Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. If an employee works overtime immediately following her regular shift or is called back to work and does not receive a total of eight (8) consecutive hours of off-duty in the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning from the commencement of the employee’s shift, then the employee will not be required to report for duty for her next shift until she has received a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off-duty. In such circumstances, no deduction will be made in the employee’s daily pay and the employee’s normal shift hours will not be extended to have the employee work a full shift. The employee in the above situation will advise their supervisor in advance of the fact that they will not be reporting for duty at her scheduled time. This provision is waived if the employee is granted a request for a particular shift arrangement that does not give the employee eight (8) consecutive hours in total off-duty in the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period.
Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. Replace Article 29.08 of Section 1 of the Provincial Collective Agreement with the following: An employee who is called out to work under Article 29.04 after midnight and is normally required to report for work later that same day, may elect to take time off in lieu of compensation therefore before reporting to work but in doing so the employee shall notify her immediate supervisor either personally or through the answering service.
Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. (This Provision is not applicable to certain Employers. See Article
Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. If an employee works overtime immediately following her regular shift or is called back to work, and does not receive a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off duty in the twenty-four
Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that employees receive
Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that employees receive adequate rest where the Employer is requiring them to be on-call or called back to a worksite, office or client's home.
(A) If an employee works Employer-required overtime immediately following her regular shift or is called back to a worksite, office or client's home and does not receive a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off duty after completion of the call back and the start of her next regularly scheduled shift, then the employee will not be required to report for duty until the employee has received a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off duty. In such instances, no deduction will be made in the employee's daily pay and the employee's normal shift hours will not be extended to have the employee work a full shift. All hours worked will be at the applicable rate of pay.
(B) The employee in the above situation will advise her Supervisor in advance of the fact that she will not be reporting for duty at her scheduled time.
(C) This provision is waived if the employee is granted a request for a particular shift arrangement that does not give the employee eight (8) consecutive hours in total off duty as stated in subsection (A) above.
Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. If an employee is required to work overtime, or answer call- backs, and does not receive a total of six (6) consecutive hours off duty between eight (8) pm and the commencement of the em- ployee’s next shift, then the employee will not be required to report for duty until the employee has received a total of six (6) consecu- tive hours off duty. In such instances no deduction will be made in the employee’s daily pay and the employee’s normal shift hours will not be extended to have the employee work a full shift. The employee in the above situation will advise their Super- visor in advance of the fact that they will not be reporting for duty at her/his scheduled time. This provision is waived if the employee is granted a request for a particular shift arrangement that does not give the employee six
Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that employees receive adequate rest where the Employer is requiring them to be on-call or called back to a worksite, office or client’s home.
(A) If an employee works Employer-required overtime immedi- ately following their regular shift or is called back to a work- site, office or client’s home and does not receive a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off duty after completion of the call back and the start of their next regularly scheduled shift, then the employee will not be required to report for duty until the employee has received a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off duty. In such instances, no deduction will be made in the employee’s daily pay and the employee’s normal shift hours will not be extended to have the employee work a full shift. All hours worked will be at the applicable rate of pay.
(B) The employee in the above situation will advise their Super- visor in advance of the fact that they will not be reporting for duty at their scheduled time.
(C) This provision is waived if the employee is granted a request for a particular shift arrangement that does not give the em- ployee eight (8) consecutive hours in total off duty as stated in subsection (A) above.
Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. If an employee is required to work overtime, or answer calls, and does not receive a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off duty in the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning from the commence- ment of the employee’s shift, then the employee will not be required to report for duty until the employee has received a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off duty. In such instances no deduc- tion will be made in the employee’s daily pay and the employee’s normal shift hours will not be extended to have the employee work a full shift. The employee in the above situation will advise their Super- visor in advance of the fact that they will not be reporting for duty at her/his scheduled time. This provision is waived if the employee is granted a request for a particular shift arrangement that does not give the employee eight (8) consecutive hours in total off duty in the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period.
Insufficient Off-Duty Hours. (This Provision is not applicable to certain Employers. See Article 29.08 Section 2: Community-Based Services) If an employee works overtime immediately following her regular shift or is called back to work and does not receive a total of eight (8) consecutive hours of off-duty in the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning from the commencement of the employee’s shift, then the employee will not be required to report for duty for her next shift until she has received a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off-duty. In such circumstances, no deduction will be made in the employee’s daily pay and the employee’s normal shift hours will not be extended to have the employee work a full shift. The employee in the above situation will advise their supervisor in advance of the fact that they will not be reporting for duty at her scheduled time. This provision is waived if the employee is granted a request for a particular shift arrangement that does not give the employee eight (8) consecutive hours in total off-duty in the aforementioned twenty-four (24) hour period. The purpose of this provision is to ensure that employees receive adequate rest where the employer is requiring them to be on call or called back to a worksite, office or client’s home.
(A) If an employee works employer required overtime immediately following her regular shift, or is called back to a worksite, office or client’s home and does not receive a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off duty after completion of the call back and the start of their next regularly scheduled shift, then the employee will not be required to report for duty until the employee has received a total of eight (8) consecutive hours off duty. In such instances no deduction will be made in the employee's daily pay and the employee's normal shift hours will not be extended to have the employee work a full shift. All hours worked will be at the applicable rate of pay.
(B) The employee in the above situation will advise their Supervisor in advance of the fact that they will not be reporting for duty at her scheduled time.
(C) This provision is waived if the employee is granted a request for a particular shift arrangement that does not give the employee eight (8) consecutive hours in total off duty as stated in subsection (A) above.