General Unpaid Leave. An employee may be granted leave of absence without pay when they present a written request, in advance, providing reasonable cause. Such request is subject to approval by the Employer. Seniority will only accrue for the first sixty (60) working days of the leave.
General Unpaid Leave. Educational Assistants may apply for an unpaid leave of absence, subject to the provisions of this section. The granting of such leave shall be at the discretion of the District.
General Unpaid Leave. Upon written request, a full-time or part-time member may be granted a general unpaid leave of absence by the Employer, without pay or benefits, not to exceed one year in duration. General unpaid leave shall be used in increments of at least one week, and may be used for purposes of continuing education, caring for an incapacitated member of the member’s immediate family, child bearing or adoption, or taking care of similarly important matters that cannot be handled without such a leave.
General Unpaid Leave. Nutrition Services Employees may apply for an unpaid leave of absence, subject to the provisions of this section. The granting of such leave shall be at the discretion of the District.
General Unpaid Leave. Leave for up to two (2) consecutive years may be granted a teacher at the discretion of the Board for professional, educational, or other purposes and shall be granted for purposes of illness or disability as per ORC 3319.
General Unpaid Leave. Employees may be granted General Leave without pay, upon two (2) months notice being provided, for up to one (1) year, such leave extended only by mutual agreement between the Employee and Employer. Approval of such requests is in the discretion of the Employer, exercised reasonably.
General Unpaid Leave. An employee may apply for an unpaid leave of absence of up to 12 calendar months for child rearing, sabbatical (research, study, or travel), or for any other purpose that is acceptable to the Employer. An unpaid leave of five days or less is subject to approval of the Superintendent. A leave of more than five days is subject to approval of the Board. The Employer’s contribution to the Health Benefits Program terminates on the first day of the month following the month in which the unpaid leave commenced. An employee may maintain eligibility for the Health Benefits Program by making direct payment of the required amount to the Employer on the schedule established by the Employer.
General Unpaid Leave. Leaves of absences without pay and benefits may be granted to an employee with the following stipulations:
a. Requests must be made in writing to the Superintendent at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the leave. Exceptions may be made in an emergency situation.
b. Leave requests may be up to one (1) year.
c. The Superintendent has sole discretion in granting of such leave.
d. If an unpaid leave is granted, the employee must notify, in writing, the Superintendent his/her intent to return to work at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the unpaid leave. Failure to notify the Superintendent in writing will result in the employee being considered having voluntarily quit their employment.
e. The employee may return to work to the first opening in a position that is equal or less in category than the position they held at the onset of their unpaid leave.
f. Seniority will not accrue for unpaid leave except for those unpaid leaves granted for military service or under FMLA.
General Unpaid Leave. All mandatory leaves of absence will comply with the ORC which applies in each specific case. Non-mandatory leave of absence will not be encouraged but will be considered on merit and will be at the discretion of the Board.
General Unpaid Leave. The District shall make every reasonable effort to accommodate and grant a unit member’s request for an unpaid leave of absence for one (1) year. The District may extend the leave for an additional year.