Pay for Performance. The purpose of the Pay for Performance program is to establish and maintain a compensation program that is externally competitive and internally equitable and that rewards professional employees based on their performance.
Pay for Performance. Subject to available funding, the Board of Trustees provides for a pay for performance plan. The plan defines an amount of additional pay or a bonus based upon employees’ performance evaluations. The parties acknowledge that members of the bargaining unit shall be eligible for this benefit to the same extent and in the same manner as other University Work Force employees.
Pay for Performance. Our compensation program is intended to motivate our key contributors, including named executive officers (NEOs), to drive our business and financial results, and is designed to reward both annual financial and operating performance, as well as improved performance over a longer period of time. A considerable portion of each executive's total potential compensation consists of at-risk pay that is expressly conditioned upon the achievement of pre-established financial objectives and performance criteria.
Pay for Performance. The Pay for Performance Plan (PFP) is a salary incentive program linked to annual performance evaluations. Each year employees achieving a rating of "Exceeds Standards," "Superior" or "Outstanding" for the previous rating period shall receive a lump-sum incentive payment The incentive payments shall be paid by the first pay period on or after October 1 of each year of this agreement.
Pay for Performance. As set forth in Appendix D, SCDHHS will implement a Pay for Performance program in 2011. Any potential payments to the Contractor will occur in 2012 based on 2011 HEDIS data. Failure to report HEDIS measures to SCDHHS will result in liquidated damages as set forth in §13.3 of this Contract.
Pay for Performance. The County and ONA agree to and implement Performance Pay Program effective April 1, 2017, under the same terms and conditions as non- represented employees. Apply retroactively: Any nurse above the midpoint who didn’t receive a salary increase may be eligible depending on evaluations score. ONA members will develop guidelines and processes aligned with the County GOAL Performance Program standards for obtaining relevant feedback from peers for purposes of evaluation input. It will be the responsibility of members to provide relevant feedback and the responsibility of the supervisor to consider in providing performance feedback and evaluation rating.
Pay for Performance. 33.1 Pay for performance is merit-based compensation designed to encourage and recognize peak individual performance through performance-based compensation. It is intended to afford employees a greater role in the growth and success of the Company by encouraging and rewarding improved productivity, quality, and competitiveness. Each employee who has reached sixty (60) months of service is eligible to receive a wage rate increase based on the employee’s individual performance, measured as described in the next section.
33.1.1 Merit-based compensation will be determined based on performance objectives and measurements chosen by the Company for each job classification (which may vary across job classifications), with relative weighting given them as assigned by the Company. The Company will establish the objectives by March Components Performance Pay Out 1 – Commitments Met on Trouble < 89% 89% - 92% > 92% 2 – Commitments Met on Service Orders < 96.5% 96.5% - 98% > 98% 3 – Trouble Ticket Repeats > 13% 11% - 13% < 11% 4 – Service Order Repeats > 7% 5% – 7% < 5% 5 – Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) > 25hrs 22.5 – 25hrs < 22.5hrs 6 – Take the Lead Referrals (based on individual goals) < 99% 99% to 107% > 107%
Pay for Performance. During the contract period the County and Association will jointly work toward development of a mutually agreed upon pay for performance program, which may include salary and non-salary issues.
Pay for Performance. For employees in AMAPCEO classifications who are at the maximum of their salary range:
41.2.1 For employees who were at the salary maximum on March 31, pay for performance payments will be processed on March 31st each year based on performance for the previous fiscal year.
41.2.2 The pay for performance shall be a re-earnable lump sum payment and will not increase the employee’s base salary beyond the maximum of the salary range for any purpose.
(a) The amounts of pay for performance payments available under article 41.3 shall be fixed at a maximum of three and a half percent (3.5%) for above meets expectation. Any employee who receives a meets expectations review will receive a pay for performance increase of 2.25% effective April 1.
(b) The administration of the payments made under Article 41.3 is totally within the discretion of the Employer. Individual employees’ disputes over their merit ratings and pay for performance bonuses will not be arbitrable.
(c) It is understood that 80% of employees eligible for pay for performance payment under Article 41.3 shall receive a “meets expectation” rating.
Pay for Performance. Section A – Definition Pay-for-Performance shall mean additional compensation for certificated employees which is awarded on the basis of meeting student academic goals at a school or department. The program shall be available to all employees as defined in Article 2.