Pay Sample Clauses
Pay. As compensation for the services provided, the Employee shall be paid
Pay. As compensation for the services provided, the Employee shall be paid ___________________ dollars ($___________________) ☐ per hour ☐ salary on an annual basis (“Compensation”). The Compensation is a gross amount that is subject to all local, State, Federal, and any other taxes and deductions as prescribed by law. Payment shall be distributed to the Employee on a ☐ weekly ☐ bi-weekly ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☐ annual basis.
Pay. 24.01 Employees are entitled to be paid for services rendered for the classification and position to which they are appointed at the pay rates specified in the Appendices attached.
(a) Employees shall be paid on every second Friday. Pay cheques of Lookout Tower Persons will be deposited to the bank of their choice in Hay River.
(b) In the event there is delay in paying Employees, emergency cheques will be issued to the extent of wages earned during that pay period.
(c) Where cheques are distributed to Employees at their place of work, they shall first have been placed in sealed envelopes.
24.03 Employees who have earned overtime compensation or any other extra allowances in addition to their regular pay, should receive such remuneration in the pay period in which it was earned but, in any event, shall receive such remuneration on the following pay day. When overtime compensation is paid, the pay statement shall indicate the pay periods, rate of overtime, and the number of overtime hours.
(a) When an Employee performs the duties of a higher classification level on an acting basis, and when this is previously approved by the Employer, he shall be paid acting pay calculated from the date on which he commenced to act as if he had been appointed to that higher classification level for the period in which he acts.
(b) When a day designated as a paid holiday occurs on a day when the Employee would otherwise be performing duties on an acting basis, the holiday shall be considered as a day worked for purposes of acting pay.
(a) The Employer agrees to pay the negotiated salary increases to every Employee not later than the month following the month in which this Agreement is signed and not later than the month following the month in which any subsequent salary increases become effective.
(b) The Employer agrees to pay all retroactive remuneration for salary increases, overtime, acting pay and allowances not later than two months following the month in which the Agreement is signed.
(c) Retroactive pay shall be issued on a separate cheque. In the event that retroactive pay is not issued in the time allotted in Article 24.05(b), interest at prime rates will also be paid.
24.06 When an Employee is appointed to a new position he shall be paid:
(a) If the appointment constitutes a promotion as defined in Article 2.01(y) placement on the new level at a step that equates to at least one increment above his previous salary.
(b) (i) if the appointment constitutes a transfer,...
Pay. Pay for employees in the bargaining unit shall be in accordance with the Compensation Plan adopted by the Department of Administrative Services and approved by the Governor as modified by this Agreement. No changes shall be made in the Compensation Plan which affect SEIU Local 503, OPEU bargaining unit employees unless the Parties to this Agreement have negotiated the changes and reached agreement on what changes will be made. This is not intended to prevent mechanical changes or other minor changes necessary to administer the Compensation Plan.
Pay. (a) Pay for employees in the bargaining unit shall be in accordance with the Compensation Plan adopted by the Department of Administrative Services and approved by the Governor as modified by this Agreement. No changes shall be made in the Compensation Plan which affect SEIU Local 503, OPEU bargaining unit employees unless the Parties to this Agreement have negotiated the changes and reached agreement on what changes will be made. This is not intended to prevent mechanical changes or other minor changes necessary to administer the Compensation Plan.
(b) All employees shall be paid no later than the first day of the month or semi-monthly, as appropriate. When a payday occurs on Monday through Friday, payroll checks shall be released to employees on that day. When payday falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, employee paychecks shall be made available after 8:00 a.m. on the last working day of the month, or as appropriate for hourly employees. When an employee is not scheduled to work on the payday, the paycheck may be released prior to payday if the paycheck is available and the employee has completed the “Request for Release of Payroll Check” Form AD20. However, the employee may not cash or deposit the check prior to the normal release time. Any violation of this provision may be cause for denial of future early release of paycheck. All checks released early under this Article shall be accompanied by written notice from the Employer as to the normal release time and date for that employee and a statement that early cashing or depositing of the check may be cause for denial of future early release of paycheck. However, this shall not apply to appropriate tenth (10th) of the month payroll. The release day for December paychecks dated January 1 shall be the first working day in January to avoid the risk of December’s paychecks being included in the prior year’s earnings for tax purposes.
(c) Employees shall be paid no less than the minimum rate of pay for their classification upon appointment as a temporary employee.
(d) Release of sixty percent (60%) of an employee’s earned gross wages prior to the employee’s designated payday shall be authorized subject to approval of the Appointing Authority, in emergency cases upon receipt of a written request from the employee that describes the emergency. An emergency situation shall be defined as an unusual, unforeseen event or condition that requires immediate financial attention by an employee. Emergencies include ...
Pay. If the Company terminates Executive’s employment, it shall pay Executive, as severance pay, an amount equivalent to twelve (12) months of Executive’s base salary, subject to normal payroll taxes and deductions. Payment will be made ratably over the twelve (12) month period immediately following the termination of Executive’s employment, consistent with the customary payroll practices of the Company. Provided, however, Executive will not be entitled to the severance discussed in this Section 1.7(a) if Executive voluntarily resigns his employment or if the Company terminates his employment for Cause.
Pay. 19.01 Classifications, minimum pay rates and wage settlement are described in Appendix “B”.
19.02 Salary increases due to progression within a pay scale take effect on the Sunday following the effective date, unless the latter falls on a Sunday.
19.03 An employee transferred to a classification level with a higher maximum rate of pay will be paid at the first (1st) increment within the new classification that represents an increase over the employee’s previous rate of pay. If the new rate of pay is not the maximum rate for the new classification, the employee will continue to move up the pay scale following their promotion according to the prescribed periods, until they reach the maximum rate.
19.04 The Employer reserves the right to recognize an employee’s work experience and, consequently, to hire or remunerate an employee at a higher rate of pay than that corresponding to their actual progression. In such a case, the employee will move up the pay scale according to the normal progression.
(a) it is comparable experience in a retail food store; and
(b) twelve (12) months have not elapsed since their last day worked. The Employer may exceed these maximums or waive the requirements above for individual employees where in its opinion it will best serve the interest of the business. The Employer will be fair and reasonable when determining the amount of credit the employee will receive and agrees to notify the Union of the event where an employee is granted credit in excess. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to supply reasonable proof of previous experience within sixty (60) calendar days of employment. Otherwise, all claims for credit for previous experience shall be forfeited by the employee. Reasonable proof will mean that if past employment records are not obtainable, the Union records, Income Tax records, or other similar documents will be acceptable. Provided the employee has advised the Employer at their time of hire of the claimed credit, the hourly rate for recognized credit will be effective from the first day of employment.
(a) An employee who performs the duties of a higher-level position than their regular position for more than eight (8) hours in a given week is entitled to a premium of fifty (50¢) cents per hour for the entire period worked at this higher classification level, provided that the adjusted salary does not exceed the maximum rate of pay for the position they are filling temporarily. In such a case, the employee receiv...
Pay. If an employee is injured on the job and his supervisor excuses him from further duty for the balance of his shift, the employee's regular rate of pay shall continue for the balance of that shift and there shall be no deduction from sick leave or other credits.
Pay. Payment shall be distributed on a ☐ weekly ☐ bi-weekly ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☐ annual basis.
Pay. Pay by direct deposit, together with a statement of earnings, will be bi-weekly.