General Leave Without Pay Sample Clauses
General Leave Without Pay. The Employer may grant an employee a leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority when they request in writing such leave for good and sufficient reason. Such request shall not be unreasonably denied. Upon written request from the employee, shop xxxxxxx or Union Representative, the Employer agrees to provide in writing the reasons for denying any such request.
General Leave Without Pay. (a) Subject to the written approval of the Employer, an Employee may make a request in writing to the applicable Manager for a Leave of Absence without pay to a maximum of thirty (30) calendar days. A request for Leave must be made at least two (2) weeks prior to the commencement of the Leave. A Leave of Absence will not be unreasonably denied. Such leave may be extended by additional periods of thirty (30) calendar days with the written approval of the Employer in extenuating circumstances like return to the homeland for family emergencies overseas and other circumstances.
(i) Employees who are on Leave of Absence will not engage in any gainful employment with any other Employer while on such leave, unless otherwise agreed by the Union and the Employer. Any Employee who engages in gainful employment while on a leave of absence will forfeit all seniority rights and privileges contained in this Agreement.
(ii) Any Employee who has been granted a leave of absence of any kind and overstays their leave, except in emergency situations, shall be considered to have terminated their employment without notice.
(iii) All requests for leave of absence must be submitted to the applicable Manager for final approval. Requests shall not be unreasonablydenied.
(iv) Employees may elect to continue benefits by pre-arranging payment for the Employer and Employee portions of premiums forany leave of thirty (30) days or longer.
General Leave Without Pay. Employees may be granted up to three (3) months leave of absence without pay at the discretion of the Employer and, although such leaves may be extended at three month intervals, they shall not, in any event, exceed twelve (12) consecutive months and it is further agreed that such leaves shall not be unreasonably withheld.
General Leave Without Pay. The Employer may approve an employee’s request for a leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority for up to 1 year.
General Leave Without Pay. The Employer may grant an Employee a leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority when the employee requests in writing such leave for good and sufficient reason. All such requests shall be made by the Employee with as much notice as possible. Notice of fewer than thirty (30) days may result in the request for leave being denied. However, where proper notice has been given, subject to operational requirements, such request shall not be unreasonably denied. Upon written request from the Employee, shop xxxxxxx or Union Representative, the Employeragrees to provide in writing the reasons for denying any such request. A full-time employee on a general leave of absence will be entitled to the benefits of the group insurance plans (as determined by the Carrier) provided the employee maintains the required employee premium contributions of the plan.
General Leave Without Pay. Leaves of absence without pay other than those stated in this agreement may be requested by an employee. An employee must submit the leave request in writing to the Executive Director. All leave requests must be approved in writing by the Executive Director. The Employer may grant such leave based on adequate coverage being maintained.
General Leave Without Pay. The parties agree to the following amendments: An employee may be entitled to leave of absence without pay and without loss of seniority when he/she requests such a leave for good and sufficient cause. All requests for leave over one week must be approved by the City Manager.
1. Requests for a leave of absence without pay must be submitted in writing to the Department Head, at least sixty (60) calendar days in advance, stating the reason for leave and the time off requested. The City Manager may consider the request if the leave is requested less than sixty (60) calendar days in advance due to extenuating circumstances.
2. A request for leave of absence without pay will only be considered if an employee has totally exhausted all vacation leave and any banked overtime.
3. If the leave is approved, all benefits, with the exception of seniority, will not accrue during the approved leave of absence. Further, employees shall not receive sick leave credits or statutory holidays and pay increment dates will be adjusted accordingly.
4. An employee granted a general leave of absence shall have the option of purchasing the following benefits during the leave, subject to approval of the Insurance Carrier: MSP, EHB , Dental, life insurance and Superannuation benefits pending approval of the Superannuation Commission.
5. Any employee wishing to continue benefit coverage during the leave of absence will be required to prepay full payment (employee and employer portions) as per the current premium rates. Payments must be made in advance or benefits will be cancelled.
6. Approved leaves shall not be considered as time past when dealing with a request for removal of disciplinary action on the employee’s personnel file.
7. If the employee granted a leave does not return to work at the expiry of the leave date, or obtain further approval from the City Manager, the Employer will consider the employee to have resigned or abandoned the position unless a reasonable explanation is given.
8. Both parties acknowledge the principles for a general leave of absence as identified above, and as such agree, that a general leave of absence will not be granted for the purposes of obtaining employment with another employer, or to work for another department elsewhere in the organization.
General Leave Without Pay. An employee may be entitled to leave of absence without pay and without loss of accumulated seniority or benefits when they request the leave. The leave shall be arranged for a mutually acceptable time. Both the request and the approval shall be in writing. Leaves under this Article shall be limited to not more than thirty (30) working days per year and will only be approved once accumulated Vacation, Discretionary and Banked time are exhausted.
General Leave Without Pay. (a) An Employee may request a general leave without pay by submitting their request to the Employer, in writing, at least two (2) weeks in advance of the anticipated absence.
(b) An Employee requesting a general leave without pay must have exhausted all unscheduled vacation time with pay to date prior to the commencement of the general leave without pay.
General Leave Without Pay. The Board or its designate may grant, subject to operational feasibility, a leave of absence without pay and without loss or accrual of seniority. When an employee requests such a leave, for good and sufficient reasons acceptable to the Board, it will be in writing, in advance, to the principal or designate, as applicable.