Meals and Allowances. 6.1 In Canada Can$
6.2 USA Travel US$
Meals and Allowances. In Canada Can$
Meals and Allowances. In Canada Can$ Composite meal and incidental allowances (daily rate) commercial breakfast lunch dinner same as above but in funds Note: The following expenses shall be supported by legible vouchers, receipts or other appropriate documents: commercial transportation costs; overnight accommodation in excess of $13.50; of the transportation cost. excess luggage charges; taxis, where the charge exceeds $5.00; parking charges; long distance telephone, telegraph, telex, cable, express charges; long distance personal telephone calls for a three (3) day trip will be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, and a five (5) day trip will be limited to a maximum of twenty-five (25) minutes; currency exchange charges; car rental (standard mid-size); use of a private car should be authorized by Risk Management. Frequent flyer points can be kept by employee. All employees are required to make their own travel arrangements no central agency bookings. For each day or part day in travel status where overnight accommodation is authorized, a traveller shall be paid a meal allowance for each breakfast, lunch and dinner when applicable, if the meal was not provided free of cost to the traveller. When this allowance is paid, no additional amount may be claimed for meals, or for gratuities associated with meals. The employee will receive the meal allowances notwithstanding that may receive meals or snacks on aircraft or bus. For travel status of less than one day, i.e., when a round-trip generally takes place on the same calendar day, the appropriatemeal expense will be paid. The employee shall submit receipts to support meal claims when so requested by the employer. Reimbursement shall be based on actual costs incurred and shall not exceed the appropriatemeal allowances. Meal expenses incurred within the area shall not be reimbursed except as otherwise approved by the employer. area means an area surroundingthe workplace having a radius of centred on the workplace.
Meals and Allowances. In Canada Can$ Composite meal and incidental allowances (daily rate) ~ commercial 50.15 ~ private/government/institutional 50.00 ~ breakfast 10.95 ~ lunch 10.85 ~ dinner 30.45 ~ All types of accommodation 12.00
Meals and Allowances. In Canada Can$ USA Travel
Meals and Allowances. In Canada: Can$ Individual Meal Allowances ~ breakfast 12.15 ~ lunch 12.75 ~ dinner 34.10 Incidental Expense Allowances (xxxxxx tip, snacks, water, etc.) when there is a combination of travel and accommodation 13.50
Meals and Allowances. The rates payable in cents per kilometer for pre-authorized use of private cars is (0.59.
Meals and Allowances. When employees are doing work for the Association which requires them to be away from their residence, they are not required to be billeted. Employees shall receive allowance for meals, mileage and accommodations in accordance with the Government of Saskatchewan/SGEU (Public Service) Collective Agreement as may be periodically amended.
Meals and Allowances. (a) An employee required to continue working for two hours or more after the conclusion of their normal shift without being notified the day before shall :
(i) either be supplied with a meal by the Company, or
(ii) be paid in accordance with the Meal allowance specified in Schedule A.2, Allowances for the first meal and for each subsequent meal after each further four hours' overtime where the employee is required to continue working after each four hours.
(b) If an employee pursuant to notice has provided a meal or meals and is not required to work overtime or is required to work less than the amount advised, the employee shall be paid as above prescribed for the meal or meals provided.