Payroll Period Sample Clauses
Payroll Period. For the purposes of uniformity, the payroll period shall be from 12:01 a.m. on Sunday of the work week to 12 midnight on Saturday of the work week. A work day starting on one calendar day and running into the next calendar day shall be credited to the first calendar day.
Payroll Period. The payroll period will begin on Saturday at 12:00:01 a.m. and end fourteen calendar days later on Friday at 11:59:59 p.m.
Payroll Period. The payroll period begins on the Friday which is the first day of the pay period and ends on the Thursday which is the last day of the pay period and consists of ten
Payroll Period. (a) The Hospital agrees to maintain a biweekly pay period. The Hospital will also maintain a biweekly levelled pay for full-time employees. The levelled pay shall be reconciled within a time period established by the Hospital.
(b) When the regular pay day falls on a holiday, the pay day shall be the last banking day prior to such holiday.
(c) For those employees receiving pay cheques the hospital agrees to make available the pay cheque of employees assigned to the night shift as they come off duty.
(d) If a mistake is made on a pay cheque it shall be rectified within forty- eight (48) hours provided the amount is fifty ($50) dollars or more after deductions and is requested by the employee.
(e) If a regular scheduled day off falls on a pay day, an employee receiving a pay cheque shall, upon request, receive his pay on the previous day.
(f) Direct Deposit - The hospital may implement a system of direct deposit with a financial institution, of the employee's choice, insured under the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act.
(g) Where a hospital implements a system of direct deposit, employees who are currently receiving pay cheques may continue to receive pay cheques.
Payroll Period. The payroll period will consist of a fourteen (14) day period that begins on Sunday at 12:00 midnight and ends on Saturday of the following week at 11:59 p.m.
Payroll Period. For the purposes of uniformity, the payroll period shall be from 12:01
a. m. on Sunday of the work week to 12 midnight on Saturday of the work week, except if work beginning on Saturday runs past 12 midnight, work time after 12 midnight shall be credited to Saturday. All times shall be computed in one-tenth (1/10th) of an hour increments. Each Employer shall not make deductions from any such wages unless authorized by statute, court order, arbitration award, or this Agreement.
Payroll Period. All regular employees covered by this Agreement shall be paid in full each week. Not more than one (1) week's pay shall be held on an employee. Each employee shall be provided with a statement of total hours and gross earnings year to date and an itemized state- ment of all deductions made for any purpose. Payroll checks shall be in sealed envelopes. The payroll period shall run from Sunday to Saturday inclusive with payday not later than Friday noon of the next week. When the reg- ular payday occurs on a holiday, or day celebrated as such, the Employer shall, where practical, pay the employees on the regular work day immediately preceding the holiday, but in no event later than Friday.
Payroll Period. The payroll period shall be run from Sunday to Saturday inclusive with pay day not later than Friday noon of the next week. Each employee shall be provided with a statement of gross earnings and an itemized statement of deductions made for any purpose each week. When the regular pay day occurs on a holiday or day cele- brated as such, the Employer may pay the employees on the regular work day immediately preceding the holiday, but in no event later than Friday. Regular employees scheduled on a Sunday start shall receive their pay by the end of their regularly scheduled work week.
Payroll Period. 14.4.1 For unit members who receive their first salary warrant prior to January 31, 2000, salary warrants shall be delivered not later than the last day of the month which the district office is open, except for the month of December, which shall be delivered on the first workday of January. The District shall make arrangements for those unit members requesting to pick up their pay warrant on the first workday of January at the District Office. Salary payments for services in addition to the unit member's regular assignment shall be made not later than the tenth of each month.
14.4.2 For unit members who received their first salary warrant on or after January 31, 2000, salary warrants shall be delivered not later than the last day of the month which the District office is open. Furthermore, unit members covered by §14.4.1 may choose this option. Salary payments for services in addition to the unit member's regular assignment shall be made not later than the tenth of each month.
14.4.3 Unit members employed prior to July 1, 2000 may designate their payroll option from Options I or II below for the succeeding school year by completing the appropriate District payroll form in May. Payroll options selected shall be effective for the following September. Option 1: Unit members shall receive twelve (12) monthly payments commencing with the last workday in September and ending with the last workday in August. Option 2: Unit members shall receive eleven (11) monthly paychecks commencing with the last workday in August and ending with the last workday in June.
14.4.4 Unit members initially employed on or after July 1, 2000 may elect to be paid in twelve (12) equal payments for the year, pursuant to Education Code section 45040.
Payroll Period. The District agrees to a twelve (12) month pay period for all employees except the first year for new hires. Salary payments shall be made not later than five (5) working days after the last day of the pay period.