Recognition of Shop Stewards Sample Clauses
Recognition of Shop Stewards. The Employer agrees to the operation of a shop xxxxxxx system and the recognition of the xxxxxxx elected by the Union. The Employer shall not discriminate against such stewards for carrying out the duties proper to that position.
Recognition of Shop Stewards. The College recognizes Xxxxxxxx elected by the Union and shall not discriminate against such Stewards for carrying out the duties properly assigned to that position. The maximum number of Stewards to be recognized by the College shall be based on the ratio of one (1) Xxxxxxx for each ten (10) members or major portion thereof of the bargaining unit. The College and the Union may, by mutual agreement, increase the number of Stewards for a specified time period after having reviewed geographical and operational considerations.
Recognition of Shop Stewards. (a) Shop Stewards may be elected or appointed by the Union from time to time and the Company shall be notified by the Union of such elections or appointments. The Company agrees to supply all Shop Stewards with a yellow colour hard hat.
(b) Complaints and grievances of a minor or emergency nature, may be submitted verbally by the Shop Xxxxxxx to the designated representative of the Company prior to processing in the manner outlined in Articles 17 of the Collective Agreement.
(c) A Shop Xxxxxxx may raise issues with the Human Resources Manager, or in their absence, the Plant Manager, at a time suitable to both Parties which may include time during regular working hours.
(d) When a Shop Xxxxxxx is investigating issues on Company time, they will first notify the Human Resources Manager or in their absence the Plant Manager. The time chosen for the investigation of the issues must be acceptable to the Company; however, the Company will exercise reasonableness in the handling of such requests. The length of time involved in investigating the issue, on Company time, will be that which is considered reasonable by both the Shop Xxxxxxx and the Plant Manager.
(e) It is agreed that the Shop Xxxxxxx and Plant Manager will make every effort to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
(f) It is agreed that, as far as possible, the handling of issues will be confined to such times that will minimize any interference with the operations of the Company.
(g) A Shop Xxxxxxx, or their designate, shall be allowed to participate in the New Employee Orientation sessions as follows:
(i) At the end of each session the Union will be allowed fifteen (15) minutes of paid time to address the new employees.
(h) Shop Stewards will not suffer discrimination with respect to any condition of employment (including transfers) by reason of their involvement in lawful Union activities.
Recognition of Shop Stewards. (i) The Board recognizes the Union's right to select stewards to represent employees.
(ii) The Union agrees to provide the Board with a list of the employees designated as stewards for each component and employees designated as committee members.
(iii) A xxxxxxx shall obtain the permission of a supervisor before leaving work to perform the duties of a xxxxxxx and such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Leave for this person shall be without loss of pay. When resuming duties the xxxxxxx shall notify the Supervisor.
(iv) The duties of a xxxxxxx for which the employer shall bear the expenses for wages and benefits are as follows:
1. Investigation of an employer's concern regarding employee(s);
2. Presentation of grievances under provisions of Article 11;
3. Attending meetings at the request of the Board or meeting with Board representatives pursuant to the operation of the collective agreement.
(v) The duties of a xxxxxxx for which the Union will reimburse the employer for wages plus fifteen percent (15%) of wages for the cost of benefits are as follows:
1. Internal Union business pursuant to its constitution and laws which cannot be conducted outside of regular working hours;
2. Investigation and handling of complaints not covered in (iv) above.
Recognition of Shop Stewards. The Employer agrees to recognize all Shop Stewards elected and/or appointed by the Union from employees from the bargaining unit upon being notified in writing by the Union of the election and/or appointment. Shop Stewards will be allowed to wear their Shop Xxxxxxx badge while on duty.
Recognition of Shop Stewards. The Employer shall recognize up to two (2) Shop Stewards elected by the employees or appointed by the Union. The Union will endeavour to ensure that one Shop Xxxxxxx works in the warehouse.
Recognition of Shop Stewards. The University agrees to the operation of a shop xxxxxxx system and the recognition of the xxxxxxx elected by the Union. The University shall not discriminate against such stewards for carrying out the duties proper to that position.
Recognition of Shop Stewards. The Employer recognizes the Union to select stewards to represent employees. The Union agrees to provide to the Employer a list of the employees designated as stewards and committee members. A xxxxxxx shall obtain permission from her supervisor before leaving work to perform the duties of xxxxxxx and such permission shall not be Stewards shall be released from duties without loss of pay to perform the following duties: Presenting grievances under Article 10; and
Recognition of Shop Stewards. From among the employees employed in the Bargaining Unit, the Union may designate and the Company will recognize not more than two (2) Drivers as Shop Stewards and one (1) employee who is classified as a Dispatcher, Reservationist or Scheduler as a Shop Xxxxxxx (i.e. three (3) total Shop Stewards) to serve as the Union's agent in the representation of employees of the Bargaining Unit. The Company shall not be required to recognize any employee as a Shop Xxxxxxx unless the Union has informed the Company, in writing, of the employee's name.
Recognition of Shop Stewards. The Employer shall recognize one (1) Shop Xxxxxxx, elected or appointed by the Union.