Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards Sample Clauses

Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards. Reference: XX-XX/RH Programs maintain maximum patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards throughout every aspect of program operations, communications, and information management. XX-XX/RH Programs conduct an annual comprehensive privacy and confidentiality review and audit to ensure integrity of safeguards, and adherence to privacy obligations. This internal audit includes a review of privacy protection policies and practices to ensure they incorporate and adhere to the following patient privacy protections in all aspects of clinic operations:….(Page 119) Describe how the integrity of patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards is assured.  All client paper charts, patient billing and Client Visit Records (CVRs) will be stored in locked cabinets and these cabinets will be stored in rooms that also have locked doors. Doors will be kept locked during off hours. The OCHD entering system does have electronic swipe cards for employees back entrances and doorbells announce visitors at the front desk. The entrance to the RH Clinic is separate from the public health waiting area. The front desk computer is designed away from clients’s view. Efforts are made to keep large groups of clients fom congregating in waiting room area. Private counseling rooms are available for confidential conversations. Appointments are encouraged. Chart audits are conducted to review the clinics’ confidentiality pocedures. All clients are given a Privacy Policy at the initial visit and sign the HIPAA consent. Also at the initial visit, clients “rights and responsibilities” are reviewed and confidentiality for all clients is emphasized.
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Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards. Reference: XX-XX/RH Programs maintain maximum patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards throughout every aspect of program operations, communications, and information management. XX-XX/RH Programs conduct an annual comprehensive privacy and confidentiality review and audit to ensure integrity of safeguards, and adherence to privacy obligations. This internal audit includes a review of privacy protection policies and practices to ensure they incorporate and adhere to the following patient privacy protections in all aspects of clinic operations:….(Page 119) Describe how the integrity of patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards is assured.  The Xxxxx County Health Department is located in the Xxxxx County Government Center, a public governmental building. The Health Department doors are locked at all times and any visitors to the department are accompanied by staff. Each new client is provided with a file folder for documentation purposes. The entire chart is enclosed in this file folder (history, physical, labs, billing, consent forms, etc.) The charts are stored in a locked file cabinet within the departments locked doors. The file cabinets are locked except when accessed by staff who have been granted access to the key. The charts are only removed from the file cabinets for client visits, case management, chart audits, billing and other administrative reviews. In addition to the hard copy charts, all clients are assigned a number in our data base, Nightingale Notes. This system has internal controls and is used for inventory control, time tracking and billing.
Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards. Reference: XX-XX/RH Programs maintain maximum patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards throughout every aspect of program operations, communications, and information management. XX-XX/RH Programs conduct an annual comprehensive privacy and confidentiality review and audit to ensure integrity of safeguards, and adherence to privacy obligations. This internal audit includes a review of privacy protection policies and practices to ensure they incorporate and adhere to the following patient privacy protections in all aspects of clinic operations:….(Page 119) Describe how the integrity of patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards is assured.  Confidentiality status is recorded in the client’s chart. New clients receive education in regards to confidential sexual health care in Wisconsin. At a new client visit and at each annual health assessment visit thereafter, the client signs an updated, “Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information” form. If records must be released or sent for, the Nurse refers to this Authorization form, prior to sharing or requesting health care information with/from another provider. Reproductive health care information to be shared may include STI test results, Pap smear results, physical/pelvic exam reports (most recent) or any other reports necessary to ensure continuity of care. When the Family Planning Nurse answers phone calls, she states, “Xxxxx County Health Department, how can I help you?” Before any information is shared over the phone, the Nurse verifies the clients’s DOB. Outgoing calls present as “restricted” calls. The voicemail for the Family Planning CLinc is pass-code protected. Therefore, the primary Family Planning Nurse is the only person listening to the client’s messages. The client’s can feel safe leaving their name and a detailed message for this reason.
Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards. Reference: XX-XX/RH Programs maintain maximum patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards throughout every aspect of program operations, communications, and information management. XX-XX/RH Programs conduct an annual comprehensive privacy and confidentiality review and audit to ensure integrity of safeguards, and adherence to privacy obligations. This internal audit includes a review of privacy protection policies and practices to ensure they incorporate and adhere to the following patient privacy protections in all aspects of clinic operations:….(Page 119) Describe how the integrity of patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards is assured.  KCDOH has the usual and customary methods of maintaining patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards using HIPAA mandate. We ensure workplace environmental measures are in place to maintain patient confidentiality safeguards throughout every aspect of program operations, communications, and information management. Further, all staff fully understand the importance of safeguarding information related to minors. All information gathered by the Kenosha County (KC) RH-FP Program is considered a confidential medical record. Family planning information is only released with the informed consent of the patients, except as allowed by law or a lawful record from a court of record. Access to information is limited only to the information necessary to provide services within the scope of KCDOH or business or financial support.
Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards. Reference: XX-XX/RH Programs maintain maximum patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards throughout every aspect of program operations, communications, and information management. XX-XX/RH Programs conduct an annual comprehensive privacy and confidentiality review and audit to ensure integrity of safeguards, and adherence to privacy obligations. This internal audit includes a review of privacy protection policies and practices to ensure they incorporate and adhere to the following patient privacy protections in all aspects of clinic operations:….(Page 119) Describe how the integrity of patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards is assured.  Patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards are assured by the following actions: A HIPAA policy/procedure staff training is provided annually and all staff members have signed confidentiality agreements. The WI DPH patient privacy and confidentiality audit is also completed annually and findings are shared with staff. Client records are maintained in a confidential and separate manner from other agency charts in the electronic record keeping system. Only staff members with a need to perform directly related job functions have access to client charts or see names in search screens and/or reports. Client records are not released without prior written release signed by the client except as required by law. Client confidentiality status is identified in the chart. Minors and other clients who require the additional level of confidentiality such as no mail or bills sent to their home are clearly identified in the chart and status is checked prior to sending private pay bills. These clients also use RH office as mailing address for all FPOS related mail. Care has been taken to assure the physical surroundings are also HIPPA compliant. Computer screens have privacy filters and conversations with clients are in private rooms. The lobby computer for client use is arranged so that others aren’t able to view it. Papers/forms with client names are in locked files and not left out on desks.
Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards. Reference: XX-XX/RH Programs maintain maximum patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards throughout every aspect of program operations, communications, and information management. XX-XX/RH Programs conduct an annual comprehensive privacy and confidentiality review and audit to ensure integrity of safeguards, and adherence to privacy obligations. This internal audit includes a review of privacy protection policies and practices to ensure they incorporate and adhere to the following patient privacy protections in all aspects of clinic operations:….(Page 119) Describe how the integrity of patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards is assured.  Xxxx County completes internal audits of client charts on a monthly basis. Xxxx County is small and usually has only one RN interacting with clients. The RN is proficient at ensuring the integrity of safeguards and adheres to privacy obligations. Staff are trained by HIPPA Compliance Officer to ensure confidentiality.
Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards. Reference: XX-XX/RH Programs maintain maximum patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards throughout every aspect of program operations, communications, and information management. XX-XX/RH Programs conduct an annual comprehensive privacy and confidentiality review and audit to ensure integrity of safeguards, and adherence to privacy obligations. This internal audit includes a review of privacy protection policies and practices to ensure they incorporate and adhere to the following patient privacy protections in all aspects of clinic operations:….(Page 119) Describe how the integrity of patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards is assured.  The Iron County reproductive health program has mechanisms and safeguards in place to ensure confidential clinical services for all patients, including minors. The program has a good reputation in the area because of the privacy and confidentiality practices. Patients have expressed trust in the program and describe us as being non-judgmental and respectful. Patient confidence in the services provided by the program is important characteristic to providing patient-centered reproductive health care. The program maintains agency HIPAA policy and procedures to protect patient privacy. Patient health care records cannot be disclosed from the program without prior written Informed Consent for Release of Confidential Information from the patient. All requests for Medical Records received from off-site community providers must conform to all legally required elements for release. To further protect confidentiality, patients are required to fill out a demographic form annually that indicates their preferred method of contact (home phone, cell phone, work, text message, or mail home) for scheduling, appointment reminders, and laboratory testing report notifications and follow-ups. This demographic form allows staff to appropriately contact patients and further protect their privacy. In the event that a patient indicates they prefer text messages there is a dedicated text message phone that is locked in the office at all times. This demographic form also indicates whether they are strictly confidential or if another person may pick up contraception supplies for them. For strictly confidential patients, we screen for any change in a method of contact at every visit. Minor patients, who provide consent for their own FP/RH/SH care, often request to be strictly confidential and staff take great care in ...
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Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards. Reference: XX-XX/RH Programs maintain maximum patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards throughout every aspect of program operations, communications, and information management. XX-XX/RH Programs conduct an annual comprehensive privacy and confidentiality review and audit to ensure integrity of safeguards, and adherence to privacy obligations. This internal audit includes a review of privacy protection policies and practices to ensure they incorporate and adhere to the following patient privacy protections in all aspects of clinic operations:….(Page 119) Describe how the integrity of patient privacy protection and confidentiality safeguards is assured.  Healthy Connections staff , including contracted staff, must adher to the policies and procedures of Waupaca County Department of Health and Human Services. This includes all written and verbal information. Healthy Connections staff comply with all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) rules as they pertain to the Agency and to State Statutes regarding family planning. All clients receive an explanation of HIPPA, a hand-out brochure and are asked to sign verification that they have received this information. All clients receive an explanation of how there privacy is protected and how no information can be released without written authorization from the client. Minors may request “no-contact” and is highlighted in their medical record. However, circumstances that require mandatory reporting pursuant to WI Statue Chapter 48.981 are handled on an individual basis with clients.

