Preliminary Construction Schedule Sample Clauses

Preliminary Construction Schedule. Preliminary Construction Schedule" is a schedule that establishes the milestone dates for completion of each major trade activity as well as the phasing of work by building and the overall duration of the Project.
Preliminary Construction Schedule. 1 Within fourteen (14) calendar days after being authorized to proceed to commence construction phase, the Construction Manager shall submit for the Architect/Engineer’s and the Principal Representative's review and acceptance a Preliminary Construction Schedule. The Preliminary Construction Schedule shall include the Work of the entire project, in a manner that is consistent with previously issued schedules, and shall comply with the Date of Completion of the Work authorized by the current Contract Documents. The submittal shall be developed in the Critical Path Method as agreed to in paragraph 3.5.7. Although the Preliminary Construction Schedule shall describe the entire construction work anticipated to be required by the Project, the schedule shall provide particular detail for the Work described within the first Bid Package, for the remaining design activities for the balance of the Bid Packages, for the equipment procurement activities, and for the actions required from the Principal Representative.
Preliminary Construction Schedule. Within five (5) calendar days after receiving the Notice to Proceed, CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to the DISTRICT and ARCHITECT a Preliminary Construction Schedule, in both written and electronic format, indicating, in graphic and tabular form, the estimated rate of progress and sequence of all Work required under the Contract Documents. The purpose of the Preliminary Construction Schedule is to assure adequate planning and execution of the Work so that it is completed within the Contract Time and to permit evaluation of the progress of the Work. The Preliminary Construction Schedule shall indicate the dates for commencement and completion of various portions of the Work, including, without limitation, the procurement and fabrication of major items, material and equipment forming a part of, or to be incorporated into, the Work as well as Site construction activities. The Preliminary Construction Schedule shall identify all major (critical) Submittals required, the portion(s) of the Work for which the identified Submittals relate to and the date upon which each Submittal required will be transmitted to the ARCHITECT for review (the “Submittal Schedule”). CONTRACTOR shall prepare the Preliminary Construction Schedule using Primavera, or comparable software in Critical Path Method format. If CONTRACTOR elects to use software other than Primavera, CONTRACTOR shall provide such software to the DISTRICT at CONTRACTOR’s expense. These requirements shall not be deemed control over or assumption of construction means, methods or sequences, all of which remain the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility. Further, these requirements shall not give rise to an increase in the Contract Time or the Contract Price. The CONTRACTOR may submit a Preliminary Construction Schedule depicting completion of the Work in a duration shorter than the Contract Time; provided that such Preliminary Construction Schedule shall not be a basis for adjustment to the Contract Price in the event that completion of the Work shall occur after the time depicted therein, nor shall such Preliminary Construction Schedule be the basis for any extension of the Contract Time, the CONTRACTOR's entitlement to any extension of the Contract Time shall be based upon the Contract Time and not on any shorter duration which may be depicted in the CONTRACTOR's Preliminary Construction Schedule. In the event any of the Construction Schedules required under this Section 01 32 16.01 incorporate therein "float" time, s...
Preliminary Construction Schedule. Please submit a copy of your construction schedule for Contractor’s information. Your preliminary construction schedule will be subject to Contractor’s approval. This information may be used to develop our master construction schedule.
Preliminary Construction Schedule. The Preliminary Construction Schedule prepared by Contractor detailing the schedule for the completion of the Work by the Substantial Completion Date has been provided to MSG under the previously issued LNTP. The Preliminary Construction Schedule shall include a schedule for the purchase of long-lead-time materials and equipment. The Preliminary Construction Schedule shall be further revised and refined by Contractor prior to the submission of the Incentive Benchmark Proposal by Contractor and shall be the basis of the proposed Construction Schedule to be established as part of the Incentive Benchmark Amendment.
Preliminary Construction Schedule. A. Bar-Chart Schedule: Within twenty (20) days of written notice to proceed or contract award, submit preliminary horizontal bar-chart-type construction schedule prior to the Preconstruction conference.
Preliminary Construction Schedule. A. Bar-Chart Schedule: Submit preliminary horizontal bar-chart-type construction schedule within seven days of date established for commencement of the Work. B. Preparation: Indicate each significant construction activity separately. Identify first workday of each week with a continuous vertical line. Outline significant construction activities for first 60 days of construction. Include skeleton diagram for the remainder of the Work and a cash requirement prediction based on indicated activities.
Preliminary Construction Schedule. (a) Within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving a Notice To Proceed (NTP), the CONTRACTOR shall submit a Preliminary Construction Schedule. (b) The Preliminary Construction Schedule shall be a CPM network diagram containing detail activities, including “Key Procurement Items” listed below, for the first ninety (90) days of construction and summary activities for the period after the first ninety (90) days until the end of the Project. The work for each Phase or area shall be represented by at least one summary activity such that the Preliminary Construction Schedule indicates construction work through Substantial Completion. (c) At a minimum, the schedule shall include the following milestones. (i) Construction NTP (ii) Substantial Completion (iii) Occupancy (iv) Final Completion (d) At a minimum, each Activity shall be coded to allow the schedule to grouped or sorted by the following. (i) Responsibility (i.e. CONTRACTOR; CONTRACTOR’s Specific Subontractor/Supplier/etc.; MSA; MSA’s Third Party QA/QC Firm; Owner/Client; Authority Having Jurisdiction, etc.) (ii) Activity Type (i.e. Submittal; Construction; Testing/Inspection; Warranty; Administrative; etc.) (iii) Area / Level / Room / Etc. (iv) Phase (e) Review and approval of submittals: Unless defined otherwise, allow no less than twenty-one (21) calendar days for the review and approval of structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and life-safety system submittals. Allow no less than fourteen (14) calendar days for the review and approval of all other submittals. Adjust logic and/or duration of submittal activities as directed by MSA in the event that MSA determines that the CONTRACTOR’s proposed submittal schedule assumes an overly concentrated period of submittal review. (f) Except for those activities that represent procurement tasks, activity durations for tasks included in the Preliminary Construction Schedule are not to exceed thirty
Preliminary Construction Schedule. Construction Manager shall prepare a preliminary construction schedule, subject to acceptance by the District. It shall contain key milestones to be accomplished by the participants, including, but not limited to: Trade Contractor’s activity durations; the Project’s critical path; Architect and any consultant activities; and state/local agencies having jurisdiction over the Project. This information shall be incorporated into the bidding documents and subsequent Trade Contracts with the successful bidders.
Preliminary Construction Schedule. Design-Builder shall prepare and submit to the Owner a Preliminary Construction Schedule so as to be able to meet the date of Substantial Completion identified in the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor may submit a Preliminary Construction Schedule depicting completion of the Work in a duration shorter than the Contract Time; provided that such Preliminary Construction Schedule shall not be a basis for adjustment to the Contract Sum in the event that completion of the Work shall occur after the time depicted therein, nor shall such Preliminary Construction Schedule be the basis for any extension of the Contract Time. The Design-Builder’s entitlement to any extension of the Contract Time shall be based upon the Contract Time and not on any shorter duration which may be depicted in the Design-Builder’s Preliminary Construction Schedule. If the Construction Schedules required under this section 3.3 incorporate therein any "float" time, such float shall be deemed to jointly belong to and owned by the Owner and the Design-Builder. As used herein, "float time" shall be deemed to refer to the time between earliest finish date and the latest finish date of each activity shown on the Construction Schedule. Review of the Preliminary Progress Schedule and any comments thereto by the Owner shall