Religious Holiday Accommodation. The obligation to accommodate the religious beliefs of Captains covered by this Agreement is fulfilled if those Captains whose religious beliefs require that they not work, but who are scheduled to work, on a recognized religious holiday are permitted at the Captains’ option one of the following choices in order to be excused from their regular tours of duty: (a) the use of elective time or (b) excused from duty non-disciplinary (Code 89). This option may be applied for certain recognized religious holidays of faiths whose tenets require abstinence from work, subject to the determination of the Commanding Officer that this accommodation does not unduly interfere with operational needs.
Religious Holiday Accommodation. The obligation to accommodate the religious beliefs of Officers covered by the Agreement is fulfilled if those Officers whose religious beliefs require that they not work but who are scheduled to work on a recognized religious holiday are permitted at the Officer's option one of the following choices in order to be excused from their regular tour of duty: (a) the use of a personal day; (b) the use of compensatory time; (c) voluntary change of regular day off (as permitted in Section 20.3 of the Agreement); or (d) excused from duty non-disciplinary (Code 89). This option may be applied for certain recognized religious holidays of faiths whose tenets require abstinence from work subject to the determination of the Commanding Officer that this accommodation does not unduly interfere with operational needs.
Religious Holiday Accommodation. Regardless of their recognized faith or religion, employees shall be entitled to, and the TTC shall grant whenever possible, a leave of absence without pay on the day of observance associated with their recognized faith or religion, provided that all workforce requirements are met, including collective agreement requirements and applicable regulations, and the TTC has been advised in writing at least ten work- ing days in advance.
Religious Holiday Accommodation. Should an employee wish to recognize a specific reli- gious holiday, for example, they would be paid for the absence on this date and would then desig- nate one of the holidays recognized by Xxxxxxxx, such as July 1st in substitution. The designated substituted work day (in this example, July 1st) would be either des- ignated as a vacation day, paid or no pay. Employee Program Xxxxxxxx provides permanent employees who have com- pleted the working hours probationary period the opportunity to purchase new vehicles at an employee discount, which is specified by the manufac- turer. If employees are interested in purchasing a vehicle or would like more information please contact the Human Resources Department.
Religious Holiday Accommodation. Regardless of their recognized faith or religion, employees shall be entitled to, and the Commission shall grant whenever possible, a leave of absence without pay on the day of observance associated with their recognized faith or religion, provided that all workforce requirements are met, including collective agreement requirements and applicable regulations, and the Commission has been advised in writing at least ten working days in advance. Clause 29. CALL-OUT GUARANTEE Employees called out to work not continuous with their regular hours of work shall receive the premium rates as set out in the Agreement. However, they should be paid a guaranteed minimum at six hours straight time.
Religious Holiday Accommodation. The obligation to accommodate the religious beliefs of officers covered by the Agreement is fulfilled if those officers whose religious beliefs require that they not work but who are scheduled to work on a recognized religious holiday are permitted at the officer’s option one of the following choices in order to be excused from their regular tour of duty: (a) the use of a personal day;