Daily Scheduling. It is recognized that because of the nature of their work, Special Agents covered by this Agreement may be scheduled and required to work varied hours, work on holidays and weekends, and during several separated periods within a single day making the maintaining of consistent starting and stopping times or the assignment of the number of hours worked in one (1) day sometimes impossible. However, insofar as practicable and without reducing efficiency of work performance, employees are expected to complete normal routine work within a normal eight (8) consecutive hour day in a twenty-four (24) hour period.
Daily Scheduling. It is recognized that employees are required to work varied hours and during several separated periods within the same day and the same payroll period, making the maintaining of consistent starting and stopping times or the assignment of the number of hours worked in one (1) day or one (1) week sometimes impossible. The Employer agrees to make reasonable effort to allow employees to schedule at least two (2) consecutive days off in a payroll period where such scheduling meets both the needs of the Employer and the desires of the employees. Employees may not schedule more than four (4) consecutive regular days off without prior written approval from their immediate supervisor. Scheduling of four (4) or fewer days off shall require oral approval. Employees who are on a regular schedule or on a pre-approved vacation day who are called out shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours compensation. Employees who are called out on their regular day off shall not receive the three (3) hours call-out minimum, but shall receive credit for the actual hours worked, up to the overtime maximum contained in Article 25, Section 1(C). At the discretion of the Supervisor or his/her designee, a work schedule may be developed by the Employer for any employee which shall include two (2) consecutive days off in each week of a payroll period.
Daily Scheduling. Daily hours of work shall be consecutive within a scheduled shift which may include paid breaks.
Daily Scheduling. Crew Schedule/Crew Tracking is responsible for the day to day scheduling, rescheduling and assignment of all Flight Attendant personnel, regularly scheduled, replacement and reserve.
Daily Scheduling. Buyer may request from Seller a daily schedule of net output forecasted or awarded from the Day-Ahead Market.
Daily Scheduling. It is recognized that employees are required to work varied hours and 10 during several separated periods within the same day and the same payroll period, making the 11 maintaining of consistent starting and stopping times or the assignment of the number of hours 12 worked in one (1) day or one (1) week sometimes impossible. The Employer agrees to make 13 reasonable effort to allow employees to schedule at least two (2) consecutive days off in a 14 payroll period where such scheduling meets both the needs of the Employer and the desires of 15 the employees. 17 Employees may not schedule more than four (4) consecutive regular days off without prior 18 written approval from their immediate supervisor. Scheduling of four (4) or fewer days off shall
Daily Scheduling. The Court shall notify the Court Security Lieutenant or designee each day of the proposed court security schedule for the following court day. Such schedule shall include both Basic Level Services and any Additional Security Services the Court requires to meet its security needs for the following day. In addition, the Court shall apprise the Court Security Bureau of changes it requests to the daily schedule in a timely fashion; changes to the schedule shall be provided as early as possible, with the goal that such changes be provided no later than 3:30 p.m., if feasible, for the following morning, and no later than 11:00 a.m., if feasible, the same day for the afternoon.
Daily Scheduling. It is recognized that employees are required to work varied hours and 8 during several separated periods within the same day and the same payroll period, making the 9 maintaining of consistent starting and stopping times or the assignment of the number of 10 hours worked in one (1) day or one (1) week sometimes impossible. The Employer agrees to 11 make reasonable effort to allow employees to schedule at least two (2) consecutive days off in
Daily Scheduling. [provide if applicable]
Daily Scheduling. The purpose of Daily Scheduling is to enable the Operator to plan a schedule of Natural Gas injections into ESMFA and Natural Gas absorptions from that system for the Day, in accordance with the Statements that the Transfer Users have submitted and in the way they have been accepted by the Operator for that Day, in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Code, the relevant YFA Transfer and Installation Use Contracts, the conditions of delivery at the Points of Entry and the conditions of receipt at the Points of Exit in a way that reliable and safe operation of ESFA is guaranteed and the System’s operational cost is minimised. The Transfer Users who have entered into a Transfer Contract with the Operator are obligated to submit to the Operator the details required in this Code, including the Statements and Reminders, as well as to make every possible effort in order to comply with these so that the Operator may be in a position to plan the operation of ESMFA and the Installation of YFA every Day as accurately as possible, including being able to determine the quantity of stored Natural Gas in ESMFA pipes and YFA Installation reservoirs.