Notice Posting Sample Clauses
Notice Posting. The Company shall post a notice on all bulletin boards of the facility where notices are customarily posted as soon as the Unit Determination Procedure in Paragraph 3(d)(3) below is completed. This notice shall read as follows: “NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES We have been formally advised that the United Steelworkers of America is conducting an organizing campaign among certain of our employees. This is to advise you that:
1. The Company does not oppose collective bargaining or the unionization of our employees.
2. The choice of whether or not to be represented by a union is yours alone to make.
3. We will not interfere in any way with your exercise of that choice.
4. The Union will conduct its organizing effort over the next ninety (90) days.
5. In their conduct of the organizing effort, the Union and its representatives are prohibited from misrepresenting the facts surrounding your employment. Nor may they unfairly demean the integrity or character of the Company or its representatives.
6. If the Union secures a simple majority of authorization cards of the employees in [insert description of bargaining unit provided by the Union] the Company shall recognize the Union as the exclusive representative of such employees without a secret ballot election conducted by the National Labor Relations Board.
7. The authorization cards must unambiguously state that the signing employees desire to designate the Union as their exclusive representative.
8. Employee signatures on the authorization cards will be confidentially verified by a neutral third party chosen by the Company and the Union.” Following receipt of Written Notification, the Company may only communicate to its employees on subjects which directly or indirectly concern unionization on the issues covered in the Notice set forth above or raised by other terms of this Neutrality Section and consistent with this Section and its spirit and intent.
Notice Posting. The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern (with the exception of political or defamatory materials or materials inappropriate for minors) on designated bulletin boards in each building or facility to which bargaining unit members may be assigned. All such posted notices shall be signed and dated by the Association official responsible for the posting.
Notice Posting. 1. Appointing authorities shall post a notice inviting intra-department, in-class transfers (unless there are no incumbents in the classification that will be used to fill the vacancy).
2. Notices shall be posted in the same place where job announcements are customarily posted.
3. Notices shall be posted for a period of no less than seven (7) calendar days before the final date the application must be submitted.
4. Notices shall at a minimum include:
a. The classification of the vacancy;
b. A brief description of the duties;
c. Desirable qualifications including any special education, training, experience, skills, abilities and/or aptitudes;
d. The final date by which applications must be postmarked;
e. The place to submit the applications; and
f. The name and telephone number of a person to contact for additional information.
Notice Posting. Any holder of a city business license shall, as a condition of obtaining or holding a business license, post and display in a prominent location next to its business license a notice that the business is in compliance with the provisions of this article and shall include the text of sections 38-202 and 38-204 of this article. Failure to comply with this section shall be construed as a violation of this article and, in addition, shall be considered grounds for suspension, revocation, or termination of the business license. (Ord. No. 170391 , § 6, 5-18-17)
Notice Posting. Whenever a vacancy or newly created position occurs, the Employer will post on the bulletin boards a notice of such vacancy for a period of one (1) calendar week. The job posting shall specify the department having the vacancy, the job classification, and skill, ability and qualifications expected of the applicant. The Employer may determine not to fill a vacant position and it shall be treated as though a layoff occurred.
Notice Posting. The District shall provide bulletin board space in each building for use by the Association in areas not normally accessible to students.
Notice Posting. The Company shall post a notice on all bulletin boards of the facility where notices are customarily posted as soon as the Unit Determination Procedure in Paragraph 3(d)(3) below is completed. This notice shall read as follows: "NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES We have been formally advised that the United Steelworkers of America is conducting an organizing campaign among certain of our employees. This is to advise you that:
Notice Posting. It is agreed that the Union may use City Bulletin Boards in the firehouses for the purposes of posting notice to Union members, providing that such notice shall be clearly identified as Union notices.
Notice Posting. The Defendant shall continue to conspicuously post at its Memphis, Tennessee office, the notice (posters) required to be posted pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended. Furthermore, the Defendant shall conspicuously post the notice at Appendix A of this Agreement for the remainder of calendar year 2006 commencing within ten (10) days after entry of this Agreement by the Court.
Notice Posting. Upon written notification by the Union that an organizing campaign is in progress, the Company shall post on all bulletin boards where notices are customarily posted a notice which shall read as follows: "NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES 246 We have been formally advised that the United Steelworkers of America is conducting an organizing campaign among certain of our employees. This is to advise you that: