RECORD OF GRIEVANCECopies of all formal written grievances and all formal replies shall be sent to the Union office and the Human Resources Department without delay. Resolutions shall be acted upon by all Parties.
RECORD OF GRIEVANCEAll documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed separately from the personnel files of the participants.
RECORD OF GRIEVANCE. The grievance form and records of the written disposition of a grievance at each applicable level shall not be placed in the grievant’s Personnel File unless the grievant requests in writing that a copy of a specific grievance document or documents be placed in the grievant’s Personnel File.
RECORD OF GRIEVANCE. AT STAGE 2 - (Raise It – Formal Resolution) To be completed by the employee (or representative) raising a Grievance. Name: Date: Job Title: Xxxx/ Department: Home Address: Contact Number: Email Address: Preferred method of written communication (delete as appropriate) Email Postal Adjustments required: Name of Companion Contact email address for Companion Do you consent to information be shared directly with your representative? (TUPO rep only) Yes No Outcome: If no, why is this not appropriate?
RECORD OF GRIEVANCEPlease complete Part 1 and Part 2 of this form, and return it to the Designated Management Official (DMO). In order for the grievance to be considered, Parts 1 and 2a - 2d must be completed upon submission to the DMO. Please note, signing of Part 2a indicates you are affirmatively electing the Negotiated Grievance Procedure er r e , and must be signed prior to the grievance meeting. The DMO will provide a receipted copy of the form to the o e r ev and the Employee and Labor Relations specialist. If the employee did not elect a Union representative, a copy of the grievance will also be provided to the Union Chairman. 2.


  • Grievance A grievance is an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the terms of the negotiated agreement between the Board and the Association.

  • Adjustment of Grievance The School Board and the employee will attempt to adjust all grievances which may arise during the course of employment of any employee within the School District in the following manner: