JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. A. The jurisdiction of the union shall include all functions performed by employees in the business, accounting and classified advertising departments which includes but is not limited to: Clerk 1, 11, and 111, Switchboard Operator, classified advisers, classified supervisor and part-time workers performing work within the jurisdiction of the union. The company shall make no other contract for functions covered by this agreement. B. If any new processes are introduced, the employer agrees to supply a full ninety (90) days to employees to become proficient in the operation of such new processes. C. It is understood and agreed that before the employer introduces new equipment or methods which will alter production under the bargaining units jurisdiction, the employer will provide the union with all available data regarding the changes and meet with the union to discuss the changes and establish plans for relocating and retraining employees and the company recognizes that union members will do routine maintenance of all present and future equipment which falls under the jurisdiction of the union excepting such equipment which is serviced by the manufacturer or his representative. D. Excluded from membership in the Union shall be The Finance Director, The Assistant Finance Director and the Payroll and Accounts Payable Coordinator, who shall be allowed to continue their normal office functions.
JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. A. All work, or evolution of such work pertaining to the newspaper mailing of the employer such as: tagging, stamping, inserting, labeling, bundling or wrapping, including all types of single wrapping, handling of files, addressing of all wrappers and labels for wrappers, including the punching and correcting of punch cards for a general-purpose computer or similar equipment to print labels or wrappers, addressing on all newspapers, magazines and supplements, cutting and preparing lists, preparing wrappers, galley work, sorting out, opening or marking wrappers, taking bundles of papers from conveyors, escalators or trucks, stacking, folding, handling of bundles or mail stocks, trucking, counting of papers (leaving or returning), tying, sacking, delivering papers to mailers, carriers, agents or newsboys in the mailing or dispatch room or on the loading platform when any of the above work within the jurisdiction of the union is to be performed and any device operated in connection with any of the above services, now in use, or which in the future may be introduced to perform mailing work, is considered part of the mailing craft and no person other than journeypersons and apprentices of the union shall be permitted to perform such work. B. Inserters work shall consist of all work pertaining to feeding hoppers, hand inserting, counting papers, taking bundles of papers from conveyors, escalators or trucks, stacking, folding, handling of bundles or mail stocks, trucking, counting of papers (leaving or returning) delivering papers to mailers. C. It is understood and agreed that before the employer introduces new equipment or methods which will alter production under the bargaining unit’s jurisdiction, the employer will provide the union with all available data regarding the changes and meet with the union to discuss the changes and establish plans for relocating and retraining employees and the company recognizes that union members will do routine maintenance of all present and future equipment which falls under the jurisdiction of the union excepting such equipment which is serviced by the manufacturer or his representative.
JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. The Union shall have within its jurisdiction: a. the territories of member countries; b. post offices set up by member countries in territories not included in the Union; c. territories which, without being members of the Union, are included in it because from the postal point of view they are dependent on member countries.
JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. A. The jurisdiction of the union covers all employees of the Advertising Sales Department, excluding the Advertising Director, Retail Advertising Manager, and Business Development Manager.
JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. A. It is understood and agreed that before the employer introduces new equipment, or methods which will alter production under the bargaining unit’s jurisdiction, the employer will provide the union with all available data regarding the changes and meet with the union to discuss the changes and establish plans for relocating and retraining employees and the company recognizes that union members will do routine maintenance of all present and future equipment which falls under the jurisdiction of the union excepting such equipment which is serviced by the manufacturer or his representative. B. The jurisdiction of the union begins with the processes of gathering information for use in editorial copy in the newspaper and continues through the creation and use of that copy until such copy is submitted for markup. The appropriate collective unit consists of all employees performing any of this work including handling wire copy. It is understood that jurisdiction of editorial includes the editorial librarian and designated desk persons. From the date of the signing of this contract the employer shall not assign to any person outside the bargaining unit any work normally or traditionally done by the members of the bargaining unit without consulting with the union and giving union members whom the employer deems qualified the first right of refusal. Freelancers shall not be assigned to work when staff members are available to perform the required duties, unless the freelancer has a special expertise that cannot be duplicated by a staff member. C. The following are excluded: Editor, Associate Editor, News Editor, City Editor, Features Editor or any other persons excluded by reason of the Labour Relations Act of British Columbia. D. Department heads shall be excluded at such time as the department grows to three or more people. If any new processes are introduced, the employer agrees to supply a full ninety (90) days to employees to become proficient in the operation of such new processes.
JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. A. The jurisdiction of the union covers all employees of the Circulation Department, excluding the Assistant Reader Sales Director and the Reader Sales Director.
JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. It is understood and agreed that before the employer introduces new equipment, or methods which will alter production under the bargaining unit’s jurisdiction, the employer will provide the union with all available data regarding the changes and meet with the union to discuss the changes and establish plans for relocating and retraining employees and the company recognizes that union members will do routine maintenance of all present and future equipment which falls under the jurisdiction of the union excepting such equipment which is serviced by the manufacturer or his representative. If any new processes are introduced, the Employer agrees to supply full ninety (90) days to journeypersons and apprentices to become proficient in the operation of such new processes. All operators on machines shall be journeypersons in good standing of Communications, Energy and Papetworkers Union of Canada, Local
JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. A. It is understood and agreed that before the employer introduces new equipment, or methods which will alter production under the bargaining unit’s jurisdiction, the employer will provide the union with all available data regarding the changes and meet with the union to discuss the changes and establish plans for relocating and retraining employees and the company recognizes that union members will do routine maintenance of all present and future equipment which falls under the jurisdiction of the union excepting such equipment which is serviced by the manufacturer or his representative. B. If any new processes are introduced, the Employer agrees to supply full ninety (90) days to journeypersons and apprentices to become proficient in the operation of such new processes. All operators on machines shall be journeypersons in good standing of Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada, Local 2000.
JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. 22.01 The jurisdiction of the Union shall cover all classifications covered by this Agreement. Such jurisdiction shall include the following: a) The preparation of input and all handling of output, operation of the computer and all input and output devices: pagination, scanning, proofreading. The Company further agrees that any changes in camera- ready ads that are submitted by any method will be performed by members of the bargaining unit. b) Union employees shall operate all systems for purposes of inputting classified advertisements (except classified display and hard copy, which are camera ready), and all downloading of advertisements from the Internet. Outside sales staff will not input, correct, create, build or output ads or Page 28 Kamloops This Week and Unifor 2000 spec ads, or undertake any work that is in the jurisdiction of the Union. c) In editorial, employees who are reporter level and above may input stories, (including headings) they have authored, and news services provided by electronic feed. Any editorial information, however input, may be recalled for editing, rewriting, and merging. d) All photography for editorial. e) Business office shall include business, accounting and classified advertising departments, which includes but is not limited to clerks, switchboard operator, classified clerks, and part-time workers performing work within the jurisdiction of the Union. f) Circulation work includes carrier administration, starts, and stops. 22.02 Notwithstanding the Union’s jurisdiction, the parties agree that the use of Correspondents, Stringers, Special Section writers and Freelancers will not be used if regular employees have not had an opportunity to work full-time hours. It is also agreed that the use of the above will not result in the lay-off of union members or a reduction in their hours. 22.03 Excluded personnel will continue to perform bargaining unit work to the level they currently perform, except for the editor, who may perform bargaining unit work as long as it does not result in the layoff of Union members or a reduction in their straight-time hours or a reduction in the number of staff through attrition. 22.04 With the exception of present practices, the Employer agrees not to contract out the work of the bargaining unit.
JURISDICTION OF THE UNION. It shall be a condition of employment that all regular (continuously employed) employees covered by this Agreement who are or become members of the UNION shall remain members of the UNION or, if an employee chooses not to be a member of the UNION, then that employee shall contribute his fair share for representation no later than their thirty-first (31st) day of employment. However, temporary, non-regular and summer help, hired after July 1st, 2019 will be required to join the UNION or pay their Fair Share for representation no later than the thirty-first (31st) day of employment with the VILLAGE. The VILLAGE further agrees that when additional employees are required, it will notify the UNION so that it shall have an opportunity to supply candidates for such employment from its members, but the VILLAGE may employ any person qualified in its judgment, whether or not such person is a candidate furnished by the UNION.