Right of Way Plans Sample Clauses

Right of Way Plans.  Prepare Right of way plans and deeds needed for the City to obtain any needed property or easement for the project.
Right of Way Plans. VHB will develop draft Right of Way plans based on the Preliminary Plans accepted by the Owner. Using the project construction limits and any anticipated need for temporary rights during construction, VHB will determine the need for additional rights of way (ROW), including permanent and temporary easements, beyond the existing ROW to construct the project. Existing ROW, and all areas of additional ROW, whether temporary or permanent, will be clearly indicated on ROW plans prepared by VHB in accordance with standard survey practices. The plans will be submitted to the Owner for review and preparation of the draft deeds. Once the deeds are completed by the Owner, the draft ROW plans and deeds will be updated as needed for Owner approval prior to negotiating with property owners. ROW plans will include all of the Preliminary Plan elements with the addition of the following: • Right-of-Way detail sheet • Property Acquisition Table We assume the Owner will be responsible for all appraisals, property owner negotiations, and final acquisitions needed to complete the project. However, if the Owner prefers, VHB would be happy to provide ROW phase support as an additional service. Once the Owner has successfully acquired all property rights needed for the project, VHB will update the ROW plans to reflect any changes resulting from negotiations with property owners. A set of final ROW plans will be plotted and delivered to the Owner for recording in the City property records.
Right of Way Plans. A Final Right of Way Plan Sheets and Legal Descriptions 3.4.C.B Field Review & Verify Property Owners 3.4.C.C Record Centerline Plat and all appropriate documents
Right of Way Plans.  Address Field Check comments with respect to right-of-way and easement requirements.
Right of Way Plans. Prepare design sheets with the appropriate land needs. This includes, but is not limited to, temporary and permanent construction easements, as well as accurate property lines. Task 5: Final Design/ Construction Plans – Prepare final construction plans for a roundabout on Xxxx Xxxx xx Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx / Xxxxxx Xxxxx Park entrance for the concept design.
Right of Way Plans.  Up to 100% Based on completion of required tasks
Right of Way Plans. 1. The Professional shall prepare right-of-way plans for the project limits along SR 37 from 126th street to 146th street.
Right of Way Plans. 60% Submittal) 1.13.1 The MoDOT and City approved preliminary plans will be updated for the Right of Way Plan submittal to MoDOT. Items needed to be updated or added: • Update Title Sheet • Add a summary of takings and remainders sheet • Addition of takings/remainders to parcels on the plan sheets
Right of Way Plans. Design Plans - Consultant shall incorporate the Town’s comments received from the 30% Preliminary Design plans and refine the design. Consultant will prepare 60% plans consisting of final greenway horizontal alignment, vertical geometry, cross sections, construction limits, proposed easements, pavement marking, and signing plans. The designs will be performed in accordance with applicable Town, CORPUD, NCDOT, and AASHTO standards and guidelines. Signage and Wayfinding Plans - Consultant shall develop signing plans in accordance with Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Design - Consultant will design and specify control measures which minimize erosion and limit off-site sedimentation during construction. The design will be in accordance with the requirements of the NCDENR and the Town. Erosion and sediment control measures will be identified on plan sheets with non-standard details not included in the NCDENR Erosion Control Manual drawn as a part of the plan set. The Consultant will submit these plans and calculations to the Town for review prior to the NCDENR submittal. The Consultant will then submit the necessary application, calculations, and erosion control plans to the NCDENR Division of Land Quality Regional Consultant to apply for a grading permit. Final Right-of-Way Plans - Consultant will participate in a “Plans in Hand” field review and revise the final plans in accordance with the field review. The plans will also be revised based on comments received at the preliminary right-of-way plans review meeting and comments from environmental agencies. These plans will be considered Final Right of Way Plans (75% Plans). The Town will use these plans for use during the Right of Way and Easement Acquisition phase of the project. Xxxxxx-Xxxx services related to easement acquisitions will be considered additional services and are not included in this project. Public Utility Coordination - Consultant will locate and identify ownership of private
Right of Way Plans. SLQ shall acknowledge receipt, as at the Closing Date, of a copy of CN's Right-of-way Plans covering the Sherbrooke Line, with such changes as have been made by CN in the ordinary course of business. CN makes no warranty of completeness, currency or accuracy of such Right-of-way Plans, which have been provided to SLQ for informational purposes only. SLQ shall be responsible for any costs associated with the provision of any information or documentation requested by SLQ, including surveys, not in the possession of CN or which CN cannot reasonably provide.