DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Association agrees that its members shall comply in full with departmental rules and regulations, including those relating to conduct and work performance. The Employer agrees that new departmental rules and regulations affecting mandatory subjects of bargaining shall be reviewed with the Association and agreed upon prior to implementation. Nothing in this Article shall prevent the Employer from voluntarily collaborating with the Association on potential new rules and regulations that do not involve mandatory subjects of bargaining.
DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Union agrees that its members shall comply in full with departmental rules and regulations, including those relating to conduct and work performance. The City agrees that new departmental rules and regulations affecting working conditions shall be reviewed with the Union prior to implementation.
DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The EMPLOYER agrees to provide a set of current Concord Fire Department Standard Operating Procedures/Guidelines and Administrative Regulations to each fire station and work location. Changes to such Standard Operating Procedures/Guidelines and Administrative Regulations shall normally be published by posting in all stations and work locations at least ten (10) calendar days prior to becoming effective. Said changes and any Department Directives, Dispatch Directives, and Informational Bulletins shall be copied to the UNION executive board in digital media format.
DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The EMPLOYER agrees to provide a set of current Concord Fire Department Standard Operating Procedures/Guidelines and Administrative Regulations electronically. Changes to such Standard Operating Procedures/Guidelines and Administrative Regulations shall normally be published electronically at least ten (10) calendar days prior to becoming effective.
DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Union recognizes the Darien Police Commission’s right to adopt rules and regulations for the government of the police force in accordance with Section 34 of the Town of Darien Charter. However, any Department rule or regulation inconsistent with an express provision of this Agreement shall be superseded by this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any change or modification, other than de minimis, in any existing Department rule or regulation, to the extent that such change or modification affects the conditions of employment of any member or members of the bargaining unit, shall be subject to bargaining with the Union prior to implementation.
DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Union agrees that its members shall comply in full with Fire Department rules and regulations, including those relating to conduct and work performance. The Employer shall ensure the Fire Department develops and maintains current rules and regulations. Fire Department rules and regulations which affect working conditions and performance shall not be subject to the grievance procedure unless such rules and regulations are in violation of the terms of this Agreement or local, state, and federal standards or laws.
DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The City retains the right to make reasonable modifications or amendments of work rules, and to adopt reasonable new work rules, but no modifications shall be made, and no such new work rules shall be adopted without prior written notice to the Union. For thirty (30) calendar days after such written notice, the Union shall have the right to discuss the work rules and provide input to the City if it so desires. In the event an agreement on the work rules is not reached through this discussion, and the Union contends that any such work rule or amendment or modification is unreasonable, it may file a grievance. In the event a grievance is filed by the Union, the grievance will automatically move to Step 3 of the Grievance process. If the Union does not file a grievance within seven (7) calendar days after the expiration of the 30-day discussion period, the matter shall be closed and the modification or new work rule will become effective. In the event the union grieves the reasonableness of the work rule, the City shall not implement the new work rule or modification of the existing work rule until the expedited grievance and/or arbitration is completed and the arbitrator has issued a decision. Furthermore, if modifications, amendments, or new work rules are proposed and are inconsistent with the existing contractual language, the existing contractual language shall supersede any proposed modification, amendment, or new work rule. The Union and the City will agree to a list of five (5) arbitrators to hear matters related to the reasonableness of work rules. The arbitrator will be selected by lot from this list until an arbitrator who is able to conduct the hearing within sixty (60) days is found. The arbitration hearing must be concluded within sixty (60) days of the conclusion of the negotiation period and the arbitrator must render a decision within thirty (30) calendar days thereafter. Transcripts of the hearing will be permitted, although each party must arrange to have the transcript expedited so as not to delay the process. The parties may file briefs but briefs must be filed within fourteen (14) days of the close of the hearing.
DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Fire Department Rules and Regulations currently in effect shall remain in effect and may be changed only after meeting and conferring with the Association.
DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Association agrees that its members shall comply in full with Fire Department rules and regulations, including those relating to conduct and work performance. The City agrees that departmental rules and regulations and working conditions shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
DEPARTMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Employer may from time to time implement rules and regulations governing the operation of the Department. Any changes or additions to such rules shall be posted for a period of at least thirty (30) calendar days and shall be discussed with the Union prior to implementation. The Union agrees that its members shall comply with all properly adopted Fire Department rules and regulations, including those relating to conduct and work performance. The Employer agrees that noncompliance with Departmental rules and regulations which affect working conditions and performance of work shall be subject to the grievance procedure. Rules and regulations in effect shall be a formal part of this Agreement. Working conditions not specifically addressed in this Agreement shall remain unchanged or affected unless changed by mutual consent. All rules and regulations, as well as this Agreement, shall be reproduced and supplied to each Employee by the Employer within twenty (20) working days at no cost to the Employee.