Overall Objectives. Partnerships defined by formal agreements are rare, and all parties acknowledge the significance of this effort. All parties place value in working as equal partners and will be guided by moral, ethical and professional principles, not limited to rights and interests specified by law. This agreement codifies the desire of the WisDOT, FHWA, and the individual Wisconsin tribal governments to implement the concept of the government-to-government relationship. Under this agreement, all parties will agree to work together under the framework of the Guiding Principles section by providing the transportation related programs and services to better serve their communities. This agreement does not determine specific tribal funding issues or state or federal funding formulas and does not focus on individual tribal specific issues. It does provide all parties with protocols to enhance collaboration, a timeline for measurable results and specific contact staff for timely communication. Addendum 1 is a map of statewide and regional tribal liaison contacts who are the essential key points of communication with WisDOT to facilitate the successful implementation of partnership projects and action items. A WisDOT Tribal Task Force was established after the original 2005 Partnership Agreement was signed. This group consists of representatives designated by the tribal leaders and WisDOT. The WisDOT Tribal Task Force is a forum for partners to address long-standing transportation issues faced by tribal communities. All parties recognize that administration and financial support is essential to the success of the WisDOT Tribal Task Force.
Overall Objectives. The overall objective of the measure is to protect Osam river and ultimately the Danube River, from pollution from discharges of untreated sewage and industrial wastewater, by the provision of a wastewater treatment plant to treat the wastewater to acceptable effluent quality standards and by provision of ancillary infrastructures in the collection system. In particular, the measure will: – Enable the city of Lovech to achieve compliance with Urban Waste Water Directive; – Reduce the risks to human health for the population living in the target areas served by the new WWTP; – Reduce the pollution in the trans-border region, including the Danube River and Black Sea; – Reduce the potential risk of groundwater contamination; – Reduce the potential risk of soil contamination; – Improve the protection of the environment of the river basin waters; – Improve the state of the flora/fauna of the riverine environment; – Build-up an effective ecological infrastructure to facilitate economic activity; – Improve the conditions for the development of key sectors of the economy – tourism and agriculture; – Improve the quality and quantity range of services for the population in the targeted area; – Create new employment opportunities – temporary and permanent and stimulate local and regional development.
Overall Objectives. 3.1.1. Contractor shall conduct a full Classification and Total Compensation Study for the County of Orange’s Administrative Management occupational series;
3.1.2. Contractor shall review and understand all current documentation, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, budgets, class descriptions, organizational charts, memoranda of understanding, personnel policies, wage and salary schedules, and related information so that County’s recommendations can be operationally incorporated with minimal disruption;
3.1.3. Contractor shall conduct start-up Study Project Team meetings with management, study project staff and other stakeholders to discuss any specific concerns with respect to the development of a classification and compensation plan; finalize study plans and timetables; conduct employee orientation sessions with management and staff in order to educate and explain the scope of the study and describe what are and are not reasonable study expectations and goals;
3.1.4. Contractor shall work collaboratively and effectively with the County and its stakeholders while at the same time maintaining control and objectivity in the conduct of the study;
3.1.5. Contractor shall develop a classification and compensation structure that meets all legal requirements, is non-discriminatory, and easily accommodates organizational change and growth;
3.1.6. Contractor shall document all steps in the process and provide documentation and training for Human Resources and other staff, as appropriate, in classification and compensation analysis methodologies so that the County can integrate, maintain, administer and defend any recommended changes after the initial implementation; and
3.1.7. Contractor shall provide effective ongoing communication throughout the duration of the project, provide advice on communication strategies for the implementation phase, provide support during the appeals phase, and to provide continued support after implementation.
Overall Objectives. 4.1. The partners agree to work in support of the Island Strategic Partnership’s (ISP’s) overall vision for the Island to be an Eco Island and to support, promote and develop the Isle of Wight as a world class visitor destination with a thriving economy.
