Fee Limits Sample Clauses
Fee Limits. 3.1 We will charge a fee of £3,000 for our full-time postgraduate ITT course from the 2006/07 academic year. The fee limit will rise with inflation (in line with annually published Government regulations).
Fee Limits. This agreement applies to all courses which are prescribed higher education qualifications under the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. The fee charges for indirectly funded provision offered at the College will be determined by the University providing the funding. Students included within this agreement: Full-time students who are eligible to pay EU tuition fees. Part time students and non-EU students recruited to provision offered at Leeds City College are subject to fees determined by the College, which are reviewed annually by the College Board of Governors. This access agreement is reviewed annually by the College Executive Leadership Team. In 2018 19 the following charges will apply. Component FT Home/EU undergraduate fee PT Home/EU undergraduate fee LCC £7,250 £3,625 LCoM £9,250 n/a In future years we anticipate increasing this fee in line with the annual increase set by the Government each year. For expected student numbers see Xxxxx X 3. Access and Student Success Measures Proportion of additional fee income Expenditure 2018/19 Access & Outreach Activities 3..4% £150,000 Student success 6.2% £270,000 Progression 0.2% £10,000 Financial support 13.4% £583,121 Total expenditure 23.2% £,1013,121 Estimates for 2019/20 onwards are given in Annex B The additional fee income over the period will be used to: Across the Group: Provide a bursary for students with household income levels of less than £42,875 Support progression throughout the student lifecycle. Support students with disabilities and learning difficulties, through diagnostic testing; mentoring for students who do not qualify for DSA or whose assessment has been delayed, particularly where there are mental health issues; funding for transition work for disabled students at the start and end of their studies; and funding for specialist educational diagnosis of autism. At Leeds City College: Provide direct support for students during their study at the College (e.g. study skills such as academic writing, enterprise skills, pastoral) Provide support for Level 3 students to prepare them for entering HE by providing tuition in academic skills such as referencing, research, academic writing and independent study) See S5 for more details Provide academic skills support for those studying degree apprenticeships, in order to ensure that they have the necessary academic skills to succeed in HE Develop progression arrangements with local schools and other providers to promote acce...
Fee Limits. This agreement applies to all courses for which Leeds City College currently receives funding directly from the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The fee charges for indirectly funded provision offered at the College will be determined by the University providing the funding. Students included within this agreement: Full-time students who are eligible to pay EU tuition fees are included within this agreement. Part time students and non-EU students recruited to provision offered at Leeds City College are subject to fees determined by the College, which are reviewed annually by the College Board of Governors. This access agreement is reviewed annually by the College Executive Leadership Team. In 2016-17, the following charges will apply. Component FT Home/EU undergraduate fee PT Home/EU undergraduate fee LCC £6,750 £3375 LCoM £9,000 n/a In future years we anticipate increasing this fee in line with the annual increase set by the Government each year. The higher level fee will not apply to current students on programmes commencing before 1 September 2012. For expected student numbers see Xxxxx X 3. Access and Student Success Measures Proportion of additional fee income Expenditure 2016/17 Financial support for undergraduate students 19.5% £716,500 Access Expenditure 3.8% £141,500 Student Success 6.8% £250,000 Progression Expenditure 0.3% £10,000 Total expenditure 30.4% £1,118,000 Estimates for 2015/16 onwards are given in Annex B The additional fee income over the period of the income will be used to: • Provide fee waivers for eligible students • Provide a bursary for students with household income levels of less than £42,600 • Provide direct support for students during their study at the College (e.g. study skills such as academic writing, enterprise skills, pastoral) • Provide support for Level 3 students to prepare them for entering HE by providing tuition in academic skills such as referencing, research, academic writing and independent study) See S5 for more details • Provide opportunities for those studying an apprenticeship to enter HE to equip the student with the necessary academic skills to succeed in HE • Develop progression agreements with local schools and other providers to promote access to HE particularly in disadvantaged areas • Support progression throughout the student lifecycle. • Provide an applicants’ bursary, refunding audition fees and travel costs for Home applicants who meet specific income-related criteria to ensure that...
Fee Limits. 2.1. Courses covered by the agreement
Fee Limits. In 2011-12 the University proposes to set a maximum fee of £3,375 for all full- time first degree courses for UK and EU students. In subsequent years we propose to raise the fee by the inflationary increase, as determined by Parliament. Fees for full-time HND, HNC, Foundation Year 0 and Foundation Degree courses will also attract a maximum fee of £3,375. In some cases, the university may decide to set a lower fee. Full details of any other such reductions will be available on the university’s website xxx.xxx.xx.xx
Fee Limits. 4.1 We will charge a fee of up to £3,145 for all of our full-time postgraduate ITT courses leading to Qualified Teacher Status from the 2008/09 academic year. This agreement is for 5 years. The fee limit will rise with inflation (in line with annually published Government regulations).
4.2 The actual fees charged for the September 2008 are yet to be determined. The fee levels will be reviewed annually in the light of:- • the impact of the fees on increasing the number of successful outcomes from under-represented groups • the impact of the fees in recruiting suitable applicants to the course
Fee Limits. 2.1 Newcastle University will charge an annual (home rate) tuition fee of £3,1452 for all of its eligible full-time undergraduate degree programmes and for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) programme in the academic year 2008-09 (i.e. from September 2008).
2.2 Undergraduate programmes (or parts of programmes) funded under contract by the Department of Health will not be subject to the variable fee of £3,145 (At Newcastle University, this currently includes the following programmes: Speech and Language Sciences; the fifth year of the 5 year programmes in Medicine and Dentistry; years two, three and four of the four-year accelerated Medicine degree for graduates).
2.3 Students on four-year programmes who are undertaking a one-year placement, or a year abroad, as a compulsory part of their degree programme, will be liable to pay the relevant proportion of the annual tuition fee (25% of the full fee, i.e. £786.25 in 2008-09).
2.4 Subject to regulations published by the government each year, the annual home rate of tuition fee charged by the University is expected to increase to reflect inflation. The fee is reviewed annually, in the light of guidance from the DIUS, and the amount payable in any given year will be published in advance by the University in the relevant publicity materials, including the University website.
2.5 The University’s bursaries and other financial support offered to eligible students are reviewed each year.
1 The University is reviewing its Access Agreement and Bursary scheme for 2009 entry. 2 The fee for subsequent years will be reviewed annually in the light of DIUS advice.
2.6 Students who are offered a place at the University will be informed of the total fees payable for the duration of their programme of study (based on estimates of the likely fee amounts to be confirmed by the DIUS each year).
Fee Limits. This agreement applies to all courses for which Leeds City College currently receives funding directly from the Higher Education Funding Council for England. The fee charges for indirectly funded provision offered at the College will be determined by the University providing the funding. Students included within this agreement: Full-time students who are eligible to pay EU tuition fees are included within this agreement. Part time students and non-EU students recruited to provision offered at Leeds City College are subject to fees determined by the College, which are reviewed annually by the College Board of Governors. This access agreement is reviewed annually by the College Executive Leadership Team. In 2012-2013, we intend to charge new students £6,200 per annum for full-time undergraduate courses. In future years we anticipate increasing this fee in line with the annual increase set by the Government each year. The higher level fee will not apply to current students on programmes commencing before 1 September 2012.
Fee Limits. 4.1 The University’s intention is to charge all Home and other EU undergraduates studying for a first degree, irrespective of course, and who were admitted between 1 September 2012 and before 1 September 2017 the tuition fee39 set at the amount determined by the Secretary of State as the higher rate under Part III of the Higher Education Act 2004.40 We anticipate that the fee will be £9,000; the same rate of tuition fee will apply to UK and other EU students admitted to the PGCE.
4.2 The University intends to participate in the first year of the TEF and will therefore raise the fee charged to Home and EU undergraduate and PGCE students admitted from 1 September 2017 in line with the inflation-adjusted fee cap announced by the Government. We anticipate that the fee will be £9,250 in 2017-18, and that new and continuing students in future years may be subject to annual or other periodic fee increases. We are confident that it will be possible to make these proposed increases in fees in compliance with consumer law.
4.3 At the time of drafting this Access Agreement it is not known what impact the outcome of the recent referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU will have on UK policy on higher education tuition fees, loans and bursaries. Our intention for 2017-18 is to continue to charge EU students at the UK fee rate applicable at the time, provided this continues to be permitted by UK law.
4.4 Those undergraduates who are undertaking an Erasmus year abroad or an overseas year of study as part of their undergraduate course will be charged a fee at the maximum we are permitted to charge. Subject to approval by the University, that is expected to be £1,350. However, the year abroad fee will also increase in future years for students admitted after 1 September 2017 in line with government guidance.
4.5 Any student deemed to be continuing studies that were commenced before 1 September 2012 will be subject to the fee regime applicable to pre-2012 entrants.
4.6 It is estimated that by 2016-17 (ie the point at which it is expected that almost all undergraduate students will have been admitted under the new system introduced in 2012) and subject to any controls operated by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), approximately 10,000 undergraduate students and 400 PGCE students admitted to the University will be paying the higher rate of tuition fee. This would produce an additional fee income above the standard rate of c. £30.9 million.
Fee Limits. 3.1 In the 2006/07 academic year we will charge a tuition fee of £1,200. We have not yet decided our fee for subsequent academic years but we reserve the right to charge a fee of £3,000 for our full-time postgraduate ITT course from the 2007/08 academic year. The fee limit will rise with inflation (in line with annually published Government regulations).