District Insurance Committee Sample Clauses

District Insurance Committee. Subject to approval of all four (4) District bargaining units the Association shall appoint two (2) of it’s members to serve on the District Insurance Committee with the authority to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on health insurance plan design and level of benefits. The recommendations by the District Insurance Committee are binding on all four (4) District bargaining units. The District Insurance Committee will be composed of two (2) voting members appointed by the District Superintendent, two (2) voting members appointed by the Administrators Association, two (2) voting members appointed by the Classified Association, two (2) voting members appointed by the Nurses Association and two (2) voting members appointed by the Teachers Association. A recommendation to the Board of Trustees requires at least six (6) votes of ten (10) voting members. The Director of Human Resources shall serve as the non-voting chair of the District Insurance Committee.
District Insurance Committee. A joint Administration, CEA and WWEA committee shall be maintained to make recommendations to the Board regarding methods to improve present district insurance programs and to monitor all insurance issues as they occur, including changes in insurance carriers and third party administrators. The committee will be comprised of two (2) representatives of the CEA, three (3) representatives of the Administration, two (2) representatives of the exempt employees and five
District Insurance Committee a. A Health Insurance Committee with up to four (4) members shall be established and maintained with up to two (2) representatives appointed by the Association and up to two (2) representatives appointed by the Superintendent. b. The goal of the committee shall be to make efforts to maintain quality health benefits and stabilize or contain the cost of health benefits. The duties of the committee shall be to review and analyze all pertinent health care and health benefits plan information germane to the purpose of the committee and recommend policy regarding health benefit plans for the District. The Chair shall be chosen annually by consensus. c. The Committee will meet at mutually agreed times, dates and places. The Committee shall arrange base line training on health benefit terminology, trends, and the types of reports and information relevant to its tasks. The Treasurer shall share periodic reports on reserves, claim total, and trends with the Committee members.
District Insurance Committee. The District Insurance Committee (“Committee”) will be continued during the term of this Agreement for the purpose of reviewing avenues and options to contain or decrease the cost of current and future health insurance and to make recommendations concerning same. The Committee will continue to be comprised of, but not limited to, a teacher representative from each building and representatives from each of the teacher assistant staff and the custodial staff. The chair of the Committee shall be a District administrator designated by the Superintendent who shall be responsible for scheduling meetings and preparing written information for each meeting.
District Insurance Committee. 1. PVSEA will have equal representation on the District Insurance Committee. 2. The Committee shall consider, review and make recommendations to the Board on all aspects of Board- purchased insurance programs as provided in this Agreement and other Board policies. 3. Insofar as present insurance coverage and carrier are concerned, the Committee is specifically directed by the parties to make recommendations as to re-bidding. 4. The Board agrees to consider for adoption the recommendations of the Joint Committee.
District Insurance Committee. The District Insurance Committee shall review and make recommendations to all District employee groups and the Board of Trustees on matters concerning the District’s Health and Dental insurance program. This committee shall be composed of representatives selected from each of the District’s employee groups based on a pro-rata depending on total membership. The total size of the committee shall not exceed ten members plus two administrators, one of which must be the plan administra- tor. This Committee shall function for the duration of the agreement.
District Insurance Committee. Due to the historical costs associated with health insurance premiums and changes in the health insurance industry, the District and CIEA recognize a need to evaluate the insurance situation and to gather information to address the options available for insuring the District’s personnel. CREATE THE COMMITTEE Both District and CIEA select personnel to serve on committee HOW MANY: 1 employee from each GHS, GEMS, CVHS, CVE; make sure it includes Administration and Business Office Personnel Among the considerations that the Insurance Committee should review, include the following: 1. Research all possible carriers/providers for all coverage- medical dental, and vision- with review of all coverage provided and premium costs. Identify the health care providers in the District’s region who are included as providers under each of the respective plan options. 2. Identify other local school districts using the same carriers/providers and obtain information as to the satisfaction of the District and of the employees who are using these providers. 3. Research the impact to premium and overall District costs associated with dropping and/or modifying the option of providing spouse/dependent coverage/costs. 4. Engage in a background check, including BBB review, of any new carrier/provider being considered. 5. Research the impact to all District employees associated with the possibility of the employee covering partial payments. 6. Engage in a cost/benefit analysis with regard to decreased premium costs and the possible increase of deductibles. 7. Research the impact of Wellness Plans on the premium costs to the District. 8. Research regarding employee satisfaction with the current insurance carrier. If the parties to this Agreement enter into negotiations for the ensuing contract year, it would be the request that each party’s negotiation team include a member of the District’s Insurance Committee and that the Committee commence its work in April.
District Insurance Committee. Establishment of the Committee The Association and the Board agree to establish a standing, joint Insurance Committee (IC) for the purpose of maintaining and advising on insurance coverage including, but not limited to, changes to member insurance coverage, possible changes in premiums, options available for comparable insurance coverage and comparison of insurance policies available.
District Insurance Committee. A joint insurance committee shall be formed, consisting of five (5) members from the WCEA, WCCEA, and Administration, with duties to study hospitalization/health care plan alternatives, to review potential premiums, and to recommend the type and carrier of the health insurance program and the benefit levels to be provided. The Committee will meet at least once per quarter and meetings will be scheduled through the Business Manager’s Office. Any changes in type or benefit levels of the health insurance program will be contingent on approval of the interested parties.
District Insurance Committee. The Union shall participate on the District Insurance Committee, which consists of members of UE, DCTA, OAPSE and administration and which will meet quarterly. This committee’s responsibilities shall include: monitoring insurance costs; reviewing and recommending modifications to benefits; participating in discussions in selection of insurance carriers and/or third party administrators for the health benefits plan and to develop such proposals as the committee deems appropriate concerning the level of health care insurance benefits.