Description of the Deliverable Sample Clauses
Description of the Deliverable. The task 5.3 aims at investigating and implementing a software module which permits deployment of a distributed application on the most suitable hardware resource. In our vision, a distributed application is a set of software modules which communicate each other through the network (mostly by means of REST API), which is also the general setting of a microservices. Since OpenStack has been chosen as cloud computing manager, one of the aim of this document is describing the modules designed to handle this functionality, such as controlling compute, scheduling resources, deploying instances, migrating workloads and monitoring status of the infrastructure. The practical goal of this task is to extend native functionalities of OpenStack with extra capabilities, tailoring the current modules to OPERA objectives. Specifically, the activities regard integrating, customizing or replacing native software with new code in order to place instances on the most suitable architecture, taking into account consumption profiles of resources. A prototype of a heterogeneous architecture scheduler for OpenStack with focus on energy efficiency will be implemented. ISMB is the task leader since it owns competences on cloud platform (OpenStack), TECH and IBM participate in the development of specific modules and functions for the interaction with operating system/hypervisor level. CSI provides support for real cloud computing application requirements. The final version of the software D5.3 – Cloud software interface, will be delivered on M34 after the refinement cycles defined in the project.
Description of the Deliverable. Deliverable 6.3 compiles the main teaching and learning courses and resources identified by EUN, including a detailed description of the approach used to select the materials and the modalities of promotion of the materials. Although it offers a systematic collection of resources and courses (Annex 1), the deliverable does not constitute a complete list of all teaching materials and learning opportunities currently available in Europe, nor of all the resources identified by EUN, as this would not result on a readable document. The catalogue is instead meant to collect the most commonly shared/used resources and courses with proven high quality and to identify reliable databases where equivalent materials can be found. These databases, and their connection to the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs and more specifically to the DIGITALJOBS project activities, are also described in this document. In order to acknowledge the work of the Grand Coalition pledgers in the teaching and learning strand, the catalogue points out to some of the successful programmes and opportunities which have been implemented as a result of their activities within the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs.
Description of the Deliverable. T2.1:Model based on Poisson occurrences applied to the official seismotectonic zonation ZS9.
Description of the Deliverable. This deliverable presents a specification for Semantic Artefacts descriptions, relying on a new version of the Metadata for Ontology Description and Publication Ontology (MOD) (version 3.2). It emphasises the importance of Semantic Artefacts descriptions in the context of producing data that follows the FAIR Principles, and presents an historical perspective of the evolution of the MOD vocabulary, which has been originally developed [1] in a convergence approach considering three aspects: by exploring existing vocabularies that are useful to describe SAs, by analysing existing SAs descriptions, and by studying the description properties offered by SA-catalogues.
Description of the Deliverable. The QAP will be set up and maintained to monitor all deliverables before finalising them. The deliverable also contains a risk analysis and contingency planning related to Quality Assurance and deliverables.
Description of the Deliverable. This report was compiled as part of the activities of DIGITALJOBS Work Package 6: Attracting people to ICT: innovative learning and teaching, led by XXX. The main objective of WP6 was to boost the supply side for ICT jobs creation through more aligned educational schemes as well as structural changes inside educational systems. To achieve this goal, XXX has implemented the following actions: • Organised regional and European roundtables linking education, training, industry and civil society representatives to identify and exchange best practice in teaching and learning about ICT in primary and secondary schools. • Deployed teacher training, both online and face-to-face in order to encourage educators to take up innovative and best practices in teaching ICT and computer science, and to give young people a more comprehensive view of technology studies and careers. • Identified relevant education materials and programmes, made available by the pledges of the Grand Coalition, and shared them with key education stakeholders. This report builds its conclusions on these activities and on researches and consultations actions undertaken within the DIGITALJOBS project as well as other relevant programmes, which provided with broad understanding of the many approaches and initiatives, both at formal and non forma education, to teaching computer science in innovative ways across Europe. In particular, since May 2014, three dedicated regional workshops have been organised, two questionnaire on computing in the curriculum have been distributed to Ministries of Education, ad hoc desk research has been carried out, high level policy consultations involving education policy makers and ICT sector major companies representatives have been integrated in major events, and finally a European closing workshop took place in Brussels on the 27th of January 2016. Informed by the results of these consultations, special attention was dedicated by XXX to the integration of computing and coding into the formal curriculum as this has proven to be a practice with high potential to change the way the discipline is taught, moving from the use of ICT tools to the understanding of their functioning and their manipulation. The ultimate aim of this report is not only to take stock of the situation of computer science education in the different countries, but also to consider and assess different approaches adopted by Ministries of Education and other stakeholders in order to xxxxxx teaching a...
Description of the Deliverable. Nanoscale 3D imaging of active layers and interfaces in the most promising device architectures: This study will allow the investigation of complex multi-layered systems in which hard and soft materials (polymers) are combined in OPV devices. 3D organization of the photoactive layer and the various interfaces in the device structure, that depend on the materials combination and the chosen processing route, will be investigated and described. Such information will be linked to complementary analytical data (D2.5) to correlate morphological, optical, and electrical properties of the devices.
Description of the Deliverable. 6 1.1 Role of the Deliverable 6
Description of the Deliverable. This report describes the overall online training methodology, including curricula per course, assessment strategy, platform(s) and engagement mechanism for teachers put in place by EUN during the two years of the DIGITALJOBS project. It also summarises the feedback received from trainers and students involved in the courses, and give recommendations for future deployments of the training programmes in across different contexts.
Description of the Deliverable