Housing Navigation Sample Clauses
Housing Navigation targeted assistance to support participants in finding safe and decent housing that is affordable and sustainable to participants, either based on the participant’s income or through support of rental subsidies and/or connections to affordable housing vouchers.
Housing Navigation targeted assistance to support participants in finding safe and affordable housing vouchers.
Housing Navigation. Assistance in accessing housing units that is consistent with the client’s needs and preferences (within the limits of their income combined with available subsidy), taking into consideration safety and access to transportation, connection to health care, treatment, school, daycare and support systems, and employment opportunities. Using a Housing First approach, Housing Navigation assistance is designed and implemented to identify and secure housing for clients as quickly as possible, by doing activities which may include, but are not limited to: active recruitment and retaining of landlords and housing managers willing to rent to clients (who may otherwise fail to pass typical tenant screening criteria); housing unit search and identification; helping clients gather documents needed for housing placement; completing the housing and subsidy application process; moving and securing basic housing needs. This assistance may be provided by a person specifically designated as a “Housing Navigator”, by the Provider’s case manager(s), or through linkage to other community-based supports. Staff or other individuals performing this function should have knowledge, skills, and resources to understand landlords’ perspectives, understand landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities, and negotiate landlord supports.
Housing Navigation. 6.6.1 Designate staff dedicated to housing navigation, as required by MA-063-23010974 Page 13 of 36 April 21, 2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: C90E6514-7DAE-4FF3-852B-B31A67475FF5 ADMINISTRATOR.
6.6.2 Provide housing navigation services to support CLIENT(s) in identifying available housing units and connect to available housing resources.
6.6.3 Offer housing navigation with a focus on transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing.
6.6.4 Develop, maintain, and provide a list of potential housing opportunities for CLIENT(s) to assist with effective housing search.
6.6.5 Assist CLIENT(s) in obtaining permanent housing, by providing housing navigation services such as, but not limited to: Understanding CLIENT(s)’ housing desires and needs; Reviewing a housing budget and eliminating credit barriers; Accompanying CLIENT(s) when meeting potential landlords; Negotiating with landlords to help CLIENT(s) access housing; Completing all housing applications and lease signing; Completing a move-in checklist or walkthrough (including virtual) to ensure habitability, health and sanitation standards are met.
Housing Navigation. Provide expertise, guidance, and assistance for individuals who are homeless or in need of relocating from their home immediately.
Housing Navigation. 10.3.1 Develop an understanding of the County's housing market.
10.3.2 Develop strong business relationships in the private housing market (real estate owners, developers, brokers, and property managers) and the supportive housing community.
10.3.3 Develop and maintain a list of potential housing opportunities to assist Clients with effective housing searches.
10.3.4 Develop relationships with new landlords and/or property managers, as well as leverage existing relationships with local landlords and property management companies, to increase awareness of available housing placements for Clients.
10.3.5 Actively recruit and retain landlords and housing managers willing to rent to Clients who may otherwise fail typical tenant criteria.
10.3.6 Provide landlords with direct access to a support phone line and a dedicated point person who can respond to their concerns and needs, and promptly address issues that may jeopardize tenancy (e.g., hoarding, cleanliness, rental violations, behavioral concerns, etc.) when requested.
10.3.7 Employ staff to manage landlord recruitment and engagement and serve as a liaison between tenants and landlords to help manage the challenges DocuSign Envelope ID: 44282CE5-6473-48DF-9776-506176377993 and barriers to locating affordable housing for homeless Clients.
10.3.8 Ensure that habitability and safety standards are assessed (including lead- based paint assessments) before Clients are placed in housing units.
10.3.9 Assist Clients in navigating housing search and placement process, including accompanying Clients to housing appointments and facility tours and arranging for transportation when needed.
10.3.10 Coordinate with local housing authorities and advocate for availability of affordable housing vouchers for Clients.
10.3.11 Assist Clients in negotiating manageable and appropriate lease agreements with landlords.
10.3.12 Assist Clients in securing transitional housing, such as emergency shelter placement or hotel/motel vouchers or payment, while searching for permanent housing.
Housing Navigation. 7.2.1 Develop an understanding of the COUNTY's housing market, and develop strong business relationships in the private housing market (real estate owners, developers, brokers, and property managers) and the supportive housing community.
7.2.2 Actively recruit and retain landlords and/or property managers willing to rent to Families who may otherwise fail typical tenant screening criteria.
7.2.3 Develop, maintain, and provide a resource list of potential housing 1 opportunities, both interim and permanent options, to assist Families with 2 effective housing searches.
Housing Navigation. 1. CONTRACTOR shall support the Participant in identifying available housing units and resources, completing housing applications and gathering documentation, as well as providing support through in-person or teleconference meetings relating to housing search and placements. When housing is secured, CONTRACTOR shall assist the Participant in understanding the lease, making moving arrangements and establishing utilities.
a. Housing navigation services may include facilitating access and enrollment into the permanent housing programs of the Orange County CoC, including rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, housing choice vouchers, and special purpose housing choice vouchers. CONTRACTOR shall provide access to CES for Participants and CONTRACTOR staff shall have regular attendance in the SPA specific CES meetings;
b. Housing Navigation Services will also provide transportation to Participants to support the housing search process, attend housing meetings, viewing and/or interviews. CONTRACTOR will embrace a “whatever it takes” approach to housing navigation by eliminating barriers to housing; and
2. CONTRACTOR shall develop programming in a manner that allows for choice, enables people to stay in their “home” communities to the extent possible, and provides for community integration in accordance with all applicable federal and state regulations.
3. CONTRACTOR shall assist Participants to secure housing and to find and coordinate housing and ancillary resources in the community. CONTRACTOR shall ensure Participants have access/linkage to required apartment items (i.e., refrigerators) if not supplied by the landlord.
4. CONTRACTOR shall assist Participants to locate household items.
5. CONTRACTOR shall seek to assist Participants to locate rental units and negotiate leases. CONTRACTOR may seek other housing options for Participants which are deemed appropriate, with prior authorization from ADMINISTRATOR.
6. CONTRACTOR may provide housing assistance in the form of financial assistance for move-in costs and housing stabilization costs, including security deposit, utility deposit, pet deposits, storage fees, moving costs and costs associated with making a home habitable and a Landlord Outreach and Mitigation Fund to support engagement of property owners, which may include offering property owners supports and incentives. This could include a mitigation fund to reimburse owners in the event that a Participant damages a unit or to cover other unforeseen c...
Housing Navigation linkage to interim housing resources available in the community. Assistance with completing the Coordinated Entry System (CES) application.
Housing Navigation. A community-based, solution-focused strategy that assists individuals and families with complex and frequently occurring issues that prevent them from accessing and maintaining stable housing.
3.1 HUD: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has oversight responsibilities for the use of federal funds provided to entitlement communities.