SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION. The Board will review the evaluation procedure and instrument for the purpose of assessing member performance, or to modify the evaluation instrument at the written request of either party. All evaluation programs, instruments, and schedules at the request of either party shall be reviewed by a committee comprised of the Superintendent, Principal(s), Association Officer(s), Association member(s), and the Board representative(s). The evaluation procedure agreed to by this committee shall be reduced to writing and submitted to the Association and the Board for approval. If approved, such shall be the official evaluation procedure for support staff employees.
1. An annual written summative evaluation shall include the evaluation of the member's total performance in his/her assigned position.
2. An annual written evaluation shall be performed on each support staff employee each school year using the Board-approved evaluation forms.
3. Evaluations shall be based upon the immediate supervisor's personal observation of a member's work and/or work product.
4. All annual evaluations shall be reduced to writing, and a copy shall be given to the member. If the member disagrees with the evaluation, he/she may submit a written response which shall be attached to the file copy of the evaluation in question.
5. Following each written summative evaluation, which shall include the right to a conference with the evaluator at the employee's request, the member shall sign and be given a copy of the evaluation form. In no case shall the member's signature be construed to mean that he/she necessarily agrees with the contents of the evaluation.
6. The evaluation system shall be uniform throughout the District.
SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION. 12.01 The substance of any evaluation, the judgments reflected thereby, and the weight given to such evaluation are within the complete discretion of the Board. The matters set forth in this Article constitute solely procedures expected by the parties to be generally applicable to the evaluation process.
SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION. 1. All Support Staff personnel will be evaluated not less than once every three (3) years. If performance issues have been noted, administration may elect to evaluate every year until said issues are resolved.
2. Each Support Staff member’s job performance shall be evaluated by the administration. The administrator will complete the final evaluation form.
3. The evaluation for Support Staff will be universal throughout the district.
SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION. A. Each secretary shall be evaluated at least twice a year as to his/her duties and performances by his/her immediate supervisor. Evaluation of all other support staff shall only be done by the appropriate administrator or supervisory employee as determined by the Board of Education. Any support staff member receiving a deficiency in his/her evaluation shall be given thirty (30) days to correct that deficiency. In all cases, no evaluation shall be done orally.
B. Support staff members shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her personnel file and to receive copies, at employee’s expense, of any documents contained therein. Any employee shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association accompany him/her during such review.
C. No material derogatory to an employee’s conduct, service, character or personality shall be placed in his/her personnel file, unless the employee has had an opportunity to review the complaint and must be required to sign an acknowledgment.
D. Support staff may attach a rebuttal to their evaluation should they so desire. Any rebuttal sheets so attached shall remain part of the evaluation document.
SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION. Prior to April 15, each Support Personnel supervisor will complete a bargaining unit member evaluation form for report of the bargaining unit member's qualifications, progress, and ability to do the job to which he/she is presently assigned. This bargaining unit member's evaluation shall be completed by the supervisor or designee who has the bargaining unit member under his/her direct supervision. All formal monitoring or observation of the work of each bargaining unit member shall be conducted in person and with the full knowledge of the bargaining unit member. All support staff will be evaluated on an annual basis. One observation of at least thirty
SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION. All support staff shall be evaluated by their immediate supervisors at least once annually, to be followed in each instance by a written evaluation report and by a conference between the employee and his/her immediate supervisor, for the purpose of identifying any deficiencies, extending assistance for their correction, and for recognizing accomplishments.
SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION. Support staff bargaining unit members shall be evaluated on the instruments contained herein based upon the specific instrument applicable to the position held by the employee. Such evaluations shall be conducted pursuant to the procedures established in Article XIX.
SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION. A. The work performance of all support staff shall be evaluated, in writing by the Superintendent, with a notification to the employee being evaluated. The evaluations, which are to take place every other year, shall be based on, but not limited to, at least two observations. Employees shall be evaluated every other year unless there is written notification from the Superintendent stating a need for an evaluation. In case of unfavorable evaluation, the support staff member may file a letter explaining the employee’s position. The letter shall be attached to the employee’s evaluations.
B. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of an employee shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the employee. The use of eavesdropping, closed circuit television, public address radio or audio systems and similar surveillance devices shall be strictly prohibited. Rules for observation such as length, time, guidelines, and form used, shall be set with joint approval of the Superintendent and the Staff.
C. An employee’s file, except for those restricted by law, shall be for official school business only. Each employee shall have the right upon request to review the contents of the employee’s own personal file. A representative of the Staff may be requested to accompany the employee in such review.
D. An employee shall at all times be entitled to have present a representative of the Staff when the employee is being reprimanded, warned or disciplined for any infraction of discipline or delinquency in professional performance. When a request for such representation is made, no action shall be taken in respect to the employee until such representative of the Staff is present.
E. No employee shall be disciplined, reprimanded, reduced in rank or compensation or deprived of any professional advantage, without just cause including adverse evaluation of employee performance or violation of State and Federal laws. Any discipline assessed by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be subject to the professional grievance negotiations procedure hereinafter set forth.
F. If an employee after receiving a reasonable degree of assistance fails to perform their assigned responsibilities for a period of six months, dismissal may be invoked by the Board, in accordance with applicable Federal and State laws and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The actual six-month period shall pertain to the employed months of the individual.
G. Attached eva...
SUPPORT STAFF EVALUATION. 18.1 Each employee’s job performance shall be evaluated by his/her direct supervisor (with input from cooperating teachers). The evaluation process includes scheduled annual evaluations, on forms (accessible from staff resource intranet page) applicable to the job classification, and day-to-day appraisals. Additional evaluations may occur, if needed. A progress conference for all newly-hired employees shall occur within the first four (4) months. Supervisors shall provide a copy of the completed evaluation to the employee and shall provide an opportunity to discuss it by the second Friday in May. As appropriate, supervisors should discuss job performance issues that require attention with employees. The original evaluation form should be signed and the appropriate box checked as Agree or Disagree by the Employee and filed with the Superintendent’s designee. The employee’s signature does not indicate concurrence, but merely that the employee has seen the completed form. An employee may file a signed statement on his/her behalf relating to any evaluation in his/her personnel file with which he/she does not concur. Such dissenting statements shall be attached to the original material.