Unsatisfactory Evaluation Sample Clauses

Unsatisfactory Evaluation. If the overall rating is “unsatisfactory,” the evaluation team shall forward the evaluation report to the appropriate Vice President for administrative review. a. If the evaluatee receives an overall rating of “unsatisfactory,” the evaluatee will not be eligible for, overload, and/or summer session assignment(s). b. If the evaluatee successfully completes each requirement of the remediation plan and, receives an overall “satisfactory” rating in the follow-up evaluation report he/she will be eligible for overload and/or summer session assignment(s).
Unsatisfactory Evaluation. The Committee shall recommend that no contract be offered for the following two academic years.
Unsatisfactory Evaluation. An unsatisfactory evaluation shall be defined as a rating of "Improvement Needed" or "Remediation Required" in one-half or more of the required standard assessment areas: three (3) or more areas (of six (6) required) for probationary teachers. For permanent teachers, an unsatisfactory evaluation shall be defined as a rating of "Improvement Needed" or "Remediation Required", in one or more areas. In the case of an unsatisfactory on any part of the evaluation(s), the site supervisor shall take action to assist the unit member in correcting the cited deficiencies.
Unsatisfactory Evaluation. 4.7.1 A written unsatisfactory evaluation shall be defined as receiving a rating of one (1) or two (2) for a minimum of three (3) of the seven (7) performance factors listed on the Performance Evaluation Report. 4.7.2 Once an employee receives an unsatisfactory evaluation, the employee shall be given a written improvement plan that clearly documents the actions to be taken to receive a satisfactory evaluation. 4.7.3 Sixty (60) calendar days after an unsatisfactory evaluation is placed in the personnel file, a follow-up evaluation shall be written. The follow-up evaluation will be based on the improvement plan and additional objectives listed on the evaluation that recorded the unsatisfactory performance.
Unsatisfactory Evaluation. An employee whose performance is evaluated as Unsatisfactory shall not receive a scheduled pay increase during the period that such evaluation is in effect. If an employee’s evaluation improves to Meets Expectations or Needs Improvement during a period of no more than 40 days after the effective date of a pay increase, the employee shall be provided the pay increase on a prospective basis from the date of such evaluation.
Unsatisfactory Evaluation. 1. If, after the evaluation conducted pursuant to Article 10.1.1 of this Agreement, the performance of the employee is judged to have area(s) that are unsatisfactory, the supervisor will provide the employee written suggestions for improvement. A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) may be mutually developed only with the approval of the appropriate SA and will be implemented immediately upon completion. The PIP will be in effect for a period of not less than one (1) quarter. 2. The supervisor will meet with the employee at least twice per month to review progress of the employee and to make suggestions for improving deficiencies. 3. At the end of the quarter, the supervisor will submit a progress report to the appropriate SA and the employee. 4. Upon successful completion of the employee’s PIP, the improved performance shall be so noted and attached to the relevant evaluation in the employee’s personnel file. 5. If after the first quarter, unsatisfactory performance continues the supervisor will choose to continue the employee’s PIP or create a new PIP, or move to progressive discipline in section 10.3(Discipline).
Unsatisfactory Evaluation. If the Superintendent determines that the Assistant Superintendent’s overall evaluation is “unsatisfactory,” then this Agreement will not be extended.
Unsatisfactory Evaluation. If student evaluations, oral or written complaints, classroom visits, or evaluation of the performance of other services, identify recurring and serious problems, an Amelioration Committee shall be formed by the end of the first week of the semester following that of the original evaluation. This committee shall consist of the Division Chairperson/immediate supervisor; one of the peers who served on the original evaluation committee; a district representative (who may be the evaluatee’s immediate supervisor if he/she is not a member of the unit) designated by the Superintendent/President; and an independent facilitator from outside the college, who will chair the committee. In the event that the evaluatee’s immediate supervisor is not a member of the unit, the Senate Committee on Committees and the immediate supervisor shall choose a tenured peer from within the evaluatee’s department/division to serve on the Amelioration Committee and to chair the Committee when it conducts the follow up evaluation described in paragraph five below. The District and the Association shall mutually agree upon the choice of the facilitator. The facilitator must be knowledgeable about educational and instructional issues, skilled in interpersonal communication and conflict resolution, and also skilled in guiding the development of a specific action plan including steps to ameliorate the identified problems. A plan for improvement, including specific indices for measuring progress, shall be developed jointly by the Amelioration Committee and the evaluatee by the end of the sixth week of the semester in which the Committee was formed and will be positively directed at assisting the evaluatee in amelioration of the identified problems. This plan shall be appended to the previous Committee Report, and a copy shall be given to the evaluatee. A complete evaluation following the appropriate procedures described in Section 14.3.2 for tenured faculty shall be conducted in the semester following the establishment of the Amelioration Committee. However the components of this evaluation (which may include reviews of previous Evaluation Final Reports) shall be specified by the Amelioration Committee, which shall henceforth function as the Evaluation Committee. However, the Division Chairperson/immediate supervisor shall now act as the Committee Chairperson, and the facilitator shall participate in order to continue to help the evaluatee to successfully resolve the issues identified in his...
Unsatisfactory Evaluation. If an employee receives a less than satisfactory evaluation, a Plan of Assistance shall be developed within ten (10) work days by the employee and the supervisor. Such Plan shall set forth the specific reasons the employee’s work is unsatisfactory, an identification of the specific ways in which the employee is to improve, the assistance to be given by the Employer towards improvement and specific target dates for improvement. The employee may have a representative of the Association present during any consultations regarding the Plan of Assistance.
Unsatisfactory Evaluation. 12.3.1 When an evaluation indicates that performance or conduct is unsatisfactory, the employee shall have a reasonable period of time, where appropriate, as determined by the immediate manager, to correct the unsatisfactory performance or conduct. Where appropriate, specific recommendations for improvement and provisions for assisting the employee in meeting these recommendations shall be given to the employee. A subsequent re- evaluation shall be given at the end of the reasonable period of time. 12.3.2 An unsatisfactory evaluation shall make an employee ineligible for continued lateral movement, longevity, or professional growth increments on the salary schedule until there is a satisfactory evaluation. This element of the evaluation process shall be subject to the grievance process. 12.3.3 Employees shall be provided a copy of all written evaluation material that directly affects an evaluation prior to its being placed in the District personnel file. The employee shall be entitled to respond to the material within ten (10) working days of its receipt and have such response attached to the material placed in the file.