Deliverables and Reporting Sample Clauses

Deliverables and Reporting. 35. Contractor shall provide the State with a project plan. The plan shall include a detailed schedule showing major activities and deliverables and will adhere to all survey sponsor requirements. The plan and schedule will be developed by mutual agreement between the State and Contractor, as possible. 36. On a periodic basis as appropriate, Contractor shall provide the State with status reports. The schedule will be determined by project milestones and, when possible, by mutual agreement between the State and Contractor. During the data collection period, reports shall include the total survey completes to date and a summary of sample dispositions resolved since the previous report was issued. 37. After interviewing and data entry have been completed, a dataset will be prepared for the State, as allowed. The dataset will include values for each questionnaire item by completed case and will be purged of any respondent identification information (i.e., name, address, and telephone number). 38. The dataset will be submitted in a choice of format (SAS, SPSS, Excel, etc.), organized as a single record for each member composed of a string of fields containing data values. Weighting of the data is not included, but we can apply weights provided by the State, at additional cost, if desired. A data file layout with defined labels and values will accompany each dataset. 39. Datasets delivered to an entity such as NCQA, CMS, RAND or other agency, shall be submitted on or before the required deadline using the prescribed format and the designated delivery pathway, per project specifications. 40. Banner book or graphical reporting, as allowed, will be conducted according to project specification. Contractor will work with the State to develop and produce customized reports if the State elects this option. 41. In all data presentations, such as banner books, overview reports, or graphical reports, any results or cells with less than 11 cases will be suppressed and replaced with ‘NA’, per CMS specifications. 42. Contractor will shred all returned questionnaires upon completion of the project, unless otherwise required by project specifications or other arrangements are made with the Contractors Project Manager. 43. Contractor shall retain electronic records of the project as described in the project specifications.
Deliverables and Reporting. Deliverables are provided in the table below: 1. Fence Inventory Map of fence line and 1- 2page summary of process 9/30/2023 1/31/2024 1.1 Coordinate with BLM on survey protocols and tools and State Trust Land access permit 9/30/2023 10/01/2023 1.2 Map and record fence line assessment, water gaps, fence breaks, and cattle trails 10/1/2023 12/15/2023 1.3 Compile GIS data and notes and share with BLM 11/1/2023 12/31/2023 1.4 Generate map and summary report 1/1/2024 2/27/2024 2. Water Quality Sampling Water quality samples and data 2.1 Training and site visit with ADEQ staff 9/30/2023 10/31/2023 2.2 Seasonal sampling of data gaps: Oxygen, metals, e-Coli Water quality samples and data provided seasonally 10/1/2023 5/30/2024 3. Beaver restoration planning and Xxxxxx Canyon watershed erosion control project assessment 3-5 page with accompanying map(s) to highlight suggested restoration strategies, access, staging, and estimated materials and labor costs 9/30/2023 6/30/2024
Deliverables and Reporting. The Consultant will provide outputs 1-6 described above through the following deliverables:
Deliverables and Reporting. ‌ 1. CONTRACTOR will submit a monthly membership report that includes member name(s), business name, type of business and services provided, number of employees, membership type and date joined. 2. CONTRACTOR will submit to the EDA a quarterly report including the following: • Number of members at each level, and the percentpercentage capacity filled at each level. • Number of canceled and new member contracts. • A narrative of Successessuccesses. • A narrative of identified places for improvementCONTRACTORimprovement. • Updated staffing plan for the upcoming quarter with names of staff people, roles, titles, weekly work schedule (hours) and work duties. 3. CONTRACTOR will submit an annual report by June 1, 2024 of each year including the results of a member survey. The survey will be designed by Contractor will design the survey with input from the EDA.
Deliverables and Reporting. 1. Contractor shall provide the State with a project plan. The plan shall include a detailed schedule showing major activities and deliverables and will adhere to all survey sponsor requirements. The plan and schedule will be developed by mutual agreement between the State and Contractor, as possible. 2. On a periodic basis as appropriate, Contractor shall provide the State with status reports. The schedule will be determined by project milestones and, when possible, by mutual agreement between the State and Contractor. During the data collection period, reports shall include the total survey completes to date and a summary of sample dispositions resolved since the previous report was issued. 3. After interviewing and data entry have been completed, a dataset will be prepared for the State, as allowed. The dataset will include values for each questionnaire item by completed case and will be purged of any respondent identification information (i.e., name, address, and telephone number). 4. The dataset will be submitted in a choice of format (SAS, SPSS, Excel, etc.), organized as a single record for each member composed of a string of fields containing data values. Weighting of the data is not included. A data file layout with defined labels and values will accompany each dataset. 5. Datasets delivered to an entity such as NCQA, CMS, RAND or other agency, shall be submitted on or before the required deadline using the prescribed format and the designated delivery pathway, per project specifications. 6. Banner book or graphical reporting, as allowed, will be conducted according to project specification. Contractor will work with the State to develop and produce customized reports if the State elects this option. 7. In all data presentations, such as banner books, overview reports, or graphical reports, any results or cells with less than 11 cases will be suppressed and replaced with ‘NA’, per CMS specifications. 8. Contractor will shred all returned questionnaires upon completion of the project, unless otherwise required by project specifications or other arrangements are made with the Contractors Project Manager. 9. Contractor shall retain electronic records of the project as described in the project specifications.
Deliverables and Reporting. Products (identify the products that the country will produce, in accordance with the ToR); e.g. enhanced HRLs, CLC changes and CLC2012. Reports (Verification reports, Enhancement reports, CLC2012final report, progress reports); Proposed delivery plan.
Deliverables and Reporting. 9.1 The RO shall conduct the Research Project in such a way that tangible results, outcomes, conclusions and/or recommendations are obtained from RO’s efforts. Without jeopardizing the quality of the research activities, the Research Team shall take all reasonable efforts to ensure that the results, outcomes, conclusions and/or recommendations are presented in a language accessible to a non-academic audience and non-specialists. 9.2 The RO shall explicitly suggest, as part of their deliverables, described in the Scope of Work, practical ways to implement the recommendations emerging from the Research Project.
Deliverables and Reporting. In addition to the Contractor’s duties and obligations described elsewhere in this Agreement, Contractor shall prepare and deliver to KDADS a monthly MCR Encounter Report and a new monthly MCR Team Report. Both report templates will be provided and expected to be filled out as complete as possible. Both reports will be due the 20th day following the month of the service delivery. For example, for the period of July 1, 2024 – July 31, 2024 the report due date will be August 20, 2024.
Deliverables and Reporting 

