Holiday Rate. Any hours worked on holidays will be paid at double time.
Holiday Rate. An eligible employee will be compensated for the holiday at the employee's rate at the time of the holiday.
Holiday Rate. 1. A l l work performed on a holid ay sh a ll be paid fo r at the premium ra te of time and one- half ( 1%) the employee's s t ra ig h t time ra te o f pay and sh a ll be in ad d it io n to any holiday pay the employee is e n t it le d to under the co n t ra c t . E f fe c t iv e w ith the beginning of the f i r s t pay period fo llo w ing the date of r a t i f ic a t io n of t h is Agreement, a l l work performed on a holiday sh a ll be paid fo r a t the premium ra te o f double ( 2) the employee's s t ra ig h t time ra te of pay.12*
Holiday Rate. All work done on the aforesaid holidays will be paid at the rate of double time and one half.
Holiday Rate. A. Full-time seniority Employees called to work on any of the above listed holidays shall be guaranteed a minimum of eight (8) continuous hours of work or its equivalent in pay at two times the regular rate in addition to the eight (8) hours pay above referred to.
B. Full-time seniority Employees called to work on their day off in a holiday workweek or otherwise, shall be guaranteed a minimum of eight (8) continuous hours of work or its equivalent in pay at time and one-half the regular rate. Hours worked on the day off shall not be credited toward the 40 hour guarantee.
C. A full-time Employee who is regularly paid under the step-up guarantee rate shall receive the holiday pay at their regular daily rate under the step- up guarantee.
D. A full-time Employee who regularly drives double bottoms, shall receive the holiday pay at their regular daily rate for driving doubles.
E. A part-time Employee upgraded to full time for any reason, and a holiday falls during such upgrading, Employee shall be paid that holiday at the full- time rate.
Holiday Rate. All work performed on any of the contractual holidays as set forth in Article 6, Paragraph A, of this Agreement, shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2), in addition to the eight (8) hours of paid time if not worked, for any and all hours worked during what are considered his/her regular hours, and double time shall be paid for all other hours worked on that holiday.
Holiday Rate. Any work performed on such days shall be paid at straight time in addition to the holiday pay.
Holiday Rate. Client agrees to pay 1.5 times the applicable Hourly Rate for all Holiday hours worked.
Holiday Rate. Employees called to work on any of the above listed holidays shall be guaranteed a minimum of eight (8) ten (10) continuous hours work or its equivalent in pay at double the regular rate in addition to the eight (8) ten (10) hours pay above referred to. Part time employees shall be guaranteed four (4) five (5) hours of work or pay on the same basis as above.
Holiday Rate. Employees who work on a scheduled Holiday shall receive their straight time regular pay for eight (8) hours plus double time (2x) their straight time hourly rate for those hours worked. During a holiday week, regular hours will be scheduled as nine (9) hour shifts with mandatory overtime to cover campus police hours of operations. During a holiday week, Saturdays will be scheduled as ten (10) hour shifts resulting in mandatory overtime.