Paychecks. All regular paychecks of employees in the bargaining unit shall be itemized to include all standard deductions.
Paychecks. All regular paychecks of employees in the bargaining unit shall be itemized in accordance with the Orange County Department of Education payroll procedures.
Paychecks. 50.1: Paychecks shall be made available every other Thursday at 7:00 a.m. and shall be paid to employees through direct deposit or payroll debit card consistent with the Michigan Wage and Fringe Benefit Act.
Paychecks. The District will provide pay to employees through direct deposit of the amounts owing to them each payday into an account at a financial institution as designated by the employee. Employees will be provided with an option to access their pay from one or more financial institutions without the necessity of opening an account at that institution. Reasonable measures will be taken by the site administrator to ensure the privacy of information contained in employee paychecks and other pay records.
Paychecks. All regular paychecks of employees shall be itemized to include all authorized deductions jointly agreed upon by CSEA and the District. All employees shall be paid once per month payable on the last working day of the month. If the normal pay date falls on a holiday, the paycheck shall be issued on the preceding workday.
Paychecks. 1. Wages shall be determined and administered in accordance with the salary schedule herein and shall be paid in twenty-four (24) equal payments.
2. Payday shall be the fifth (5th) and twentieth (20th) of each month and will include all additional hours worked as provided on time sheets. When a payday falls on a holiday or weekend day, paychecks will be distributed the preceding weekday that is not a bank holiday.
3. Direct deposit is mandatory for all bargaining unit members.
4. Additional pay, except base pay, shall be shown on pay stub.
5. Bargaining unit members will have paychecks deposited directly into the bank of their choice, on or before the date of payday. Each bargaining unit member will be provided an electronic paycheck stub.
Paychecks. All regular paychecks of employees in the bargaining unit shall be itemized to include all deductions, overtime, holiday pay, additional wage benefits, differentials, and longevity. All employees in the bargaining unit shall be paid once per month payable on or before the last working day of the month. If the normal pay date falls on a holiday, the paycheck shall be issued on the preceding workday.
Paychecks. Paychecks will be available on the last working day of the month (PAYDAY). Employees whose work shift begins after 4:00 p.m. may receive their paychecks after 3:00 p.m. on the calendar day prior to PAYDAY. If the calendar day prior to PAYDAY is not also a workday, paychecks will be distributed on PAYDAY.
Paychecks. All regular paychecks of employees in the unit shall be itemized to include all deductions. Checks are provided over 12 months with 10-month employees receiving deferred payments. Employees who work under more than one job description (employees with combined positions) shall be paid at the appropriate rate for the job description pro-rated by the time that they serve in each position.
Paychecks. 46.1 Paychecks shall be made available every other Thursday at 7:00 a.m. Effective after ratification at a time determined by the Employer all employees within the bargaining unit go to direct deposit/debit card (paperless) for payroll (funds may be deposited into accounts at up to three (3) banks).