Holiday Eligibility Sample Clauses
Holiday Eligibility. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, an employee must be in a paid status during any portion of the working day immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday to be paid for the holiday. Employees in the bargaining unit who are not normally assigned to duty during the Christmas and Spring Recess periods shall be paid for those holidays occurring during those periods provided that they were in a paid status during any portion of the working day of their normal assignment immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday period.
Holiday Eligibility. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, an employee must be in paid status on the working day immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday to be paid for the holiday.
Holiday Eligibility. In order to be eligible for holiday pay, an employee must satisfy all of the following conditions and qualification:
1. The employee must work on the day before the holiday and the day after the holiday.
2. The employee must be on the active payroll as of the date of the holiday. For purposes of this section a person is not on the active payroll of the Employer during an unpaid leave of absence, layoffs, when receiving workers' compensation or on a disciplinary suspension without pay.
Holiday Eligibility. Except as otherwise provided in the Article, a unit member must be in paid status on the working day immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday to be paid for the holiday. Unit members, who are not normally assigned to duty during the school holidays of December 25 and January 1 and the one (1) additional day at Christmas time, shall be paid for those holidays provided that they were in a paid status during any portion of the working day of their normal assignment immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday period.
Holiday Eligibility. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, an employee must be in a paid status on the working day immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday to be paid for the holiday.
8.6.1. Employees in the bargaining unit who are not normally assigned to duty during the school holidays of December 24, December 25, December 26, December 31 (1/2 day) or January 1 shall be paid for those holidays provided that they were in a paid status during any portion of the working day of their normal assignment immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday period.
Holiday Eligibility. All employees will receive up to eight (8) hours of holiday pay for recognized holidays in Section 1 above, pursuant to (A), (B) and (C) below. Holiday pay shall be based on an eight (8) hour day.
(A) Full time employees shall receive eight (8) hours of holiday pay, provided they are in pay status at least one-half (1/2) of the last work day before the holiday and one-half (1/2) of the first work day after the holiday.
(B) Part-time and hourly employees shall receive a prorated share of the eight (8) hours of holiday pay based on the same percentage, or fraction of month as they are normally scheduled to work. To be eligible for this pay, such employees must be in pay status at least one- half (1/2) of the last scheduled work day before the holiday and one-half (1/2) of the first scheduled work day after the holiday, provided such scheduled work days occur within seven (7) calendar days before and after the holiday.
(C) Seasonal part-time and seasonal full time hourly employees will receive a prorated share of the eight (8) hours of holiday pay based on the number of hours actually worked as compared to the total number of possible work hours in the month or pay period. The holiday shall not count as part of the total possible work hours in the month or pay period or the total hours worked and shall be calculated as follows:
(D) Transfers to and from another university:
(1) When compensable, non-work days such as a holiday, sick leave or vacation leave come between the separation date in the losing university and the subsequent hire date in the gaining university, the gaining university is liable for all of the compensable non-work days.
(2) The beginning date of employment in the gaining university must be the first compensable non-work day following separation from the losing university.
Holiday Eligibility. All employees will receive up to eight (8) hours of holiday pay for recognized holidays in Section 1 above, pursuant to (a) and (b) below, provided the employee works thirty-two (32) hours or more during the month or appropriate pay period and meets the pay status test as specified below. Holiday pay shall be based on an eight (8) hour day.
(a) Full-time employees shall receive eight (8) hours of holiday pay, provided they are in pay status at least one-half (½) of the last workday before the holiday and one-half (½) of the first workday after the holiday.
(b) Part-time, hourly, seasonal part-time and seasonal full-time hourly employees will receive a prorated share of the eight (8) hours of holiday pay based on the number of hours actually worked as compared to the total number of possible work hours in the month or pay period. The holiday shall not count as part of the total possible work hours in the month or pay period or the total hours worked and shall be calculated as follows:
Holiday Eligibility. Employee eligibility for holiday pay is subject to the following conditions/qualifications:
(a) An employee who agrees to work on a holiday but fails to report for work shall not be entitled to holiday pay, unless an excuse acceptable to the Employer is presented.
(b) The employee must have otherwise been scheduled to work on such day if it had not been observed as a holiday.
(c) The employee must work on the Employer's last scheduled day before and the first scheduled day after the holiday unless an excuse acceptable to the Employer is presented.
(d) The employee must not be on a leave of absence, layoff, or disciplinary suspension.
(e) If a recognized holiday falls within an employee’s regularly scheduled paid time off, he shall be entitled to an extra day of paid time off which may be taken at the beginning or end of the scheduled paid time off period in lieu of holiday pay.
Holiday Eligibility. Employees eligible for holiday pay are subject to the following conditions and qualifications:
(A) The employee must work his last regularly scheduled day before and the first regularly scheduled day after the holiday, unless that employee is on an authorized leave with payor is otherwise excused by the Sheriff.
(B) The employee must not be on layoff or leave of absence.
(C) The employee must not be suspended for disciplinary reasons, provided however, if such suspension is reversed by an arbitrator, the employee will receive the applicable holiday pay.
(D) An employee who is scheduled to work on a holiday but fails to report for work, unless otherwise excused, shall not be entitled to holiday pay.
Holiday Eligibility. An employee shall be entitled to the holidays listed herein, provided they are in a paid status during any portion of the working day immediately preceding or succeeding the holiday.