Ethical aspects. It is the responsibility of the contractor to safeguard the rights and welfare of human subjects involved in research performed under this agreement, in accordance with the appropriate national code of ethics or legislation, if any, and in the absence thereof, the Helsinki Declaration and any subsequent amendments. Prior to commencing any such research, the contractor shall ensure that (a) the rights and welfare of the subjects involved in the research are adequately protected, (b) freely given informed consent has been obtained for all participants, (c) the balance between risk and potential benefits involved has been assessed and deemed acceptable by a panel of independent experts appointed by the contractor, and (d) any special national requirements have been met.
Ethical aspects. Ethical aspects related to collection and use of data in MULTI-STR3AM are mostly related to personal data, for example those collected in connection with stakeholder interviews, discussions with policy makers and names and for the purpose of newsletter signup. The collection and use of such data should be kept to a minimum and only on a “need to know” basis. With guidance from the Data Management Officer, each project partner is responsible for complying with their own Data Protection Policy and GDPR rules.
Ethical aspects. An ethics screening was done at the project proposal stage and in the grant agreement preparation of the project. No noteworthy ethics issues were identified. Informed consent for personal data where it regards photos or videos is handled through the consent form as part of WP8. For preservation of these data, where project beneficiaries are the data controllers, these are handled in conformity with the data protection statement (as referenced in the consent form).
Ethical aspects. Clinical and patient sequencing data fall under sensitive personal data and access to them must be restricted and monitored. These are covered in more detail by the (confidential) project ethics deliverables D13.1 (D52) H - Requirement No. 1, D13.2 (D53) H - Requirement No. 2, D13.4 (D55) POPD - Requirement No. 4, and D13.5 (D5) POPD - Requirement No.
Ethical aspects. The ethical aspects of collecting and storing data in MEESO are treated in three separate deliverables on ethics. These deliverables will include: - The procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants. - The informed consent procedures that will be implemented for the participation of humans. - Templates of the informed consent forms and information sheets covering the voluntary participation and data protection issues (in language and terms intelligible to the participants) must be kept on file (to be specified in the grant agreement). - The English version of the templates of the informed consent forms and information sheets. - Details on the experiments to be conducted and information on the procedures to ensure animal welfare and adherence to the Three Rs principle.
Ethical aspects. 21
8.1 Are there any ethical or legal issues that can have an impact on data sharing? 21
Ethical aspects. <3.8 – Ethical aspects of the proposal>
Ethical aspects. According to the Annex 1 of Grant Agreement 814389, the SPIDER Consortium has taken into account all ethical issues listed in the H2020 participant portal for the call topic “Materials for future highly performant electrified vehicle batteries”. The consortium is committed to demonstrating research integrity, which means, in particular, avoiding falsification, plagiarism or other research misconduct. More precisely, all the activities carried out under the SPIDER project comply with ethical principles and relevant national, EU and international legislation, for example the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights. The project does not involve research on humans, animals or cells. In any case, all the partners will follow their internal protocols to treat any material according to the national law and EU legislation. All chemical waste will be collected and processed by a central facility that respects regulations and environmental and health best practices. All waste will be recycled or appropriately disposed of.
Ethical aspects. All personal data collected within the LAST-JD-RioE project from questionnaires, interviewers, surveys and focus groups are carefully protected in compliance with relevant national data protection legislation of the EU member states implementing the European directive 95/46/EC and with the procedures defined by the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. As a general principle, personal data resulting from the focus groups, interviews, observation and questionnaires will be separated from the research results and will be handled by different members of the research team. In regard to the respondents in the survey, they will be selected at random and their name and address will not be recorded. The data will be stored in a way not to allow the identification of the subject, adopting measures for anonymization (i.e. names replaced by initials or pseudonyms); results of questionnaires and interviews will be transmitted or made available to the other project partners as anonymous data. In principle, research will not involve personal sensitive data. Notwithstanding, in certain circumstances, data collected during interviews and focus groups may potentially be sensitive (e.g. participants might disclose political opinions). Only personal characteristics that are strictly necessary, for theoretical reasons and to the benefit of the research, will be collected; such characteristics may be used to compare participants and it will be clarified how such characteristics help to shape their views and opinions. Files containing questionnaire data for statistical analysis, transcripts of interviews and focus groups, transcripts of field observations, photos, minutes, videos, action diaries, etc.) are stored in computers, laptops, intranets or hard-drives of the research institutions accessible through institutional password modified periodically (every 3 months in case of storage of sensitive data), and protected by regularly updated antiviruses. Files containing “sensitive” data will be stored encrypted. Password-protected and encrypted files are accessible only to authorized members of the research teams receiving preliminarily specific information and training on the procedures for data collection, storage etc. None of the project data will be left inadvertently available by being left on desks or in unlocked rooms. All the research materials stored in computers are subjected to back up regularly (according to each institutions’ regulations) in order to safe...
Ethical aspects. All the CarE-Service project partners must carry out the action in compliance with ethical principles (including the highest standards of research integrity) and applicable international, EU and national law. The partners must respect the highest standards of research integrity - as set out, for instance, in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (Article 34, Grant Agreement). CarE-Service does not intend to collect, store and/or process sensitive data (health, genetic or biometric data). CarE-Service may collect, store and keep on track both “anonymously” and “non-anonymously” non-sensitive personal data. Non-anonymous personal data will be collected only in case this will be needed to achieve the targets of the project. In this case, with full freedom/awareness of the data subject will be ensured. For this purpose, a dedicated space for the consent of data subject on the non-anonymous data collection is present in the designed consent forms (Deliverable 10.1). CarE-Service may collect personal data from members of the consortium and other participants for several reasons as questionnaires or surveys, meetings, conferences etc., In all cases the partners must follow the standard procedure of getting authorization from the members to show and distribute the results, the videos the images etc. to the public. In CarE-Service, the data collection as well as processing will be fully based on consent/assent of the data subject. Regarding the general personal data collection within CarE-Service project, the data subjects’ consent/assent will be given in the context of a written declaration (by signing the forms). The templates of the informed consent/assent forms are devised to be fully compliant with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The informed consent form is written in English and also translated and available in four more languages (German, Spanish, Italian and French) (Deliverable 10.1, §3.1 and Appendix A1, B1, C1, D1). CarE-Service partners must keep confidential any data, documents or other material (in any form) that is identified as confidential at the time it is disclosed (“confidential information”).