Rights to the Results Sample Clauses
Rights to the Results. Any patents and other intellectual property rights, information, ideas, knowledge, data or know-how relating solely to the Compound, and/or the Product developed during the term of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Result(s)") shall as between TMC and ASTRAZENECA be TMC IP and the sole property of TMC. TMC shall have the sole management of, and shall bear the cost of, any Results. ASTRAZENECA shall be given the reasonable opportunity to comment on important aspects of the prosecution of any patent applications, and shall use its reasonable endeavours to assist TMC in the prosecution of any patent applications.
Rights to the Results. (1) With the exception of those results capable of legal protection as industrial property, the results of the R&D Works shall, subject to the University’s claims under Para. 3, be transferred to the Company on the handover of the final report. Section 6 (2) shall remain unaffected.
(2) With regard to the copyrights in the work which shall accrue to the University, the Company shall, subject to the provisions of Para. 3, acquire a non-exclusive and assignable license unlimited in time and space to use these results in any manner and in an altered or unaltered form (in particular it may process or duplicate them or arrange for them to be duplicated) and shall also acquire the right to grant user rights to third parties for all forms of use.
(3) Without prejudice to paras.1 and 2, the University shall retain for its own research and teaching purposes a non-exclusive license to use the rights and results which shall be unlimited in time and space.
Rights to the Results. 9.3.1 Results, including inforrnation, materials, knowledge, and intellectual property rights resulting from the Project is owned by the Project Participant who achieved it. When it is generated jointly by two or more Parties (i.e. where the separate parts of some result cannot be attributed to different participants), it will be jointly owned by such Parties, unless the Project Participants concerned agree on a different solution.
9.3.2 Final project results in the form of software products are exclusively owned by their creators, that is, Flowmon loT Monitoring and Diagnostic Toolset will be owned by Flowmon and HancomGMD IoT Forensics Toolset will be owned by GMD. Each Project Participant can use results which it owns directly or indirectly. Direct utilization is done through further research or commercial or industrial exploitation in its own activities while indirect utilization is done through licensing or transfer of ownership to other parties. The owner is free to chaose an appropriate license to the owned results.
9.3.3 Ali Project Participants can access and use other Project Participants' partial results and information generated in the project to achieve project aims. This does not apply to final results. This access right does not give the right to sublicense.
9.3.4 Each Project Participant can disseminate its results and knowledge generated during the project activities. Prior to infonnation publication, the other Project Participants shall be notified about the dissemination pian at least 60 days before this happens. The other Project Participants may object to dissemination of the results if the dissemination i) discloses valuable background held as a trade secret, or ii) conflicts with the Intellectual property protection policy, e.g., patent application.
Rights to the Results. OF The task Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Agency takes over all rights to the work the contractor is developing for the Agency, including rights to the Source code, databases, digital files, documents, films, animations and templates. ”The source code” will in the Agreement mean text written in a programming language. This means that the Employer gets exclusive and unlimited rights to the work which is developed. The right includes the use in all types of media, current and future and both within Norway and abroad. The Agency is entitled to changes, reworking, further development and transfer of work carried out to the extent this is not in conflict with the irrevocable regulations in the copyright law applicable at any given time. The Contractor may not himself exploit the results either directly or indirectly and is obliged to not develop, use or transfer for exchange of similar materials. The Contractor is responsible for the fact that nobody else has rights, either complete or partial, to the work being developed for the Agency pursuant to the Agreement.
Rights to the Results. 8.1 All intellectual property rights and all other rights to or in relation to the Results shall belong to Barium, and the Client shall receive a non-exclusive eternal right with no territorial limitations to use all intellectual property rights and all other rights to or in relation to the Results provided under the Agreement. However, the Client always retains full title to its own data inputted into Barium Live!. The right to use the Results does not result in a right to use Barium Live! extending beyond what is specified in the Subscription Agreement. If and to the extent the Results include development or customisation of or additions to Barium Live!, such Results shall be assigned to the Client under the currently applicable Subscription Agreement of Barium. In the event that the Results or the Service include third-party products, the license terms and conditions of the supplier of said products shall apply.
Rights to the Results. 1. The Parties shall organise a joint meeting at least once every quarter (every 3 months) to update each other on the Project's progress. If any Results were produced during the previous period, the Parties will establish who is the inventor (the author) and the owner according to the rules outlined in Article VIII, para. 2 of this Agreement. The Parties shall take minutes from the meeting.
Rights to the Results. 6.1 Copyright applies to the Work Placement Report and shall be owned by the Student..
6.2 The intellectual property rights to all the Results shall be owned by the Company.
6.3 If the work of the Student leads to an invention that can be patented, the Company has the right to the patent unless the invention is considered not relevant to the subject of the work or unless the Company and Student decide otherwise.
6.5 Unless otherwise agreed, all costs associated with the application and/or retention of a patent are for the account of the applicant.
6.6 If the Student has invented something that can be patented, he/she will be stated as the inventor in the patent application and on the patent itself. Given the financial significance of the invention and the circumstances under which this occurred, the Student has a right to financial compensation by the Company - for deprivation of a patent on the basis of article 12.6 of the State Patent Act 1995.
