Physician Certification. A pregnant employee shall be permitted to continue on active duty until such date as she and her physician determine that she must absent herself due to pregnancy disability, provided that she can and does continue to perform the full duties and responsibilities of her position. The employee must also supply to the District her physician's certification as to the beginning and ending dates of actual pregnancy-related disability for which paid illness absence is claimed, and her physician's release to return to active duty.
Physician Certification. (1) Normally, verification will not be required for short-term absences. A doctor’s certification or other acceptable form of verification shall be required for all sick leave absences exceeding two (2) calendar weeks, and may be required for absences where there is doubt as to the employee’s fitness to return to work or the employee’s supervisor has a reasonable suspicion that there may be sick leave abuse. Notice of this requirement shall be given in advance in all cases of prior leave abuse.
(2) A physician’s certification authorizing an employee’s return to work from an incapacity covered by this Section shall be reviewed by the District’s medical support in the Workers Comp/Medical Screening Unit prior to the employee’s return to work. An additional medical examination or testing may be required in order to determine whether the employee can safely perform his or her duties, or to determine appropriate work restrictions. The employee will be given advance notice in writing of the date, time, and place of the examination/testing and a general description of, and reason for, it. Such examination/testing will be done at District expense and on District time if the District requires it be conducted.
Physician Certification. I hereby certified that the above individual is a patient of mine and that I have conducted a blood test on that tested for HDL level, Triglyceride level and glucose level. Additionally I am in consultation with the individual regarding the 5 above risk factors as they relate to individuals overall health. Physician Signature Date Print name: Name (Print): Employee # Employee Signature: Date: I hereby certified that the above individual is a patient of mine and that I have conducted a blood test on (date must coincide with date on original waiver) and
Physician Certification. The supervisor may require a doctor’s certificate as proof of illness at any time after a prolonged absence. Supervisors may not arbitrarily make the request.
Physician Certification. In order to utilize the Sick Leave Bank an adjunct faculty member must present to the District’s Human Resources Office a physician’s statement certifying that he or she is unable to perform the function of the job.
Physician Certification. In order to utilize the Sick Leave Bank an employee must present to the District's Human Resources Office a physician's statement certifying that he or she will be unable to perform the function of the job for a period extending at least ten (10) working days beyond the exhaustion of available sick leave.
Physician Certification. The District may require certification from a physician or other proof of illness for days of absence due to illness or accident. Normally, this shall be done when the absence exceeds five (5) days; however, the District may require such proof if the employee is absent for three (3) days or more and there are concerns of excessive/inappropriate use or abuse of sick leave.
14.7.1. The following guidelines are to be used in determining whether or not an employee may be using sick leave inappropriately. Inappropriate use is likely when one on for a high rate of sick leave usage. Possible signs of abuse:
1. A pattern of sick leave usage primarily on Mondays and/or Fridays; holidays, or in-service days;
2. Using more than the total amount of sick leave accrued;
3. Using the entire amount of sick leave accrued each year over a period of two years;
4. Using sick leave when a request for time off has been denied. Each circumstance will be evaluated on a case by case basis, with the employee having an opportunity to explain the reason for a high use of sick leave when the reason is not already known by the District. Employees are not required to disclose medical information or a specific diagnosis, but may choose to do so on a voluntary basis.
Physician Certification. If the County has a reasonable cause for concern, including an employee missing work due to an illness, injury or disability, or an employee working when ill, injured or disabled, it may require a licensed physician, physician's assistant or nurse practitioner's certification of an employee' s ability to perform their job. Such statements can verify: the employee's ability to return to work without endangering the safety of himself/herself or others; the necessity of time off from work and any restrictions on job duties; the beginning or ending dates of the illness or injury; or the need of the employee to attend a family member. When such certification is required, the County will pay costs not covered by the employee's insurance and the employee will be paid as if working. Notwithstanding the above, no employee shall be unreasonably required to see a physician, physician's assistant or nurse practitioner not of his/her choosing.
Physician Certification. 18 The District may require certification from a physician or other proof of illness 19 for days of absence due to illness or accident. Normally, this shall be done 20 when the absence exceeds five (5) days; however, the District may require such 21 proof if the employee is absent for three (3) days or more and there are concerns 22 of excessive/inappropriate use or abuse of sick leave.
23 14.7.1. The following guidelines are to be used in determining whether or not 24 an employee may be using sick leave inappropriately.
Physician Certification. A physician’s verification of illness may be required under the following conditions:
1. When there is a question regarding the driver’s fitness for duty
2. When an illness exceeds three (3) days At the district’s discretion, a physician’s verification of illness may be requested for illnesses of less than three