4.2. The partners will support the ISP in the delivery of the objectives of the Economic and Regeneration Strategy in relation to tourism being: • A higher standard, wider range and increase in the overall quality of the Island tourism offer. • Eco Island to be instantly recognisable as the Island’s overall brand and the values that underpin it are well understood by all potential visitors to the Island. • Through active industry engagement, reach a collective agreement about the roles and responsibilities of all players with an interest in tourism and actions that are consistent with this agreement. • Activities in support of the tourism industry are part of the mainstream of the work of all the public sector organisations on the Island, where appropriate. • More intelligent collection and application of market information to enable the identification and exploitation of market opportunities for the Island.
Overall Objectives. In accordance with Creation of ATP Resolutions, the objective is for ATP to “aid and act on behalf of the City and Capital Metro to accomplish a governmental purpose by implementing the Project Connect System Plan”. The Articles of Incorporation provide the purpose and objective of ATP: “The Corporation is to be the principal entity responsible for financing, designing, building, implementing, and contracting with Capital Metro to operate and maintain assets funded by the Joint LGC in a manner independent of the City and Capital Metro. The implementation of Project Connect is comprised of the financing, design, engineering, and construction of a fixed rail and bus transit system, including customer technology, park & ride hubs, on‐demand neighborhood circulators, and associated improvements to roadways, bikeways, sidewalks and street lighting. Project Connect also comprises transit‐supportive anti‐displacement strategies for the purpose of preventing displacement and encouraging transit‐oriented affordable housing along Project Connect transit corridors. The Corporation shall implement Project Connect in accordance with the Initial Investment Map and associated Implementation Sequence Plan, as modified from time to time jointly by Capital Metro and the City.”
Overall Objectives. Partnerships defined by formal agreements are rare. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge the significance of this effort. The parties place value in working as equal partners, and are guided by moral, ethical and professional principles. This Agreement demonstrates the desire of the Wisconsin transportation agencies and the individual Indian Nations located within Wisconsin boundaries to implement a government-to-government relationship. Under this Agreement, all parties agree to work together under the framework of the Guiding Principles by providing transportation related programs and services to better serve their communities. This Agreement does not determine specific tribal funding issues, state, or federal funding formulas and does not focus on tribal specific issues. It provides the parties with protocols to enhance collaboration, a timeline for measurable results and specific contact staff for timely communication. As a result of Executive Order 39, Wis-DOT created an American Indian liaison position (“Liaison”). The Liaison is a major point of communication along with any Wis-DOT Districts and will facilitate the successful implementation of the protocols and action items.
Overall Objectives. The overall framework agreement is an integrated whole which, when it is approved by both communities in separate referendums and the provisions contained in the transitional arrangements have been implemented, will result in a new partnership and a new constitution for Cyprus that will govern the relations of the two communities on a federal basis that is bi-communal as regards the constitutional aspects and bi-zonal as regards the territorial aspects. The overall framework agreement is based on the 1977 and 1979 high- level agreements, relevant United Nations resolutions, in particular Security Council resolutions 367 (1975), 649 (1990), 716 (1991) and 750 (1992), and the guiding principles set out below.
Overall Objectives. 1.5.1 The Works and Services should be consistent with the following objectives:
a) statutory duties: to comply with regulatory requirements and to enable the Council to discharge its relevant statutory duties in its capacity as Waste Collection Authority, Waste Disposal Authority, Principal Litter Authority and highways authority, with least impact on the environment and the community and maximising the use of Waste as a resource;
Overall Objectives. 4.1 The overall objectives for this project are to: 3 The Sulphur Content of Liquid Fuels (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2007 - xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx/nisr/2007/272/contents/made 4 Note that higher sulphur fuel stocks are still stored in some premises for emergency power generation. See the Authority advice note AQ12 for further information: xxxx://xxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx.xx/environment/quality/pollution/ppc/localauth/pubs/guidance/notes/aqnotes/documents/aq12-07.pdf
(i) Update and maintain the existing database of land based UK fuel users.
(ii) Request and collect sulphur content information on stored gas oil and heavy fuel oil from land based UK fuel users.
(iii) Incorporate industry supplier data into the sampling and analysis programme.
(iv) Draft a report on the results of the sampling and analysis programme for submission to the European Commission.
Overall Objectives. At the end of five (5) days, the upland farmers/training participants are able to assess their farm business requirements appropriate to their individual priorities, capabilities and economic needs and will apply the lessons learned on their respective farms.