Deliverables and Reporting. 35. Contractor shall provide the State with a project plan. The plan shall include a detailed schedule showing major activities and deliverables and will adhere to all survey sponsor requirements. The plan and schedule will be developed by mutual agreement between the State and Contractor, as possible.
36. On a periodic basis as appropriate, Contractor shall provide the State with status reports. The schedule will be determined by project milestones and, when possible, by mutual agreement between the State and Contractor. During the data collection period, reports shall include the total survey completes to date and a summary of sample dispositions resolved since the previous report was issued.
37. After interviewing and data entry have been completed, a dataset will be prepared for the State, as allowed. The dataset will include values for each questionnaire item by completed case and will be purged of any respondent identification information (i.e., name, address, and telephone number).
38. The dataset will be submitted in a choice of format (SAS, SPSS, Excel, etc.), organized as a single record for each member composed of a string of fields containing data values. Weighting of the data is not included, but we can apply weights provided by the State, at additional cost, if desired. A data file layout with defined labels and values will accompany each dataset.
39. Datasets delivered to an entity such as NCQA, CMS, RAND or other agency, shall be submitted on or before the required deadline using the prescribed format and the designated delivery pathway, per project specifications.
40. Banner book or graphical reporting, as allowed, will be conducted according to project specification. Contractor will work with the State to develop and produce customized reports if the State elects this option.
41. In all data presentations, such as banner books, overview reports, or graphical reports, any results or cells with less than 11 cases will be suppressed and replaced with ‘NA’, per CMS specifications.
42. Contractor will shred all returned questionnaires upon completion of the project, unless otherwise required by project specifications or other arrangements are made with the Contractors Project Manager.
43. Contractor shall retain electronic records of the project as described in the project specifications.
Deliverables and Reporting. 1. Contractor shall provide the State with a project plan. The plan shall include a detailed schedule showing major activities and deliverables and will adhere to all survey sponsor requirements. The plan and schedule will be developed by mutual agreement between the State and Contractor, as possible.
2. On a periodic basis as appropriate, Contractor shall provide the State with status reports. The schedule will be determined by project milestones and, when possible, by mutual agreement between the State and Contractor. During the data collection period, reports shall include the total survey completes to date and a summary of sample dispositions resolved since the previous report was issued.
3. After interviewing and data entry have been completed, a dataset will be prepared for the State, as allowed. The dataset will include values for each questionnaire item by completed case and will be purged of any respondent identification information (i.e., name, address, and telephone number).
4. The dataset will be submitted in a choice of format (SAS, SPSS, Excel, etc.), organized as a single record for each member composed of a string of fields containing data values. Weighting of the data is not included. A data file layout with defined labels and values will accompany each dataset.
5. Datasets delivered to an entity such as NCQA, CMS, RAND or other agency, shall be submitted on or before the required deadline using the prescribed format and the designated delivery pathway, per project specifications.
6. Banner book or graphical reporting, as allowed, will be conducted according to project specification. Contractor will work with the State to develop and produce customized reports if the State elects this option.
7. In all data presentations, such as banner books, overview reports, or graphical reports, any results or cells with less than 11 cases will be suppressed and replaced with ‘NA’, per CMS specifications.
8. Contractor will shred all returned questionnaires upon completion of the project, unless otherwise required by project specifications or other arrangements are made with the Contractors Project Manager.
9. Contractor shall retain electronic records of the project as described in the project specifications.
Deliverables and Reporting. 9.1 The RO shall conduct the Research Project in such a way that tangible results, outcomes, conclusions and/or recommendations are obtained from RO’s efforts. Without jeopardizing the quality of the research activities, the Research Team shall take all reasonable efforts to ensure that the results, outcomes, conclusions and/or recommendations are presented in a language accessible to a non-academic audience and non-specialists.
9.2 The RO shall explicitly suggest, as part of their deliverables, described in the Scope of Work, practical ways to implement the recommendations emerging from the Research Project.
Deliverables and Reporting. Deliverables are provided in the table below:
1. Fence Inventory Map of fence line and 1- 2page summary of process 9/30/2023 1/31/2024 1.1 Coordinate with BLM on survey protocols and tools and State Trust Land access permit 9/30/2023 10/01/2023 1.2 Map and record fence line assessment, water gaps, fence breaks, and cattle trails 10/1/2023 12/15/2023 1.3 Compile GIS data and notes and share with BLM 11/1/2023 12/31/2023 1.4 Generate map and summary report 1/1/2024 2/27/2024
2. Water Quality Sampling Water quality samples and data 2.1 Training and site visit with ADEQ staff 9/30/2023 10/31/2023 2.2 Seasonal sampling of data gaps: Oxygen, metals, e-Coli Water quality samples and data provided seasonally 10/1/2023 5/30/2024
3. Beaver restoration planning and Xxxxxx Canyon watershed erosion control project assessment 3-5 page with accompanying map(s) to highlight suggested restoration strategies, access, staging, and estimated materials and labor costs 9/30/2023 6/30/2024
Deliverables and Reporting. In addition to the Contractor’s duties and obligations described elsewhere in this Agreement, Contractor shall prepare and deliver to KDADS a monthly MCR Encounter Report and a new monthly MCR Team Report. Both report templates will be provided and expected to be filled out as complete as possible. Both reports will be due the 20th day following the month of the service delivery. For example, for the period of July 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024 the report due date will be August 20, 2024.
Deliverables and Reporting. Products (identify the products that the country will produce, in accordance with the ToR); e.g. enhanced HRLs, CLC changes and CLC2012. Reports (Verification reports, Enhancement reports, CLC2012final report, progress reports); Proposed delivery plan.
Deliverables and Reporting. The Consultant will provide outputs 1-6 described above through the following deliverables:
Deliverables and Reporting.
1. CONTRACTOR will submit a monthly membership report that includes member name(s), business name, type of business and services provided, number of employees, membership type and date joined.
2. CONTRACTOR will submit to the EDA a quarterly report including the following: • Number of members at each level, and the percentpercentage capacity filled at each level. • Number of canceled and new member contracts. • A narrative of Successessuccesses. • A narrative of identified places for improvementCONTRACTORimprovement. • Updated staffing plan for the upcoming quarter with names of staff people, roles, titles, weekly work schedule (hours) and work duties.
3. CONTRACTOR will submit an annual report by June 1, 2024 of each year including the results of a member survey. The survey will be designed by Contractor will design the survey with input from the EDA.
Deliverables and Reporting