Resolving Health and Safety Issues. When an occupational health and safety issue arises, the matter should be referred to the Employer’s safety representative or supervisor. The supervisor shall discuss the matter with the person and the elected employee health and safety representative (if on site) with a view to agreeing on a safe working procedure to minimise and eliminate where possible the risk of injury or disease.
Resolving Health and Safety Issues. (a) When an occupational health and safety issue arises, the matter should be referred to the Employer’s safety representative or supervisor. The supervisor shall discuss the matter with the person and the elected Employee OHS Representative (if on site) with a view to agreeing on a safe working procedure to minimise and eliminate where possible the risk of injury or disease.
(b) Where the supervisor or the OHS Representative reasonably consider there is an immediate risk to the health and safety of any person they must immediately consult, and if the concern remains unresolved, they may, jointly or singularly, direct that work in that particular area, or by that particular method, cease (immediate risk means that there is a degree of danger which is likely to cause injury or disease before the risk can be eliminated).
(c) Work in the affected area(s) shall cease and Employees shall be relocated to work in alternative safe areas where work is available in their classification.
(d) Employees may be relocated to other job sites where there is safe work available in their classification.
(e) Where there is no work available for the particular Employees, they shall remain on site and make themselves readily available for resumption of work without loss of pay. Failure to do so shall negate any claim for payment. Provided that the Employer will not unreasonably require Employees to remain for an unreasonable time period where there is no reasonable prospect of a resumption of work that day.
(f) Where work in an affected area has ceased in accordance with this clause, the Employer may require particular Employees to perform rectification work in the affected area, where such rectification work is of the same type as the Employee’s trade including housekeeping in their particular work area. For clarity, this does not include dewatering. Those Employees who remain on site to perform rectification work will be paid overtime rates during the period in which they perform the rectification work.
(g) At all times, the elected Employee OHS Representative may seek the assistance of a representative in accordance with the applicable legislation, and the supervisor may also seek advice or assistance.
(h) Where the supervisor and the Employee OHS Representative cannot agree on a procedure, either party may call in a WorkSafe Inspector, who may provide advice on the proposed procedure.
(i) The supervisor and the Employee OHS Representative shall agree on the best method of r...
Resolving Health and Safety Issues a) When an occupational health and safety issue arises, the matter should be referred to the Employer’s safety representative or supervisor. The supervisor shall discuss the matter with the person and the elected employee OHS representative with a view to agreeing on a safe working procedure to minimise and eliminate where possible the risk of injury or disease.
b) Where the supervisor or the employee OHS representative consider there is likely to be an immediate risk to the health and safety of any person they may, jointly or singularly, direct that work in that particular area, or by that particular method, cease (immediate risk means that there is a degree of danger which is likely to cause injury or disease before the risk can be eliminated).
c) Work in the affected area(s) shall cease and employees shall be relocated to work in alternative safe areas where work is available in their classification.
d) Employees may be relocated to other job sites where there is safe work available in their classification.
e) Where there is no work available for the particular employees, they shall remain on site and make themselves readily available for resumption of work without loss of pay. Failure to do so shall negate any claim for payment. Provided that the Employer will not unreasonably require employees to remain for an unreasonable time period where there is no reasonable prospect of a resumption of work that day.
f) At all times, the elected employee OHS Representative may seek the assistance of a representative of the Union or a person who is suitably qualified in OHS, and the supervisor may also seek advice or assistance.
Resolving Health and Safety Issues a) When a health and safety issues arise, the matter should be referred to the Employer’s safety representative or supervisor. The supervisor shall discuss the matter with the person and the elected employee Health & Safety Representative (HSR) (if on site) with a view to agreeing on a safe working procedure to minimise and eliminate where possible the risk of injury or disease.
Resolving Health and Safety Issues. (a) When an occupational health and safety issue arises, the matter should be referred to the Employer’s safety representative or supervisor. The supervisor shall discuss the matter with the person and the elected employee OHS Representative (if on site) with a view to agreeing on a safe working procedure to minimise and eliminate where possible the risk of injury or disease.
(b) Where the supervisor or the OHS Representative reasonably consider there is an immediate risk to the health and safety of any person they must immediately consult, and if the concern remains unresolved, they may, jointly or singularly, direct that work in that particular area, or by that particular method, cease (immediate risk means that there is a degree of danger which is likely to cause injury or disease before the risk can be eliminated).
Resolving Health and Safety Issues. The provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act shall be strictly followed in the resolution of health and safety issues.
Resolving Health and Safety Issues. In the case of a genuine health and safety issue, immediate steps are to be taken to remedy the situation.
(i) Where an employee is concerned about a situation in which he or she genuinely considers to be a threat or potential threat to his or her own or other employees’ safety; the employee should rectify the situation if this is within his/her own ability.
(ii) If the employee is unable to rectify the unsafe situation the employee should draw the matter to the attention of his/her Supervisor
(iii) Where a matter has been raised with a Company representative and no suitable action has been taken to rectify the problem within a reasonable time, the employee concerned should refer the problem to the Chairman of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee, or, in his/her absence, to another member of that Committee.
Resolving Health and Safety Issues. The over-riding concern is to minimise the exposure of any employee to the risk of injury or industrial disease.
Resolving Health and Safety Issues. The over-riding concern is to minimise the exposure of any employee to the risk of injury or industrial disease. When an employee becomes aware of an unsafe situation the employee will be expected to rectify it if it is within their competence to do so. If the employee does not have the competence they are expected to immediately notify their supervisor. The supervisor will immediately take action to rectify the situation. If rectification is not possible the matter must be immediately dealt with in accordance with the procedure laid down in the appropriate legislation. Legislation covering occupational health and safety shall include the: Workplace Relations Act 1996 Building and Construction Industry Improvement Act 2005 Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW)
Resolving Health and Safety Issues. The over-riding concern is to minimise the exposure of any employee to the risk of injury or industrial disease.
13.1 When an employee becomes aware of an unsafe situation the employee shall be expected to rectify it if it is within their competence to do so.
13.2 If the employee does not have the competence they are expected to immediately notify their supervisor.
13.3 The supervisor shall immediately take action to rectify the situation. If rectification is not possible the matter must be immediately dealt with in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985 including the cessation of work in the area concerned if there is an immediate threat to the health and safety on any employees, fellow workers or other persons.
13.4 As soon as possible after the resolution of an issue, details of the agreement must be brought to the attention of affected employees in an appropriate manner.