Related to Deliverables and Reporting

  • Funding, Services and Reporting The HSP represents warrants and covenants that (a) the Funding is, and will continue to be, used only to provide the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; (b) the Services are and will continue to be provided: by persons with the expertise, professional qualifications, licensing and skills necessary to complete their respective tasks; and in compliance with Applicable Law and Applicable Policy; and (c) every Report is accurate and in full compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, including any particular requirements applicable to the Report and any material change to a Report will be communicated to the Funder immediately.

  • Accounting and Reporting The Escrow Agent shall keep and maintain books of accounts and other accounting records of all investments and reinvestments of the Escrow Deposit and shall make available to the PRINCIPALS the quarterly electronic reports (i.e., Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Earning Assets, Investment Activity Report, and Return on Investment Report) within twenty (20) calendar days from the end of the preceding quarter. An electronic Confirmation of Transaction Report shall likewise be sent upon execution of placement or investment within 5 calendar days from the transaction date. All electronic reports shall be sent through the email address designated by the authorized representatives of the PRINCIPALS. The information in such reports shall be deemed accepted should the PRINCIPALS fail to submit any objection to it in writing to the Escrow Agent within fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of such reports. After the expiration of which period without any written objection having been submitted, the Escrow Agent shall be released to all items and matters set forth in the reports. Extent of Liability The Escrow Agent shall not look into the veracity, genuineness, or validity of the written instructions it will receive under the provisions of this Agreement, the intention hereof being to assure the immediate release and delivery of the Escrow Deposit under the provisions of this Agreement. The Escrow Agent is authorized and directed to disregard in its sole discretion any and all notices and warnings given to it by the other party or by any other person, firm, association or corporation unless they are issued under the terms of this Agreement. It shall, however, obey the order, judgments or decrees of any court or any government instrumentality in the exercise of quasi-judicial functions. In case of such compliance, it shall not be liable by reason thereof to the Alumni or to UP MANILA or to any other person, firm association or corporation, even if, after that, any such other judgment or decree be reversed, modified, annulled, set aside or vacated. The Escrow Agent shall assume no obligation or responsibility other than to make delivery of the Escrow Deposit as herein provided and shall not be bound by any agreement or contract to which it is not a party, whether it has knowledge thereof or not, and this Agreement shall not be altered or amended in any manner without the consent of the Escrow Agent. In the absence of fraud, bad faith, or gross negligence on the part of the Escrow Agent or any person acting in its behalf, the Escrow Agent shall not be liable for any loss or damage to the Escrow Deposit arising out of or in connection with any act done or performed or caused to be done or performed by the Escrow Agent under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or any instructions issued pursuant hereto, nor shall it be liable for any act or omission made in accordance with this Agreement or concerning any action taken by it in good faith, nor of any mistake of fact of error of judgment acted upon in good faith. In case of force majeure such as typhoons, earthquakes, tidal waves and other similar natural catastrophes or fire, war, insurrections, rebellion, coup d' etat, strikes, lock out, or other similar military, political, or civil disturbances, the Escrow Agent shall not be liable for the non- performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement for reasons directly or indirectly, wholly or partly attributable to any of the preceding. Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering Regulations The PRINCIPALS undertake to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering laws and regulations, including the updating of its records and submission of required validation documents with the Escrow Agent at least once every three (3) years or oftener as may be advised by the Escrow Agent or as may be required by its auditors and regulators. Should the PARENTS fail to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering laws and regulations, including the updating of its records and submission of required validation documents, the Escrow Agent is authorized to terminate the account and release the funds to UP MANILA.


