Filing of Grievance Sample Clauses

Filing of Grievance. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the Grievance rendered pursuant to Article XIII(E) (1), or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) days after meeting with the Principal, the Association may appeal the Grievance to the Director within ten (10) days after the decision.
Filing of Grievance. The Notice to Arbitrate shall set out the name and address of the complainant, the name and address of the respondent, the details of the complaint and the relief sought. The Respondent and the Complainant will endeavour to use their best efforts to expedite the arbitration process once a Notice to Arbitrate has been served.
Filing of GrievanceThe ASSOCIATION President or an aggrieved Officer who desires to file a grievance under this procedure must file his/her grievance with the Association Grievance Committee within thirty (30) business days after the ASSOCIATION President or the Officer knew of or should have known of the facts or event(s) giving rise to the grievance. A copy of the grievance shall be forwarded to the Chief of Police, or designee, by the Association Grievance Committee within three (3) business days after receipt of the grievance.
Filing of GrievanceIn the event a Grievance is not resolved at the informal level, or if no decision has been rendered within ten (10) days after the informal-level disposition of the Grievance, the Association may file the written Grievance with the Principal.
Filing of Grievance. If the Association and/or employee believes there may be a grievance regarding specific provisions of this Agreement, then the Association must file said grievance within thirty (30) calendar days of its occurrence. Failure to file the grievance within thirty (30) calendar days of its occurrence results in said grievance being forever waived and lost and no longer grievable at any time. Failure to pursue a grievance to the next step of the grievance procedure results in the last response being the final and binding conclusion of the grievance. To be a valid grievance, the grievance must set forth the facts, the specific section(s) of the contract which were allegedly violated and the specific remedy requested.
Filing of Grievance. Any grievance challenging the discharge or termination of an employee may be commenced at the step prior to the final step of the grievance procedure, provided that it is filed not later than seven (7) calendar days after the date of the action taken by the City.
Filing of Grievance. The Union Representative shall file grievances on behalf of Local No. 243.
Filing of Grievance. ‌ In order for an employee to file a grievance, the employee must raise the issue with the immediate supervisor or Department Director, in writing, within 15 business days after the employee knew or, by reasonable diligence, should have known of the circumstances giving rise to the grievance and should be subject to all processing set forth herein.
Filing of Grievance. 1. A grievance will be filed in writing by PRN with the Chief Human Resources Officer within the time frames set forth in Section 2, C. PRN will use an official grievance form obtained from the Human Resources Department which contains the information listed below. The grievance form will be dated in the Human Resources Department upon receipt. PRN will receive a dated copy of the grievance form at that time.
Filing of Grievance a. The Union will file formal notice of Grievance in writing to Human Resources. b. The matter may be referred to the Informal Conflict Resolution process with the agreement of all parties.