Post-Observation Sample Clauses

Post-Observation. A post-observation conference must take place within (5) school days after each formal observation. The evaluator shall hold a post-observation conference with the teacher to discuss a written report of the observation. The report shall contain an appraisal of strengths and/or deficiencies. Recommendations and suggestions for correcting any noted deficiencies shall be included in the report. The evaluator and the teacher will discuss a cooperative plan to correct any deficiencies.
Post-Observation. Artifact Conference Face-to-face conference to discuss scheduled classroom observation #1. Feedback Form will be shared with educator. Educator will share a minimum of 4 artifacts as evidence for Domains 1 and/or 4. Educator Reflection Form will be one of the required artifacts.
Post-Observation. Following the formal observation, the evaluator and teacher meet to discuss the evidence collected about the teacher's professional practice. The post-observation conference should be conducted within 10 school days of the observation, with the teacher receiving a final written summary of the observation within 10 school days of the conference.
Post-Observation. A. The teacher shall conduct a self-assessment of the lesson by (1) reviewing the evaluator’s evidence and (2) answering the questions on the Post-Observation document (Form E). The teacher will share the assessment of the lesson by highlighting the appropriate components/levels of performance on the Formal Observation Evidence Gathering document (Form D) that he/she received from the evaluator. The teacher will send the document back to the evaluator within three (3) school days. B. The evaluator shall study the teacher’s self-assessment of the lesson. C. The teacher and evaluator shall meet for the post-observation conference within three (3) working days after the teacher has received the evaluator’s notes/evidence. The teacher will lead the discussion of his/her evidence and the reasons for assessing the component as he/she did. If either the teacher or administrator is unavailable to meet within the three (3) day period, the conference shall be re-scheduled within three (3) school days of such cancellation.
Post-Observation. A. The teacher will conduct a self-assessment of the lesson by (1) reviewing the evaluator’s evidence and (2) answering the questions on the Post­Observation document (Form E1 and E2). The teacher will share the assessment of the lesson by highlighting the appropriate components/levels of performance on the Formal Observation Evidence Gathering document (Form D) that he/she received from the evaluator. B. The teacher and evaluator will meet for the post-observation conference. The teacher will lead the discussion of his/her evidence and the reasons for assessing the component as he/she did. The teacher and evaluator will share information/evidence regarding the observation and other evidence pertaining to the lesson. C. At the request of either party, a post observation conference shall be held. Post Observation conferences shall be held within five (5) working days of the actual observation. A written record of the observation will be made by the observer on a form to be provided by the District and a copy will be given to the employee. D. If any criterion is judged to be unsatisfactory, there must be a post- observation with specific suggestions for improvement by the evaluator. E. If there are multiple areas of concern, a Success Plan shall be written describing the area(s) needing improvement and the plan for improvement. Mutually established checkpoint meetings to monitor progress will be included in the plan.
Post-Observation a. The teacher and evaluator shall meet for the post-observation conference within 10 days of a formal observation. b. If either the teacher or administrator is unavailable to meet within the ten day period, the conference shall be re-scheduled.
Post-Observation. 1. Following each observation, the principal or other evaluator shall promptly document the results thereof using the observation or evaluation report form as appropriate. 2. Within one (1) working day following any observation, the evaluator will provide the employee with a copy of any observation notes made. 3. There shall be a post-conference within three (3) workings after the presentation of the Employee Observation Form to provide feedback on the observed performance and to enable the employee to respond to the observation notes and any conclusions drawn from it. A. Following the completion of the required evaluation report a meeting shall be held between the employee and the principal or evaluator. At this meeting the evaluator will provide the employee with a copy of the written evaluation report and discuss the evaluation with the employee. Deficiencies in any criteria subsection will be described in attached comments. B. One (1) copy of the evaluation report shall be retained by the employee and one (1) copy shall be placed in the employee's personnel file. All copies shall bear the signature of both the employee and evaluator. The signature of the employee does not, however, necessarily imply that the employee agrees with the contents of the evaluation report. C. Following the evaluation conference, the employee may submit at his/her own discretion, signed comments concerning his/her evaluation report within 10 working days. These signed comments shall be made a part of the official evaluation report and shall be attached to the formal evaluation report and placed in the employee's personnel file. No other reports of the observations or of the conference shall be maintained or made a part of the formal evaluation report. D. No evaluation conference shall be used as a forum to discipline employees. E. An employee shall have the right to have an observer of his/her own choice present during any evaluation conference. F. In the event that an evaluation report indicates that any employee has specific primary work deficiencies in one or more areas defined in the evaluation criteria, the evaluator and the employee shall attempt to develop a mutually agreeable written plan designed to correct the recorded deficiencies. If no mutually agreeable plan can be agreed upon, the evaluator shall prepare and discuss and deliver such plan to the employee. G. Any prepared plan as provided for in Section 8.G. above shall include specific, reasonable written recomm...
Post-Observation. The evaluator shall prepare a report of the observation after the observation and share a copy of the report with the teacher within three (3) working days of completing it. The teacher may add to it or correct it, as necessary. If either the teacher or evaluator is unavailable to meet within the three (3) day period, the conference shall be re-scheduled to occur within three (3) school days of such cancellation. The teacher may notify the evaluator that the teacher waives the meeting to discuss the observation if the observation is scored ―proficient‖ (3) or better.
Post-Observation. A. The teacher will conduct a self-assessment of the lesson by (1) reviewing the evaluator’s evidence and (2) answering the questions on the components/levels of performance on the Formal Observation Evidence Gathering document (Form D) that he/she received from the evaluator. B. The teacher and evaluator will meet for the post-observation conference. The teacher will lead the discussion of his/her evidence and the reasons for assessing the component as he/she did. The teacher and evaluator will C. At the request of either party, a postobservation conference shall be held. Postobservation conferences shall be held within five (5) working days of the actual observation. A written record of the observation will be made by the observer on a form to be provided by the District and a copy will be given to the employee. D. If any criterion is judged to be unsatisfactory, there must be a post-observation with specific suggestions for improvement by the evaluator. E. If there are multiple areas of concern, a Success Plan shall be written describing the area(s) needing improvement and the plan for improvement. Mutually established checkpoint meetings to monitor progress will be included in the plan.