EVALUATION OF CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEES. 5.01 Evaluation goals and intentions
EVALUATION OF CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEES. 12.1 These provisions constitute the procedures to be utilized for the evaluation and assessment of the instructional performance of certificated employees. 12.1.1 The evaluations shall relate to: a. The progress of pupils toward the established standards of expected student achievement. b. The instructional techniques and strategies used by the employee. c. The employee's adherence to curricular objectives. d. The performance of non-instructional duties and responsibilities as set forth on adopted evaluation forms. e. The establishment and maintenance of a suitable learning environment within the scope of the employee's responsibility. f. Compliance with the Employer's rules, regulations, and policies and applicable state and federal laws and regulations. 12.1.2 It is the responsibility of the San Xxxx Obispo County Superintendent acting as the chief administrative agent or designee to evaluate or provide for the evaluation of each certificated employee. 12.1.3 Evaluation and assessment of certificated employees’ competence, pursuant to this article, shall not include the use of publishers’ norms established by standardized tests. 12.1.4 See attached (Appendix C). 12.1.5 In the written evaluation, the evaluator shall cite specific qualities, abilities, or deficiencies. Any statement concerning instructional competency by another GCCS Administrator shall be submitted in writing and shall be verified by the evaluator prior to inclusion in the written evaluation. The evaluation conference shall be conducted during non-student contact time unless appropriate supervision is provided. Following the evaluation conference, the employee shall sign the evaluation to indicate that it has been reviewed and that the employee has received a copy. The employee's signature does not necessarily signify agreement with the evaluation. The employee may prepare and submit a written response to the written evaluation within 10 workdays of the review. Following the 10-day response period, the evaluation and response, if any, shall be placed in the employee's personnel file. If deficiencies are noted, the evaluator may provide, or the employee may request, further continued periodic observations and conferences. If subsequent remedial actions on the part of the employee sufficiently modify the employee's performance and identified deficiencies to the satisfaction of the evaluator, a notification to that effect shall ...
EVALUATION OF CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEES. Purpose 9 2. Elements 9-11‌‌ 3. Personnel File 11 4. Five Year Evaluation Option 12‌