  • Information and Reporting The Adviser shall provide the Trust and its respective officers with such periodic reports concerning the obligations the Adviser has assumed under this Agreement as the Trust may from time to time reasonably request.

  • Safeguards Monitoring and Reporting The Borrower shall do the following or cause the Project Executing Agency to do the following:

  • Record Keeping and Reporting The Accredited Entity shall ensure that:

  • Monitoring and Reporting The Programme Operator shall monitor, record and report on progress towards the programme’s outcomes in accordance with the provisions contained in the legal framework. The Programme Operator shall ensure that suitable and sufficient monitoring and reporting arrangements are made with the project promoters in order to enable the Programme Operator and the National Focal Point to meet its obligations to the Donors. When reporting on progress achieved in Annual and Final Programme Reports, the Programme Operator shall disaggregate results achieved as appropriate and in accordance with instructions received from the FMO.

  • Notice and Reports The request for the issuance of a Letter of Credit shall be submitted to the Issuing Lender at least five (5) Business Days prior to the requested date of issuance. The Issuing Lender will promptly upon request provide to the Administrative Agent for dissemination to the Revolving Lenders a detailed report specifying the Letters of Credit which are then issued and outstanding and any activity with respect thereto which may have occurred since the date of any prior report, and including therein, among other things, the account party, the beneficiary, the face amount, expiry date as well as any payments or expirations which may have occurred. The Issuing Lender will further provide to the Administrative Agent promptly upon request copies of the Letters of Credit. The Issuing Lender will provide to the Administrative Agent promptly upon request a summary report of the nature and extent of LOC Obligations then outstanding.

  • Documenting and Reporting Breaches 6.1 Business Associate shall report to Covered Entity any Breach of Unsecured PHI, including Breaches reported to it by a Subcontractor, as soon as it (or any of its employees or agents) becomes aware of any such Breach, and in no case later than two (2) business days after it (or any of its employees or agents) becomes aware of the Breach, except when a law enforcement official determines that a notification would impede a criminal investigation or cause damage to national security. 6.2 Business Associate shall provide Covered Entity with the names of the individuals whose Unsecured PHI has been, or is reasonably believed to have been, the subject of the Breach and any other available information that is required to be given to the affected individuals, as set forth in 45 CFR § 164.404(c), and, if requested by Covered Entity, information necessary for Covered Entity to investigate the impermissible use or disclosure. Business Associate shall continue to provide to Covered Entity information concerning the Breach as it becomes available to it. Business Associate shall require its Subcontractor(s) to agree to these same terms and conditions. 6.3 When Business Associate determines that an impermissible acquisition, use or disclosure of PHI by a member of its workforce is not a Breach, as that term is defined in 45 CFR § 164.402, and therefore does not necessitate notice to the impacted individual(s), it shall document its assessment of risk, conducted as set forth in 45 CFR § 402(2). When requested by Covered Entity, Business Associate shall make its risk assessments available to Covered Entity. It shall also provide Covered Entity with 1) the name of the person(s) making the assessment, 2) a brief summary of the facts, and 3) a brief statement of the reasons supporting the determination of low probability that the PHI had been compromised. When a breach is the responsibility of a member of its Subcontractor’s workforce, Business Associate shall either 1) conduct its own risk assessment and draft a summary of the event and assessment or 2) require its Subcontractor to conduct the assessment and draft a summary of the event. In either case, Business Associate shall make these assessments and reports available to Covered Entity. 6.4 Business Associate shall require, by contract, a Subcontractor to report to Business Associate and Covered Entity any Breach of which the Subcontractor becomes aware, no later than two (2) business days after becomes aware of the Breach.

  • Inspection and Reporting Each Grantor shall permit the Collateral Agent, or any agent or representatives thereof or such attorneys, accountant or other professionals or other Persons as the Collateral Agent may designate (at Grantors’ sole cost and expense) (i) to examine and make copies of and abstracts from any Grantor’s Records and books of account, (ii) to visit and inspect its properties, (iii) to verify materials, leases, Instruments, Accounts, Inventory and other assets of any Grantor from time to time, and (iv) to conduct audits, physical counts, appraisals, valuations and/or examinations at the locations of any Grantor. Each Grantor shall also permit the Collateral Agent, or any agent or representatives thereof or such attorneys, accountants or other professionals or other Persons as the Collateral Agent may designate to discuss such Grantor’s affairs, finances and accounts with any of its directors, officers, managerial employees, attorneys, independent accountants or any of its other representatives. Without limiting the foregoing, the Collateral Agent may, at any time, in the Collateral Agent’s own name, in the name of a nominee of the Collateral Agent, or in the name of any Grantor communicate (by mail, telephone, facsimile or otherwise) with the Account Debtors of such Grantor, parties to contracts with such Grantor and/or obligors in respect of Instruments or Pledged Debt of such Grantor to verify with such Persons, to the Collateral Agent’s satisfaction, the existence, amount, terms of, and any other matter relating to, Accounts, Instruments, Pledged Debt, Chattel Paper, payment intangibles and/or other receivables.