Alcohol Abuse Sample Clauses
Alcohol Abuse. To the extent that the Contractor, any subcontractor at any tier, or their employees, perform a safety sensitive function under the Project, the Contractor agrees to comply with, and assures the compliance of each affected subcontractor at any tier, and their employees with FTA regulations, “Prevention of Alcohol Misuse and Prohibited Drug Use in Transit Operations,” 49 CFR Part 655.
Alcohol Abuse. Alcohol abuse by the Tenant, any member of the household, a guest or another person under their control is grounds for termination of the Lease if the PHA determines such alcohol abuse interferes with the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the PHA’s public housing premises by other Tenants;
Alcohol Abuse. Abuse of or addiction to alcohol. Alcohol Abuse does not include abuse of or addiction to drugs. Please see the definition of Substance Abuse. [ALLOWED CHARGE. An amount that is not more than the [lesser of: • the] allowance for the service or supply as determined by Us based on a standard approved by the Board[; or [• the negotiated fee schedule.] The Board will decide a standard for what is considered an Allowed Charge under this Contract. For charges that are not determined by a negotiated fee schedule, the [Member] may be billed for the difference between the Allowed Charge and the charge billed by the Provider. Please note: The Coordination of Benefits and Services provision includes a distinct definition of Allowed Charge.] AMBULANCE. A certified transportation vehicle for transporting Ill or Injured people that contains all life-saving equipment and staff as required by applicable state and local law. AMBULATORY SURGICAL CENTER. A Facility mainly engaged in performing Outpatient Surgery. It must: be staffed by Practitioners and Nurses, under the supervision of a Practitioner; have operating and recovery rooms; be staffed and equipped to give emergency care; and have written back-up arrangements with a local Hospital for emergency care. It must carry out its stated purpose under all relevant state and local laws and be either: accredited for its stated purpose by either the Joint Commission or the Accreditation Association for ambulatory care; or approved for its stated purpose by Medicare. A Facility is not an Ambulatory Surgical Center, for the purpose of this Contract, if it is part of a Hospital.
Alcohol Abuse. If the Authority determines that a household member has engaged in abuse or a pattern of abuse of alcohol that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of premises by other residents. A pattern of such abuse means more than one incident of any such abuse of alcohol during the previous six months.
Alcohol Abuse. If a determination is made that the applicant or any household member’s abuse, or pattern of abuse, of alcohol interferes with the health, safety or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises of other residents, the application will be rejected.
Alcohol Abuse. Employees of the City are prohibited from using or possessing alcohol while on duty; while on City premises; while driving a City vehicle, operating a piece of City equipment, or being transported in City vehicles at any time; reporting to work under the influence of alcohol; or, from otherwise using alcohol in a manner at any time which adversely affects the business interests of the City.
Alcohol Abuse. The Company and the Union recognize that alcoholism and drug abuse are illnesses that can be treated. The Company recognizes the importance of a continu- ous co-operative effort between the Company represen- tatives and the officials of the Union to deal with sub- stance abuse. It would be appropriate for the Union and the Company to periodically monitor these problems and the structure and effectiveness of the programs avail- able, with a view to providing assistance to addicted employees, consistent with these employees’ attitudes toward their problems. It is understood that the programs such as exist for the purpose of assisting employees who are in need of assistance and continue on a course of treatment consistent with the stipulation of the program. Nothing in this statement is to be interpreted or con- strued as a waiver of management’s rights to maintain discipline in any case of misconduct which may result from or be associated with the use of alcohol and drugs. The Company will submit Sickness and Accident for employees who are undergoing a prescribed rehabilitation program from drug and alcohol abuse, in accordance with the Sickness and Accident Plan. The decision to allow such a claim Insurance carrier and the Company do anything but submit the claim. The Company agrees to maintain the current Union Of- fice within the Facility and supply a desk, chairs, telephone, filing cabinet and air conditioning. The Company will pay for local phone calls. The Company hereby agrees to amend the current pension contract eliminating the cap of years. Union Information for New Employees: The Employer agrees to acquaint new full-time employ- ees with the fact that a collective agreement is in effect and with the conditions of employment set out in the articles dealing with Union security and dues check-off. A new full-time employee shall be advised of the name and location of Union representative. Whenever the Union representative is employed in the same work area as the new employee, the employee’s immediate supervisor will introduce to Union rep- resentative who will provide the employee with a copy of the collective agreement. The Employer agrees that a Union representative will be given an opportunity to interview each new employee within regular working hours, without loss of pay, for fifteen (15) minutes some- time during the first thirty (30) days of employment for the purpose of acquainting the new employee with the benefits and duties of the Union mem...
Alcohol Abuse. Section 27 and 28 of the General Order Manual of the City's Bureau of Police Rules of Conduct, (attached hereto as Appendix C), are hereby incorporated by reference into and are subject to the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement, including but not limited to Section 33, Drug Testing, except that the random drug testing requirements of this provision are not applicable.
Alcohol Abuse. You, your Household Members, and your guests must not abuse or engage in a pattern of abuse of alcohol that affects the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises of other tenants or their guests.
Alcohol Abuse. An employee using, selling, possessing, transferring alcohol and/or who reports for work, engaged in County business, on County premises who is either under the influence of alcohol (or otherwise impaired) by alcohol or other drug(s) will not be admitted to the work place or be allowed to engage in County work and will be in violation of this Policy. If possible and appropriate under the circumstances, the employee's supervisor (or designee) shall first seek another supervisor's opinion to confirm the reasonable suspicion which forms the basis of the employee's impairment. The supervisor should consult privately with the employee to determine the cause of impairment, including whether alcohol or substance abuse has occurred. If, in the opinion of the supervisor, the employee is considered to be or if the Employer has reasonable suspicion that the employee may be impaired, the employee should be directed away from the County work site and the supervisor or responsible County employee shall arrange for safe transportation, depending on the circumstances and the extent of the observed impairment. The supervisor or responsible employee should take reasonable steps to prevent the impaired employee from driving a motor vehicle. An employee who is under the influence of alcoholic beverages at any time while on County business or on County property shall be guilty of misconduct in violation of this Policy and is subject to discipline, including discharge or suspension without pay from employment, even for the first offense.