NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGS. 13.9.1 Any employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing by the Personnel Commission of an opening. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last address given the District by the employee, and a copy shall be sent to California School Employees Association labor relations representative and its local chapter #169 president by the Personnel Commission which shall relieve the District of any notification responsibility.
NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGS. Any support employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing by the Board of an opening. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last address given the Board by the support employee. SUPPORT EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION TO BOARD A support employee shall notify the Board of his/her intent to accept or refuse employment within five (5) working days following receipt of the reemployment notice. If the support employee accepts reemployment, the support employee must report to work within ten (10) days following receipt of the reemployment notice. REEMPLOYMENT IN HIGHEST POSITION Support employees shall be reemployed in the highest position available, for which they are qualified, in the laid off department. When a support employee who was terminated due to reduction in force is reemployed, all accumulated applicable seniority, salary, and benefits that he/she had at the time of termination will be restored.
NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGS. Any support employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing, by the Board, of an opening for a period of one calendar year. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last address given the Board by the support employee.
NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGS. 21.8.1 Any unit employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing by the County Office of an opening. 21.8.2 Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last address given to the County Office by the Unit employee, and a copy shall be sent to CSEA by the County Office, which shall acquit the County Office of its notification responsibility.
NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGSAny employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing by the District. Such notice shall be sent, with a "Proof of Service by Mail" form to the last address given to the District by the employee, and a copy shall be sent to CSEA. An employee shall send notification to the District of his/her intent to accept or refuse reemployment within ten (10) working days from the date of the reemployment notice. An employee given an offer of reemployment need not accept the reemployment to maintain the employee's eligibility on the reemployment list, provided the employee sends notification to the District of refusal of reemployment within ten (10) working days from the employee's actual receipt of the reemployment notice. If the employee accepts reemployment, he/she must be willing to report to work within ten (10) working days following notification to the District of his/her acceptance. If the employee accepts reemployment but fails to report to work within the ten (10) working days following notification, except in cases of illness or emergencies, the employee will be removed from the reemployment list. REEMPLOYMENT IN HIGHEST CLASS: Employees shall be reemployed in the highest job classification from which they were laid off in accordance with their class seniority when vacancies become available. Any employee who accepts a position lower than his/her highest former class, shall retain his/her original thirty-nine (39) month rights to the higher paid position. SENIORITY FOLLOWING LAYOFF: Upon return to work within thirty-nine (39) months of layoff, all accrued seniority shall be reinstated for purpose of vacation, leaves, holidays and salary.
NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGSAny employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing by the Board of an opening. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last address given the Board by the employee. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION TO BOARD AS RELATED TO EMPLOYMENT FOLLOWING A REDUCTION IN FORCE A former employee shall notify the Board of his/her intent to accept or refuse employment within five (5) working days following receipt of the reemployment notice. Any former employee refusing employment releases the Board from further obligation.
NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGS. 15.20.1 Any employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing by the District. Such notice shall be sent, with a "Proof of Service by Mail" form to the last address given to the District by the employee, and a copy shall be sent to CSEA. An employee shall send notification to the District of his/her intent to accept or refuse reemployment within ten (10) working days from the date of the reemployment notice. An employee given an offer of reemployment need not accept the reemployment to maintain the employee's eligibility on the reemployment list, provided the employee sends notification to the District of refusal of reemployment within ten (10) working days from the employee's actual receipt of the reemployment notice. 15.20.2 If the employee accepts reemployment, he/she must be willing to report to work within ten
NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGS. Any unit member who is laid off and is subsequently eligible with qualifications for reemployment shall be notified as follows: The District will notify former unit member and Chapter 234 President or designee.
NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGS. Any classified employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing by the District of an opening in the classification from which the employee was laid off. Such notices shall be served by personal service or certified mail to the last known home address. Employees on reemployment lists may also apply for any posted vacant position and shall be reemployed in any vacancy for which he/she qualifies and applies and shall be reemployed in preference to new applicants. If offered employment, an employee shall notify the District of his/her intent to accept or refuse employment within forty-eight (48) hours following receipt of the reemployment notice. If the employee accepts reemployment, the employee must report to work within ten
NOTIFICATION OF REEMPLOYMENT OPENINGS. Any permanent employee who is laid off and is subsequently eligible for reemployment shall be notified in writing by the District of an opening. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail to the last address given to the District by the employee.