Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. Arrangements will be introduced to report on the impact of this Agreement through the following;
Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. All student statistics are received and analysed by the University’s Senate. It will be the responsibility of Senate to monitor the University’s progress towards its student participation targets and to recommend remedial action where necessary.
Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. The existing annual monitoring reporting systems will be extended to include the activities identified in the Access Agreement. This already requires individual areas of activity to report against specific goals and targets. UCAS statistics will be used to monitor the institution’s success in increasing its pool of applicants from the target groups. The activities associated with outreach posts will be closely monitored, with regular reports to the member of the Executive Group with managerial responsibility for these areas. The institution’s Executive Group will also receive a quarterly report of progress. An annual monitoring report will be presented to Academic Board and to the Board of Governors. The report will evaluate the administration of the bursary scheme and the outreach activities undertaken, and their impact on the institution’s progress towards meeting its milestones for increasing recruitment from the under represented groups.
Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. Monitoring of compliance and progress will build on the tools the University has developed, and continues to refine, on recruitment, admissions and retention. This data will enable us to analyse student cohorts from the moment of engagement prior to application, through application, admissions, enrolment and retention and, finally, into employment. The University will be monitoring annually the composition of its full time home undergraduate population, using a range of internal and external WP indicators. Monitoring will be undertaken by the University Planning Office, and data will be regularly viewed by the appropriate individuals and committees across the University.
Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. Aston University monitors the Access agreement and progress against the milestones, through the WPTG. This group, which has high level cross- University representation, is chaired by a Pro-Vice-Chancellor and reports to the Academic Planning and Resources Committee and thereby to the Senate. The WPTG is also responsible for monitoring the use of Widening Participation funding and the fulfilment of the University’s Widening Participation Strategy. The University will report on performance in achieving the Access Performance Indicator benchmarks in the Annual Monitoring Statement to HEFCE.
Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. The college will undertake an annual monitoring process of this Access Agreement to confirm compliance and progress towards the objectives and milestones it has set. Monitoring reports will be presented annually to the college’s Governing Body.
Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. Swindon College will undertake annual monitoring of this access agreement to confirm compliance and progress towards the achievement of the milestones it has established.
Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. The College’s Heads of Higher Education (Curriculum & Quality) undertake regular monitoring of information provided by University partners and the College’s registry department including applications, intake, retention and employability. They assess impact, access and progress against targets and report to members of the College’s HE Committee. The reports are scheduled to align to the College’s annual quality cycle and allow sufficient time for any reasonable adjustments to ensure compliance with this agreement.
Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. The University monitors admissions data, student performance and the quality of the student experience very carefully. This includes reflection by all departments on the performance of students from under-represented groups as part of the Annual Review of Teaching Quality, a core component of the University’s internal quality assurance process. Milestones and targets relating to the Access Agreement will form part of the Widening Participation Strategy and other internal key performance indicators, and will be incorporated in the University’s ongoing risk analysis activity. Monitoring of progress against plans and milestones set out in the Access Agreement will be undertaken specifically by the Learning and Teaching Development Group, which is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of both the University’s Widening Participation Strategy and its Learning and Teaching Strategy. The Learning and Teaching Development Group is a sub-committee of the Learning and Teaching Committee which in turn reports to the University’s Senate. Further monitoring and reporting will be undertaken as part of the Corporate Planning process and reported to the University’s Strategic Planning Committee and Council. Progress against milestones identified within the Agreement will be submitted to HEFCE via the University’s Annual Monitoring Statement at the end of each academic session. ACE – Aiming for College Education Aimhigher - The Aimhigher Programme (formerly Excellence Challenge) supports a range of activities including collaborative working between schools, colleges and higher education institutions in order to increase the educational attainment and aspirations of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Compact Scheme - The University of Sheffield Compact Scheme offers 'special consideration' to eligible applicants from participating Schools and Colleges in the region. Participants are identified as pupils whose studies have been disrupted or adversely affected by circumstances in their personal, social or domestic life and/or whose only Higher Education option is to attend one of their local universities, and who are therefore more dependent than most on an offer from the University of Sheffield. G&T – Gifted and Talented – pupils who demonstrate potential for high achievement HE – Higher Education HEFCE – Higher Education Funding Council for England HEI – Higher Education Institution HESA – Higher Education Statistics Agency LEA – Local Educa...
Institutional Monitoring Arrangements. Lakes College undertakes to monitor compliance with the commitments made under this agreement. The following indicators will be monitored annually