Jury Duty or Subpoena Sample Clauses
Jury Duty or Subpoena. Any employee summoned as a juror or subpoenaed as a witness shall be granted leave in accordance with state law, a copy of which is attached in Addendum B.
Jury Duty or Subpoena. A Long Term Occasional Teacher who is selected for service as a juror or is required by subpoena to appear in Court as a witness in any proceeding in which the Occasional Teacher is not a party or one of the persons charged, shall be paid the difference between the normal earnings and the payment the teacher receives as a juror or witness, exclusive of payments for reimbursement of expenses.
Jury Duty or Subpoena. Each teacher who is absent from duty by reason of a summons to serve as a juror, or a subpoena as a witness in any proceeding to which he/she is not a party or one of the persons charged, or attending a court appearance having to do with custody issues pertaining to a child for whom the teacher has responsibility, shall receive all benefits providing that the employee pays to the Board, any fee exclusive of travelling allowance and living expenses, that he/she receives as a juror or witness.
Jury Duty or Subpoena. A member who is absent from work by reason of a summons to serve as a juror, or is subpoenaed as a witness in any proceeding to which the member is not a party or one of the persons charged, shall be paid the difference between the normal earnings and the earnings received as a juror or as a witness.
Jury Duty or Subpoena. Teachers summoned to service on jury duty or subpoenaed to appear in a legal action shall be paid their regular contractual salary. Teachers shall turn over to the school district any remuneration which they receive for service. If a teacher is released from jury duty or as a witness when three (3) or more hours remain in the normal school day, he/she will then report to school to resume his/her normal classroom duties. Payment shall not be made in any situation where the teacher is bringing an action against the Board or district or is testifying against the Board or district unless subpoenaed by the Board.
Jury Duty or Subpoena. An employee who is subpoenaed to appear in court as a witness by or for the District or for jury duty will be granted leave of absence with pay. In such cases, the employee will receive his/her regular rate of pay from the District and will turn over to the District the amount of p y received for service as a court witness or for jury duty. Excluded from reimbursement are travel expenses and/or per mile rate payment. The employee will present proof of service to the business office for the amount of payment received and identify the amount that is to be excluded. For all other legal leave, for personal, non-personal, and/or pursuant to a subpoena requested by someone other than the District, the employee will utilize accrued leave, or if no leave is available, the time will be taken as leave without pay.
Jury Duty or Subpoena. 15.01 A Long-Term Occasional Teacher who is absent from assigned work by reason of a summons to serve as a juror or a subpoena as a witness in an), proceeding to which they are not a party or one of the persons charged shall be paid the difference between the normal earnings and the payment they received as a juror or as a witness.
Jury Duty or Subpoena. During the period of his/her assignment, a Long Term Occasional Teacher absent from duty by reason of being summoned to serve as a juror or witness, or being subpoenaed, in any proceedings to which the Long Term Occasional Teacher is not a party or one of the persons charged, is entitled to salary, provided that the Long Term Occasional Teacher pays to the Board any fee, exclusive of travelling allowance, and living expenses, that the Long Term Occasional Teacher receives in such capacity.
Jury Duty or Subpoena. 14.6.1. When a teacher is required to serve on a jury or is subpoenaed to appear in the courts as a witness, the School Division will continue to pay the teacher full salary provided the full amount of the allowance(s) (excluding reimbursement for authorized expenses) received by the teacher from the courts is remitted to the School Division.
Jury Duty or Subpoena. A teacher shall be granted a leave of absence with pay for the time required to serve on a jury or when subpoenaed as a witness provided any fees or payments made to a teacher are remitted to the Board.