Short Term Leaves Short Term Leaves are designed to allow Teachers who have to apply for short term personal leaves of absence not otherwise covered by this Collective Agreement.
Short Term Leave Members who are LTD trustees and Union stewards or designates may apply in writing to the Employer for short term leaves of absence for; attendance at union conventions, union courses, and union committees. The employee will give reasonable notice, which will be at least seven (7) days. The Employer will make every reasonable effort to accommodate such leave, and shall grant it subject to the ability to maintain the operational needs of the department. With the exception of members of the Union's executive, the employer is not required to grant more than twenty (20) days LOA per calendar year under this provision.
EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING 1. The State agrees to provide advice and counseling to employees with respect to career advancement opportunities and agency developments which have an impact on their careers. 2. Regular review of its job-related and career development and training programs will be made by the State in order to provide suitable programs for employees covered by this Agreement. When undertaking any such review, the State shall notify employees of such review and take into account suggestions and proposals made by employees. 3. Employees shall be given a reasonable notice of applicable, development and training programs available. Such notice shall include an explanation of the procedure for applying for the program. Notices of development and training programs shall be posted for reasonable periods in advance on bulletin boards at applicable work locations within the agencies involved. An appointing authority shall make every effort to permit employees' participation in such career development and training programs. Participation in any training inside or outside of work hours which is required by the State as a condition of fulfilling the requirements of the employee's job, or any in-service State training which is conducted or undertaken during normally scheduled work hours will be considered as time worked. 4. The State shall pay tuition, course-related fees, other approved course required costs and for necessary travel and lodging pursuant to established policies and procedures.
Long Term Leave Any employee who declines a reappointment as a Teaching Assistant in order to interrupt his/her program of graduate study for a period not to exceed one (1) year will not jeopardize his/her consideration for reappointment under Article l3.03.
Short Term Paid Leaves The parties agree that the issue of Short Term Paid Leaves had been addressed at the Central Table and the provisions shall remain status quo to provisions in current local collective agreements. For clarity, any leave of absence in the 2008-12 Collective Agreement, that utilizes deduction from sick leave, for reasons other than personal illness shall be granted without loss of salary or deduction from sick leave, to a maximum of five (5) days per school year. Local collective agreements that have more than (5) days shall be limited to five (5) days. These days shall not be used for the purpose of sick leave nor shall they be accumulated from year-to-year. Such provisions shall not be subject to local bargaining or mid-term amendments between local parties. Notwithstanding this stipulation, local collective agreement terms will need to align with the terms above.
EMPLOYEE WORK YEAR 9.1 The work year shall be as follows:
Multi-Year Planning The CAPS will be in a form acceptable to the LHIN and may be required to incorporate (1) prudent multi-year financial forecasts; (2) plans for the achievement of performance targets; and (3) realistic risk management strategies. It will be aligned with the LHIN’s then current Integrated Health Service Plan and will reflect local LHIN priorities and initiatives. If the LHIN has provided multi-year planning targets for the HSP, the CAPS will reflect the planning targets.
Corporate Social Responsibility The Parties affirm the importance of each Party encouraging enterprises operating within its Area or subject to its jurisdiction to voluntarily incorporate into their internal policies those internationally recognised standards, guidelines and principles of corporate social responsibility that have been endorsed or are supported by that Party.
Employee Development The Employer may provide employees the opportunity to participate in appropriate seminars, workshops or short courses. When possible and appropriate the Employer will provide to all staff information on seminars, workshops or short courses by posting a notice on the Employer’s internal web site.
Synopsis and Benefit to Xxxxxxx County The Agreement continues the contractual relationship between the Oregon State Marine Board and Xxxxxxx County through its Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office will be reimbursed for marine law enforcement patrols, boater education, and boat inspections conducted throughout the County.