Full Inclusion. The District and the Union agree to continue negotiations on the subjects of “Full Inclusion” and DIS Aides. SUPPLEMENT 3
Full Inclusion. 100.00. The Full Inclusion Planning Team shall determine the utilization 2 of such funds to support full inclusion at their site.
Full Inclusion. Special Day Class students who are placed full-time into a regular education classroom for whom curricular, and/or behavioral modifications are needed. Full inclusion is that special education option determined by an IEP team that places a severely handicapped student in an age appropriate regular education classroom on a full-time basis. The included student is handicapped to such a degree that significant curricular modifications are required which necessitate the collaboration of regular and special education teachers. Special Education services which these students require will still be provided, i.e. hearing aids, Braille machine, etc. There is no prerequisite for the student to be included in the regular classroom and the student is not expected to meet the same curricular and/or behavioral standards. Behavioral intervention documents may be utilized to assist the inclusion process. The above does not include students who are deaf/hard of hearing, orthopedically impaired, visually impaired, or other health impaired as their sole handicapping condition.
Full Inclusion. A student with a moderate to severe disability who participates for the full school day in a general education classroom is considered to be in a full inclusion placement. The student is exposed to the general education curriculum and modifications and accommodations to this program are made in collaboration with special education staff. The student is not expected to meet all general education standards but rather meet goals established by the special education staff in collaboration with the general education teacher and other IEP team members. Social skill development can be a primary benefit to the student’s participation in a full inclusion placement rather than academic achievement.
Full Inclusion. See 13.3.1 above for a definition of Full Inclusion.
13.4.1: The District shall initially seek a volunteer from the affected site before assigning a full-inclusion student to a class roster.
13.4.2: A teacher who is assigned one (1) or more full-inclusion students shall be notified as early as possible regarding the enrollment of such a student in his/her class.
13.4.3: Prior to the first day of attendance of a student previously identified by the District as a full-inclusion student, the teacher shall be informed of the student’s medical needs, receive a copy of the District’s medical emergency plan for that student and a copy of the student’s IEP. If the student is new to the District, all pertinent medical information and the IEP will be given to the teacher within five (5) days after the District receives the information from the former district.
13.4.4: The District shall provide the following to a teacher who has been assigned a full- inclusion student: ● staff development; ● appropriate curricular and adaptive instructional materials and equipment; ● support from a District specialist or resource teacher.
13.4.5: In addition, the District may offer the following to a teacher who has been assigned a full-inclusion student: ● use of a classroom aide; ● extra materials; ● transition support through release time by both the former teacher and the full-inclusion teacher.
13.4.6: The District shall count the full-inclusion student toward the class size of the regular teacher to whom the student is assigned. Unless the teacher of the full- inclusion student agrees otherwise, his/her class roster shall be the last roster to reach maximum class size for that grade level at the school site.
Full Inclusion. The District agrees not to implement full-inclusion until bargaining the impact upon bargaining unit members.
Full Inclusion. The Association and the District shall meet annually to determine the specific support that will be provided to general education bargaining unit members with identified full inclusion students for the following school year. These meetings shall commence no later than January 15, or a date mutually agreeable to both parties, to determine options for the following year.
Full Inclusion. 8.3.1. Full Inclusion students are those disabled students that have been approved through the full inclusion process of the Sonoma County Local Plan Area (SELPA) to attend regular education classes.
8.3.2. Whenever possible, any unit member assigned to a full inclusion student should receive prior notification of two or three weeks.
8.3.3. Whenever possible, the determination of class size for classes with identified full inclusion children shall be a shared responsibility between the administration and the teachers that share that grade level(s). That decision shall take into account available aide support.
8.3.4. Staff development/training may be provided and release/substitute time of one day per year may be allocated for teachers with identified full inclusion students.
Full Inclusion. Severely-handicapped students who are placed full- 23 time into a regular education classroom for whom curricular, 24 behavioral and/or physical adaptations may be needed. Full 25 inclusion is that special education option determined by an IEP 26 team or specified in a plan established to meet the requirements of 27 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that places a 1 severely-handicapped student in an age-appropriate regular 2 education classroom on a full-time basis. The included student 3 is handicapped to such a degree that significant curricular 4 adaptations are required which necessitate the collaboration of 5 regular and special education teachers. Special education services 6 which these students require will still be provided, i.e., hearing 7 aids, Braille machine, etc. There is no prerequisite for the 8 student to be included in the regular classroom, and the student is 9 not expected to meet the same curricular standards. “Severely- 10 handicapped students” do not include students whose sole 11 handicapping condition is being deaf/hard of hearing, 12 orthopedically-impaired, visually-impaired or having some other 13 health impairment.
Full Inclusion. 30.5.1 The determination of the size of classes with fully included students will take into consideration any extraordinary demands on physical space, and/or unit member supervision.
30.5.2 A unit member with a full-inclusion student enrolled or to be enrolled in the unit member’s classroom shall be invited to participate in all aspects of the development of the IEP, including determination of services and placement.