Related to Privacy Protection and Confidentiality Safeguards

  • Data Protection and Confidentiality 3.1. We obtain, use, process and disclose personal data about you and data subjects (as defined in the DPA) in order that we may provide the Services and for other related purposes including updating and enhancing client records, analysis for management purposes and statutory returns, crime prevention and legal and regulatory compliance.

  • Confidentiality and Data Protection 12.1 Buyer undertakes that it shall not at any time disclose to any person any confidential information concerning (i) the business, affairs, customers, clients or suppliers of Seller or any of its affiliates and (ii) the operations, processes, product information, recipes and formulae, know-how, designs, trade secrets of Seller or any of its affiliates, except as permitted by Condition 12.2 (“Confidential Information”).

  • Confidentiality Data Protection The terms and conditions of this Agreement are confidential and may not be disclosed to or discussed with anyone except as permitted. Confidential information may include: any trade/business secret, technical knowledge or know-how, financial information, plans, customer/client lists, your customer information or data, your customers’ accounting or financial information, your customers’ tax information, your customers’ miscellaneous information, supplier information, pricing policies, fee structure, standard operating procedures, protocols, marketing data and/or promotional techniques, product data, purchase information, sales policies, employee lists, policies, computer records, computer access codes, plans and programs, any formula pattern or compilation of information, used during this Agreement, or any of its/ their clients. Confidentiality will exist regardless of whether such information is received by you under a validly executed confidentiality Agreement or not, or which is disclosed (whether in writing, delivery of items/ reports, manuals, verbally, visual representation, inspection of tangible objects, on office or site visits, or by any other means and whether directly or indirectly) whether before or after the date of this Agreement. Confidential Information may include “Proprietary information” as defined from now on. Each party shall honor the confidentiality and data protection of the other party’s “Confidential Information” and shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the confiding party. Neither party shall disclose any of the terms of this Agreement to assigned remote staff or any of other employees or affiliates, except the appointed Account Manager and person signing this Agreement on our behalf. To protect the Confidential Information, both the parties now agree and undertake to keep secret and treat as confidential all Confidential Information described above. Neither party shall use any Confidential Information at any time, either during this Agreement or after the termination of the Agreement, for any purpose other than in the ordinary course of business and furtherance of the confiding party’s interest. We may not be permitted to use your name as our client in any marketing literature, brochures, or for any private reference unless you permit it.

