Interim Bargaining Sample Clauses

Interim Bargaining. If negotiations occur on any provision of this Agreement prior to the start of the regular bargaining process, Sections 5.1 and 5.2 shall be waived during the term of said negotiations.
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Interim Bargaining. If bargaining is required by law on any matter during the term of this AGREEMENT, the BOARD and the BCEA shall bargain on such matter(s) as required by law. If such bargaining does not result in an agreement being reached after a reasonable period of time, either party may request the assistance of a mediator from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to assist the parties in such interim bargaining.
Interim Bargaining. A. In the event that the Board determines to implement changes during the term of this agreement in the wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment for bargaining unit members on an issue that the Board is required by law to bargain, the Board will give timely notice of such determination to the Association. Within ten (10) calendar days the Association may submit a written demand to bargain the affects of the implementation on wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment for members of the bargaining unit. If such a demand is made, the parties will engage in good faith bargaining for a period of not more than thirty (30) days. Bargaining may be conducted by teams as designated by the Board and the Association, respectively. Teams may consist of fewer than seven (7) members.
Interim Bargaining. In the event of interim bargaining over the changes in wages, hours, terms or other conditions of employment or the continuation, modification, or deletion of any existing provisions of this Agreement and a disagreement occurs after thirty (30) days, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) will be contacted to provide a mediator to help settle such a dispute.
Interim Bargaining. If it becomes necessary to bargain an Amendment or a Memorandum of Understanding due to the effects of a change in wages, hours, terms or other conditions of employment or the continuation or modification of terms of this Agreement due to severability, the parties shall meet and bargain. If the parties are unable to reach agreement on any issues discussed during interim bargaining within thirty (30) days of the first bargaining session, the status quo shall be maintained and will not be subject to change during the remainder of the Agreement or the subject of future bargaining during the term of this Agreement. This Section is intended to be consistent with Ohio law. If Ohio law changes and becomes inconsistent with this Section, the law will prevail.
Interim Bargaining. If during the term of the Agreement, bargaining is necessary due to severability or a scheduled reopener provision of the Agreement, the parties shall meet and bargain in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 through Article 16. If interim contract bargaining occurs for any other reason, the parties shall negotiate for no more than twenty (20) days, after which the parties shall request the assistance of a mediator through the FMCS. If no resolution is achieved within an additional twenty (20) days after the first mediation session, the process shall be considered concluded and impasse shall exist between the parties, unless the time period is extended by mutual agreement. The participation by the Board and/or Locals in interim bargaining shall not prejudice or prevent any grievance by the Locals or Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charge by either party nor be construed as an admission by either party that any such grievance or ULP charge has merit. Following the conclusion of interim bargaining without resolution of the issue or issues, either party shall have an additional period of time equal to the original filing period in which to file such grievance or, subject to the requirements of the State Employment Relations Board, or a ULP charge.
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Interim Bargaining. If the parties reopen negotiations based upon a specific re-opener provision of this agreement, all the provisions of this article shall apply. In the event the parties are unable to reach agreement after mediation, this negotiated agreement shall expire ten (10) days after the Association has given notice to the Board to proceed pursuant to Section 4117.14 (D) (2), Ohio Revised Code. Except for mutual consent, the selection and mediation process shall not extend for more than thirty
Interim Bargaining. During the term of this Agreement, legislative or State Board of Education mandates, whose implementation would change the terms and conditions of employment, may arise. If such mandates occur, the Board shall give the Association at least thirty (30) calendar daysnotice of the intended change. After notification, the Labor Management Committee shall meet within ten (10) days to discuss the impending change. If the Labor Management Committee is unable to resolve the issue, it shall be the Association's responsibility then to initiate bargaining by filing written notice with the Superintendent within ten (10) calendar days. If the Association does not make a timely request for bargaining, the Board may implement its intended change thirty (30) days after the Labor Management Committee meeting. Upon Association request and during the bargaining period of thirty (30) calendar days, the Board's and Association's representatives shall bargain in good faith. If there is no agreement between the Parties within thirty (30) calendar days from the initial notice from the Board, the Parties shall mediate the issue with the assistance of a mediator approved by both Parties. The mediation period shall not exceed two (2) weeks. If there is no agreement after the mediation period, the Board may implement its last offer and the Association may proceed in accordance with O.R.C. Section 4117.14(1)(2).
Interim Bargaining. Either party may request negotiations during the term of this Agreement on any issue that affects the terms and conditions of employment. Upon written request by either party for a meeting to open interim negotiations, a mutually accepted meeting date shall be set not more than fifteen (15) days following such requests for the purpose of discussing the existence of a bargaining obligation or whether a mutual agreement to negotiate exists. Should interim negotiations proceed, in the event the parties fail to reach agreement within twenty (20) calendar days after the first negotiations session, the parties agree to contact the Federal Mediation & Conciliation Services (FMCS) for assistance in resolution of the disagreement. This mediation is the parties’ mutually agreed to dispute resolution procedure, which supersedes and takes precedence over any inconsistency or alternative procedure set forth in Section 4117.14 of the Ohio Revised Code. If agreement is not reached within twenty (20) calendar days after the first mediation session, the parties shall submit the unresolved issue(s) to binding interest arbitration through the American Arbitration Association (AAA). Neither party shall add any new issues or new proposals beyond the last dated and exchanged proposals exchanged during the last mediation session. The parties shall request a list of nine (9) arbitrators. Both parties may request an additional list at any point during the selection process. The parties shall use the voluntary rules established by AAA for arbitrator selection and appointment. Every effort shall be made to select the arbitrator within twenty (20) calendar days. The hearing will be held within sixty (60) days after selection of the arbitrator. Prior to the date of the hearing, either party is free to issue counterproposals to the previous proposals as long as they are not regressive. The proposals presented to the arbitrator shall be the latest dated and exchanged proposals. No undated proposals may be presented during the hearing. The hearing process shall be conducted as follows:
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