Rights to the Results. The rights to the results and their protection are set out in Article 14 of the General Terms Conditions, as well as in the project proposal. The existing results to be used in the project implementation are as follows: CzechGlobe undertakes to use data from the following data areas – Xxxx Xxxx (N. spruce), Rájec (N. spruce), and Štítná (X. xxxxx); MENDELU undertakes to use data from the following data areas – Soběšice (S. pine) and Xxxxx Jeseník (N. spruce – altitude gradient); FGMRI undertakes to use data from the following data areas – U Dvou louček (N. spruce), Deštenská stráň (X. xxxxx), Xxxxxxx (X. xxxxx, X. spruce), Hradec Králové (X. xxxx, X. xxxxx), Křivina (N. spruce); and exemplary objects of forest transformation process into mixed and uneven-aged forest stand types Xxxxxxx (N. xxxxxx, X. beech) and optionally Klokočná (N. xxxxxx, X. pine); VLS undertakes to use data from the following data –forests for silvicultural experiments; and NMBU undertakes to use data from the following data – forest stands provided by Glommen-Mjøsen. The data collected during the project implementation on the permanent research areas of the individual Contracting Parties, or on newly established areas, or otherwise assigned to the project upon the initiative or from the research activities of the individual Contracting Parties shall be exclusively owned by each Contracting Party; and their use by other Contracting Parties of the project during or upon termination of the project term may always be permitted only with the consent of the relevant Contracting Party. Access to outputs/results Expected distribution of the intellectual property rights among the partners will be as follows: V1: Maps of production functions for selected tree species in the Czech Republic and Norway in the past and present – CzechGlobe (70 %), MENDELU (10 %), FGMRI (10 %), VLS (0 %), NMBU (10 %) V2: Maps of ecophysiology variables related to forest regulation functions for selected tree species in the Czech Republic and Norway in past and present – CzechGlobe (70 %), MENDELU (10 %), FGMRI (10 %), VLS (0 %), NMBU (10 %) V3: Forest variables related to productive and regulation functions for selected areas in the Czech Republic and Norway derived from airborne RS – CzechGlobe (100 %) for sites in the Czech Republic, MENDELU (0 %), FGMRI (0 %), VLS (0 %), NMBU (100 %) for sites in Norway V4: Productive and regulation functions performance of forest in the Czech Republic and in Inland county (Norw...
Rights to the Results. (I) All functional results shall be the sole property of Party A (including Party A’s affiliated enterprises), and all copyrights of functional results, all rights to apply for patents and all patent rights granted in respect of functional results, and all other industrial property and intellectual property related to functional results shall be vested in Party A throughout the world;
(II) Both parties confirm that Party A shall not pay any reward or remuneration to Party B after profits are made from the transformation of all functional results as agreed herein.
(III) For the results in which Party B has any interests (including ownership and other interests) currently or at any time during the term of employment, Party B hereby transfers such interests to Party A (including Party A’s affiliated enterprises). Party B represents and warrants that all results in which Party B has any interests are subject to the provisions of this Contract, and Party B hereby discharges Party A and its successors, assigns, affiliated companies, licensees, directors, employees and agents (collectively, “Affiliates”) from any liability to Party B arising from the use or disclosure of such results by Party A or any of its Affiliates;
(IV) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2, Article 49, Party A shall not require Party B to transfer the results specified in Paragraph 2, Article 49 to the Company if Party B can provide written evidence to prove that all of the following conditions are met:
1. Party B has not used any equipment, articles, facilities or trade secrets of the Company and has made full use of his/her time outside of work for creation;
2. They have nothing to do with Party A’s business in any way;
3. They are not produced by Party B in completing any work for Party A;
4. Subject to confidentiality by Party A, Party B shall disclose to Party A all results which he/she considers to be his/her property and which are not governed by this Contract and the supporting documents reasonably required by Party A, whether such results are created by Party B alone or jointly with others, and whether such results are created before or during employment.
(V) Party B further agrees that, except as otherwise provided herein or agreed by Party A in writing, Party B shall have no right to and shall not directly or indirectly:
1. Copy, modify, amend, translate, produce, market, publish (release), distribute, sell, license or sublicense, transfer, lease, transmit, disseminate, d...
Rights to the Results a. The Results achieved within the Project by only one Party will be fully owned by the Party that developed them through their own creative work.
b. The Results achieved within the Project by two or more Parties together, where individual creative contributions cannot be easily separated (hereinafter "Joint Results"), will be jointly owned by the Parties. The shares of the Parties will be determined based on their contributions to achieving the Joint Result, in accordance with the applicable legislation, including public aid rules. If the Parties fail to agree on the share of a Joint Result within 120 days of its creation, ownership will be allocated according to the ratio specified in Annex 1 to this Agreement. If the Joint Result is not listed in Annex 1 to this Agreement, the default ratio will be: Beneficiary 33,3 %, MBU 33,3 % and TWBIO 33,3 %. In case of a dispute, either Party may request that the Parties’ contributions be determined by an independent expert in the field.
c. The owner of the Results is responsible for designing and implementing appropriate protection for the intellectual property contained in the Results, at their own expense and risk. Intellectual property protection primarily involves filing domestic and/or foreign applications for patents, utility models, and industrial designs, or securing copyright protection.
d. If the Result is jointly owned by the Parties and if they deem it appropriate, they may apply for the intellectual property protection together, ensuring that all relevant Parties become co-owners of the relevant protection.
e. The Parties' respective shares in the Joint Result correspond to their shares in the associated rights and obligations, including obligations to cover the costs related to registering industrial rights and maintaining industrial rights, and rights to revenues from licences.
f. The Parties agree that all decisions regarding legal actions concerning the Joint Result will be made jointly through mutual agreement of the involved Parties, unless specified otherwise. Transfer of intellectual property rights to the Joint Result or the transfer of shares related to the Joint Result is only possible with the consent of the other involved Parties.