OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. The employer is to provide a copy of the collective agreement in booklet to all employees within three months of the effective date of this agreement. The cost of printing of the collective agreement is to be shared equally between the union and the employer.
OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT save and except where;
OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. The Union and Employer will share equally in the cost of printing this Agreement in booklet form.
OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. The Parties agree that these amendments shall become part of the current Collective Agreement and shall continue in full force and effect from September 1, 2010 until August 31, 2014. In witness whereof, the University and the Union have executed this Agreement in duplicate by their respective officers, hereunto duly authorized this 6th day of November, 2012. Vice President Co-President 1992 September 9 Chief, Coverage and Premium Policy Division Canada Employment and Immigration Commission 11th Floor, Phase IV 000 Xxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx/Xxxx K1A 0J9 Dear Sir/Madam: Re: Submission of Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SEB) Plan Revenue Canada Taxation Registration Numbers -LTP320410 and UBC900018 The University has recently concluded a new collective agreement with the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 2278, which includes provision for a SEB plan for employees receiving Employment Insurance Benefits while on maternity or adoption leave. As requested, the following information is relevant to our application to have the proposed SEB plan approved by your office:
OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. The Company to pay the cost and have amount of books printed within three (3) months of ratification. It is understood that both languages French and English be covered under a single book. The Union will assume responsibility to make the necessary changes into the Agreement. SIGNED AT ONTARIO THIS DAY OF FOR THE COMPANY FOR THE UNION Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxx Xxx LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED SCHEDULE "A" The Companyrecognizesthe Union as the sole Collective bargaining agency for all of its employees working at and out of its Sawmill and Planing Mill Operations at Ontario, save and except foremen, persons above the rank of xxxxxxx and and sales It is understood and agreed that the recognition and jurisdiction in this Collective Agreement does not cover any person involved in the Company's hauling xxxx operationsexcept those garage employeeswho may work on equipment associated with the hauling
OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. Except where otherwise stated in this Collective Agreement, this Collective Agreement shall be in force and effect from and after April or the date upon which the United Nurses of Alberta and the Provincial Health Authorities of Alberta exchange notice of ratification by their principals of the terms of this Collective Agreement, whichever is later, up to and including March 3 and from year to year thereafter unless notice, in writing, is given by either party to the other party not less than sixty days nor more than one hundred and twenty days prior to the expiration date of its desire to amend this Collective Agreement. This Collective Agreement shall continue in force and effect until a new Collective Agreement has been executed or until the right to strike or lockout arises.
OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. The employer and the union will share equally the cost of printing a reasonable number of copies of the collective agreement. ARTICLE CONTRACTING OUT The employer shall not contract out any of the work normally performed by employees in the bargaining unit if such contracting out results in layoffs or reduces the regular number of hours of work of any employee in the bargaining unit. Employees required to serve on jury duty or as a Crown Witness or subpoenaed to attend a Inquest in connection with a case arising from the duties at the Home shall be given the necessary time off. The Employer agrees to pay such employee his regular pay during such absence less any amounts received as jury duty, Crown Witness or subpoena pay subject to a yearly maximum of ten pay at the regular hourly rate. The employees will present proof of service of jury duty notice or a Crown Witness or Coroner's Subpoena and proof of the amount he received. The employee required to notify the Employer as soon as possible of his selection for jury duty or Subpoena as a Crown or Coroner's Witness.
OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be effective on the date of signing by the parties and shall remain i n f u l l force for a period of thre e (3 fro m th e 4t h o f September. and shall continu- full force and effect thereafter from year to year except that either party may, within sixty (60) days before the expiry date, give notice i n writing to the other party o f its intention to revise this Agreement. Community Recreation Broadcasting Service Association Xxxxx Xxxx Shopping Centre Labrador City, United Steelworkers of America Local Xxxxxx Drive Labrador City, Dear Due t o the circumstances regarding Xxxxx Xxxx the of Association agrees to change his rate from to a retroactive rate completion of a As per Appendix A, upon successful course this rate w i l l be increased to plus the agreed to increase f o r the year i n which the course is completed. In addition the Association agrees t o pay the 'Assistant Cable Technician' (5) extra hours per week for a total of (40) hours per week he happens t o be replacing the 'Cable Technician' for a period of (3) or more days. Yours Truly; Xxx Xxxxxxx ' CONFIRMED
OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. The Company will undertake the responsibility for the printing of the collective agreement in both languages (French and English) as may be required for each employee and will absorb the cost of such printing.
OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. This Collective Agreement shall take effect as of the date of signing and shall remain in full force and effect until March and from year to year thereafter unless notice is served by either party pursuant to the Code. Where notice is served by either Party under the Code, provisions of this Collective Agreement shall continue until: