Performance deliverables. Key deliverables will also be monitored, noting that process indicators and milestones are held in the detailed operational plans developed by the Organisation. Safety and Quality Accounts Outcome 5 The Organisation will complete a Safety and Quality Account inclusive of an annual attestation statement as outlined by the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (Version 2.0). The Account documents achievements and affirms an ongoing commitment to improving and integrating safety and quality into their functions. It includes key state-wide mandatory measures, patient safety priorities, service improvements, integration initiatives, and three additional locally selected high priority measures. Locally selected high priority measures must demonstrate a holistic approach to safety and quality, and at least one of these must focus on improving safety and quality for Aboriginal patients. 31 October 2021 Workplace culture Outcome 5 The results of the People Matter Employee Survey will be used to identify areas of best practice and improvement opportunities. 30 June 2022 Outcome 5 The National Medical Training Survey will be used to monitor the quality of training and supervision medical officers receive and to identify areas where the organisation can improve its management of doctors in training to provide a safe working environment to deliver high quality care. 30 June 2022 Value Based Healthcare (VBHC) Integrated care Outcome 2 Facilitate the expansion of the NSW Health Secondary Triage initiative, enhancing support based on the evaluation findings and engagement with District / Network, private providers and primary care services 30 Sept 2021 Outcome 2 At least 50% of Planned Care for Better Health enrolled patients are identified by the Risk of Hospitalisation algorithm embedded in the Patient Flow Portal 30 Sept 2021 Outcome 2 Aligns to state-wide Integrated Care evaluation indicators, key evaluation questions, data plans and data collections. 30 Sept 2021 Outcome 2 Develop an implementation plan of the Emergency Department to Community Initiative 30 Nov 2021 Outcome 2 Implement the collection and use of endorsed Patient Reported Measures for Integrated Care programs in alignment with local readiness and scoping activities 31 Dec 2021 Outcome 2 Integrated Care patient enrolments are to be captured in the Patient Flow Portal (except for those in the Integrated Care – Residential Care Initiative) 31 Dec 2021 Performance against strategies and obje...
Performance deliverables. Key deliverables will also be monitored, noting that process indicators and milestones are held in the detailed operational plans developed by the Organisation.
Performance deliverables. DSHS must preapprove the application before it is used. The application shall only collect the minimum amount of data necessary to ensure eligibility and maintain program integrity and prevent fraud.
Performance deliverables. Key deliverables under the NSW Health Strategic Priorities 2020-21 will also be monitored, noting that process indicators and milestones are held in the detailed operational plans developed by the Organisation.
Performance deliverables. Key Objective Deliverable in 2023-24 Due by
Performance deliverables. Key Objective / Action code Deliverable in 2023-24 Due by 4 Our staff are engaged and well supported Make resources available on leadership and mentoring for senior employees • Two or more resources made available subject to finance availability 30 June 2024
Performance deliverables. Key Objective / Action code Deliverable in 2023-24 Due by 2 Safe care is delivered across all settings
Performance deliverables. Key deliverables will also be monitored, noting that process indicators and milestones are held in the detailed operational plans developed by the Organisation. Workplace culture Outcome 5 The results of the People Matter Employee Survey will be used to identify areas of best practice and improvement opportunities. 30 June 2022 Value based health care Outcome 5 Measure, monitor and evaluate the impact of Leading better value Care (LBVC) initiatives across the domains of value • Direct Access Colonoscopy: Work with the Ministry of Health and other parties to participate in data collection, data linkage (into the Register for Outcomes, Value and Experience) and reporting to support the measurement, monitoring, and evaluation of the LBVC initiatives. • DAC: Continue to work with the Ministry of Health to support LHD's to set up Indicator Procedure Code (IPC) 278 and a HERO ID for DAC clinics. • Hypofractionation (HF): Continue to monitor and address benchmarked variation in the use of hypofractionation for early stage breast cancer. • HF: Use of economic appraisal, inclusive of a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE), findings to inform future services and resourcing and to ensure that patient preference is considered Ongoing Q2 Outcome 5 Support LHDs to implement Tranche 2 LBVC initiatives: hip fracture, wound, bronchiolitis, hypo-fractionation and direct access colonoscopy • DAC and HF: Support LHD's to progress implementation of tranche two LBVC initiatives in line with agreed project plans • HF: Continue to collaborate with the Agency for Clinical Innovation/Ministry of Health to support implementation of the initiative. • DAC: Commence engagement with key stakeholders and peak bodies e.g primary care and GESA to promote DAC and support uptake of local models of care. • HF: Monitor and report on utilisation of hypofractionation and key indicators across NSW public facilities, bi-annually, to radiation oncology treatments centres to local health districts. Ongoing Ongoing Q1 then ongoing Ongoing Outcome 5 Implement the collection and use of PRMs across Leading Better Value Care and Integrated Care programs • Work in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and BHI to support LHDs to collect, analyse and use patient reported experience measures (PREMS) to inform improved care • DAC will only collect PREMS • HF: Bureau of Health Information (BHI) patient reported measures included in reporting to local health districts Ongoing Q4 Ongoing
Strategy 1: Keep people ...
Performance deliverables. On or after September 1, 2014, and on or prior to September 30, 2015 secure funding commitments and receive orders from a United States military source for an additional 2,000 Radwatch systems. Such funding and orders for such Radwatch systems is in addition to any funding and orders received for Radwatch systems prior to September 1, 2014, certain of which may be shipped at a later date. For the sake of clarity, funding commitments and orders obtained by the Company prior to September 1, 2014 are not counted in determining whether the Tranche II Performance Deliverables are satisfied.
Performance deliverables. Key deliverables will also be monitored, noting that process indicators and milestones are held in the detailed operational plans developed by the Organisation. Workplace culture Outcome 5 The results of the People Matter Employee Survey will be used to identify areas of best practice and improvement opportunities. 30 June 2022 Outcome 5 The National Medical Training Survey will be used to monitor the quality of training and supervision medical officers receive and to identify areas where the organisation can improve its management of doctors in training to provide a safe working environment to deliver high quality care. 30 June 2022 Value based health care Outcome 4 Continue to sustain and scale Comprehensive Care models and activities to reduce the rate of fall-related injuries in hospital . Ongoing Premier’s Priorities 1. Improving outpatient and community care - reduce preventable hospital visits by 5% through to 2023 by caring for people in the community. 2. Improving service levels in hospitals - 100% of all triage category 1, 95% of triage category 2, and 85% of triage category 3 patients commencing treatment on time by 2023 3. Towards zero suicides - Reduce the rate of suicide deaths in NSW by 20% by 2023 Continue to support the Towards zero suicide priorities though the Mental Health Patient Safety program. Ongoing