Motor Sample Clauses

Motor. Candidates should have sufficient coordination of both gross and fine muscular movements and equilibrium. The candidate must also have the functional use of the senses of touch and vision to perform laboratory experiments and provide dental care required in the curriculum such as taking dental x-rays, performing dental examinations, injections, a variety of dental procedures, and completing the physical assessment of the patient.
Motor. If the concerned boat has any motors then the “Motor” checkbox should be selected and a recording of the motor’s “Make,” “Year,” horsepower (“HP”), and serial number must be produced. Enough room has been provided for two motors to be documented however if there are more, then additional lines may be inserted. Federal law will require that every (motorized) boat that is less than twenty feet must have a capacity plate displaying the horsepower. If this is not readily available, then the boat’s length must be multiplied by the width of its transom to obtain the boat’s factor which must be compared with Federal Regulations Table 183.53 to obtain the horsepower. It is strongly recommended that a qualified professional (i.e. a Broker or Boat Mechanic) is consulted for this information if it is not readily available on the vessel especially since the structure or design of some boats may cause confusion in reaching an accurate figure. 5. Purchase Price (18)
Motor. Inadditionto the requiredmedicalexaminations, the Employer agrees that where any employee who drives a vehicle in the of employment coming under the Motor Vehicle Licenses, is required by any agency take a medical examination to right to drive such vehicles corning under the aforesaid, orto operatea vehicleequippedwith air brakes, the Employerhereunder shall, where same is not paid for by any part of the Welfare Plan under which the employee is covered, pay for such medical
Motor. If motor vehicles are with funds or furnished by Slate under the terms of this conlract, wilhin 30 calendar days prior to the or end of this conlract, Contractor Subcontractor shall relurn such vehicles lo the State and shall deliver all necessary documents of title or lo enable the proper transfer of a title lo State. If molor vehicles are with conlract funds or furnished by the Slate under Ihe terms of this conlracl, the Slate shall be legal owner of said motor vehicles and the shall be the registered owner. The Contractor and/or may use said vehicles for performance and under terms of this The Conlractor and/or Subcontractor agree lhat all operators of rnolor vehicles, purchasedlreimbursed with contract funds or furnished by the Slate under the Of this contract, shall hold a valid Slate of California driver's license. In the event lhat 10 or passengers are to be transported in any one vehicle, shall also hold a Slale of Class driver's license. . If any motor vehicle is with conlract funds or furnished by the Slale under the terms of this contract, the Conlractor and/or Subconlractor, as applicable, shall provide, mainlain and certify at a minimum, Ihe following and amount of liability is in during lerm of this or any period of conlracl exlension during which any vehicle remains in Conlractor's Subconlraclor's Insurance The Conlraclor, by signing lhis conlracl, hereby lhal possesses or oblain liabilily insurance in Ihe amounl of per injury and properly damage liability combined. Said insurance obtained and made effectiveupon Ihe delivery xxxx any motor vehicle, purchasedlreimbursed with conlracl funds or furnished by the Slale lerms of this conlracl, lo the Subconlraclor. The Conlractor and/or Subcontractor shall, as soon as practical, furnish the certificate of insurance lo the Slale. The Conlraclor and/or agree lhal bodily injury and property damage liability insurance, as required herein, shall remain in effect at all times lerm lhis contract or such lime as molor vehicle is returned lo The Conlraclor Subcontractor agree lo provide, at least 30 days prior lo Ihe expiration xxxx of said insurance coverage, a copy of a new certificate of insurance evidencing conlinued coverage, as indicaled herein, lor less lhan remainder of lerm of this contracl, lhe lerm of any extension or thereof, or for a period of not less one (1) year. The Conlractor Subcontractor musl provide evidence lhal any required certificates of insurance conlain following provisions: The ...
Motor. Low Lube Oil Pressure Voltage, armature Failure Transfer of standby Motor cooler, high temperature
Motor. 1. Each pump shall be provided with a vertical, solid shaft, high efficiency, high thrust WP-1, 460 volt, three-phase, 60-Hz heavy duty electric motor as specified in Section 16158. The motor configuration shall be as scheduled in Design Requirements. Motors shall be furnished with motor winding over temperature protection thermostats as specified in Section 16158. Units installed outdoors to be supplied with space heaters.
Motor. The employee begin accumulation of sick leave at the start of the pay period immediately following the date he completes one (1) year of continuous employment. The employee must be paid for not less than one hundred and twenty-eight (128) hours in a four (4) week period to be credited for a half day in that month including vacation and holidays. Employees absent from work due to leave of absence for any reason, or sickness and compensation, will not accumulate sick leave during this absence. Where any absence, occasioned by sickness or accident is not covered for payment for either the Teamsters Transport and Welfare Trust Plan or Workers' Compensation, paid sick shall be applied as One-haif day's pay for the first day of absence, provided that day is a regular work day. One (1) full day's pay for each of the second (2nd) and third (3rd) days of sickness, provided those days are regular work days.
Motor. A student must have the ability to participate in basic diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers and procedures. Motor function must be adequate to fully execute movements required to provide patient care including dependent transfer of an individual. A student must be able to negotiate patient care environments required in their particular discipline and be able to move between settings such as the classroom, health care facility, or community setting. Some physical tasks require the ability to transfer the equivalent of an adult human’s body weight. Physical stamina sufficient to complete the rigorous course of didactic and clinical study is required. Long periods of sitting, standing, or moving are required in a variety of learning sites.
Motor. The pump motor shall be of the special purpose design specified in Section 11060. The motor shall be designed for continuous duty, capable of sustaining a minimum of 10 starts per hour. The motor shall be rated Explosion-Proof and shall be UL listed in accordance with UL 674 for Class I, Group D hazardous atmospheres. The junction chamber, containing the terminal board, shall be hermetically sealed from the motor. Connection between the cable conductors and stator leads shall be made with threaded compressed type binding post permanently affixed to a terminal board. The submersible electrical cable shall be of sufficient length to reach the junction box located outside the sump where shown.