  • Confidentiality and Safeguarding Information 1. Each Party may have access to confidential information made available by the other. The provisions of the Florida Public Records Act, Chapter 119, F.S., and other applicable state and federal laws will govern disclosure of any confidential information received by the State of Florida.

  • CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY POLICIES AND LAWS The Contractor shall comply to the extent applicable with all State and Authorized User policies regarding compliance with various confidentiality and privacy laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to the IRS Publication 1075, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance and Portability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). Contractor shall cooperate in executing a written confidentiality agreement under FERPA and/or a Business Associate Agreement (HIPAA/HITECH) or other contractual provisions upon request by the State or any Authorized User.

  • Privacy and Confidentiality A. Contractors may use or disclose Medi-Cal PII only to perform functions, activities or services directly related to the administration of the Medi-Cal program in accordance with Welfare and Institutions Code section 14100.2 and 42 Code of Federal Regulations section 431.300 et.seq, or as required by law. Disclosures which are required by law, such as a court order, or which are made with the explicit written authorization of the Medi-Cal client, are allowable. Any other use or disclosure of Medi-Cal PII requires the express approval in writing of DHCS. Contractor shall not duplicate, disseminate or disclose Medi-Cal PII except as allowed in the Agreement.

  • Confidentiality Requirements (A) Business Associate agrees:

  • Confidentiality and Safeguarding of University Records; Press Releases; Public Information Under this Agreement, Contractor may (1) create, (2) receive from or on behalf of University, or (3) have access to, records or record systems (collectively, University Records). Among other things, University Records may contain social security numbers, credit card numbers, or data protected or made confidential or sensitive by Applicable Laws. [Option (Include if University Records are subject to FERPA.): Additional mandatory confidentiality and security compliance requirements with respect to University Records subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 United States Code (USC) §1232g (FERPA) are addressed in Section 12.41.] [Option (Include if University is a HIPAA Covered Entity and University Records are subject to HIPAA.): Additional mandatory confidentiality and security compliance requirements with respect to University Records subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and 45 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 160 and subparts A and E of Part 164 (collectively, HIPAA) are addressed in Section 12.26.] Contractor represents, warrants, and agrees that it will: (1) hold University Records in strict confidence and will not use or disclose University Records except as (a) permitted or required by this Agreement, (b) required by Applicable Laws, or (c) otherwise authorized by University in writing; (2) safeguard University Records according to reasonable administrative, physical and technical standards (such as standards established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Center for Internet Security [Option (Include if Section 12.39 related to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards is not include in this Agreement.):, as well as the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards]) that are no less rigorous than the standards by which Contractor protects its own confidential information; (3) continually monitor its operations and take any action necessary to assure that University Records are safeguarded and the confidentiality of University Records is maintained in accordance with all Applicable Laws and the terms of this Agreement; and (4) comply with University Rules regarding access to and use of University’s computer systems, including UTS165 at xxxx:// At the request of University, Contractor agrees to provide University with a written summary of the procedures Contractor uses to safeguard and maintain the confidentiality of University Records.

  • INFORMATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY 20.1 Each party recognises that under this Agreement it may receive Confidential Information belonging to the other.

  • Access, Information and Confidentiality (i) From the Signing Date until the date on which all of the Preferred Shares have been redeemed in whole, the Company will permit, and shall cause each of the Company’s Subsidiaries to permit, Treasury, the Oversight Officials and their respective agents, consultants, contractors and advisors to (x) examine any books, papers, records, Tax returns (including all schedules attached thereto), data and other information; (y) make copies thereof; and (z) discuss the affairs, finances and accounts of the Company and the Company Subsidiaries with the personnel of the Company and the Company Subsidiaries, all upon reasonable notice; provided, that:

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