWest, and the Corps will not require additional survey for most of the crossings. If the scour wall impacts waters of the U.S., the Corps will require survey and documentation of a known buried eligible historical trash site. Impacts on the trash site will be assessed. ○ It is unclear if the Corps will assume jurisdiction over the trail near the CCC camps. ERO will survey this portion of trail to assess effects on the eligible sites and coordinate with the project engineers to make any necessary adjustments to avoid impacts on significant parts of the sites (5DA3745 and 5DA3746). ○ The trail will impact an existing CCC- related road (5DA3660), but the road is not eligible for the NRHP and will not require additional work. ○ The Corps APE will intersect one not eligible Prehistoric Native American camp (5DA3894), but the site has been determined not eligible by the Corps and will require no additional work.
Cultural Resources Survey. This task has not been fully completed. In September and October 2021, Ascent engaged in coordination regarding cultural resources surveys, including preparation of a Forest Service permit application (submitted Sept 21) and records search. As part of this coordination, Xxxxxx conducted travel planning and acquisition of maps/supplies for site visits; coordinated with the Forest Service regarding the records search and review of the results; and drafted Tribal consultation letters. Ascent began cultural resources surveys the week of October 18, 2021 at the project site, but concluded early due to unforeseen snow conditions, which continued through the winter of 2021/2022. For adequate cultural resources surveys the ground surface must be clearly visible and free of snow. Since then, the project area has been expanded to include new areas and components. Therefore, Ascent will need to prepare a new permit application, conduct new records searches for the new areas, and complete the overall cultural resources surveys. Ascent will prepare cultural documentation to satisfy Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (36 CFR 800), as required by the Inyo National Forest (INF) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The cultural documentation will follow the requirements as outlined in Stipulation 7.7 and Appendix F of the programmatic agreement (PA) that has been developed among the USFS Pacific Southwest Region, the California State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Region 5 PA). These documents will also be completed in accordance with the CEQA Guidelines and fulfill the requirements of the 2014 Caltrans Programmatic Agreement with the Federal Highway Administration and the California State Historic Preservation Officer for compliance with Section 106 (Caltrans Section 106 PA). These documents will inform preparation of the cultural resources section of the EIR/EIS.
Cultural Resources Survey. The scope will include provisions for a Cultural Resources Survey to be completed by a subconsultant.
Cultural Resources Survey. Xxxxxx will conduct a Phase I pedestrian survey of the project site. A Xxxxxx archaeologist will conduct the survey using transects spaced at maximum intervals of 1015 meters.
Cultural Resources Survey. A phase I Cultural Resource Assessment Survey at the Brunswick – Golden Isles Airport will be prepared. The area of Potential Effect (APE) will be the portions of the airport deemed most likely to be developed in the near term (0-10 years) planning period. For purposes of this proposal, approximately 600 acres has been deemed as likely for near-term development.