ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND POLICY DIALOGUE. The sector lead institution for the Home Affairs sub-sector is the MoI; it has been at the forefront of the inclusion of relevant institutions and bodies in the elaboration of the sector policies on security and safety policies, crime prevention and protection, and it covers policies related to protection of citizens and the communities; fight against organised crime which includes cybercrime, drugs trafficking, money laundering and terrorism and financing terrorism; THB; border management and control including migration and asylum; and protection of the human rights of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). MoI is in charge of the EU negotiation preparations for Chapter 24. For the development of the AP for Chapter 24, a decision was made to appoint the Head of the Strategic Planning Bureau of the MoI as the Coordinator; coordinators for each sub-chapter were also appointed and it was decided that employees of the Strategic Planning Bureau, Finance and Budgeting Department, and the IPA-funded Projects Department in the MoI would provide expert assistance in the development of AP 24 for each sub-chapter. To date, the comprehensive AP for Chapter 24 has been developed but remains yet to be adopted by the GoS. The BPD within the MoI is the main coordinating authority in the implementation of the current IBM Strategy. The Cooperation Agreement in the field of IBM was signed by the MoI (on behalf of the BPD and CPD), MoF (for Customs Administration), MAEP (for Phytosanitary & Veterinary Border Inspectorates) and the Ministry of Infrastructure (for Port Authorities) in February, 2009. The new IBM Strategy stipulates the establishment of the Coordination Body and Operation Group by the Government for the purpose of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Strategy and the accompanying Action Plan. The Coordination Body will be led by the Ministry of Interior - Border Police Directorate, while the heads of all main agencies at the border and representatives of the ministries responsible for foreign affairs, transportation and finance will participate in the work of this body. The task of the Coordination Body will be to monitor the implementation of the Strategy and to report thereon to the Government, as well as to propose the adoption of new and corrective measures through the annual revision of the Action Plan. The Coordination Body will meet at least twice a year. The Operations Group will be headed by a representative of border police, and...
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ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND POLICY DIALOGUE. The following institutions/structures will nominate official representatives to the IPMG responsible for Transport in the thematic area of Road which will be the main structure for policy monitoring and dialogue as well as consultation with donors and civil society: Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MoTI) ; Directorate of Transport Policies ; General Directorate of Road Transport Services (GDRTS); Albanian Road Authority (ARA); Directorate for Road Safety in the MoTI. In addition, the following bodies will be invited to participate: The Albanian Development Fund (ADF); The Institute of Transport; The Ministry of Economy; The Ministry of Finance The Inter-ministerial working groups such as the Inter Ministerial Working Groups on European Integration and other relevant ministerial working groups will also be associated as deemed necessary. The Gender Equality Employee of the lead Ministry (MoTI) is a core member of the IPMG, ensuring the anchoring of gender expertise in sector governance, planning, and policy dialogue. This IPMG will be supported by a Technical Secretariat for the preparation of work plans and annual reports on actions, deliverables and outcomes, in cooperation with relevant Directorates and Departments of MoTI . Policy dialogue between DG NEAR / EU Delegation and the MoTI and MoF, and donors and civil society representatives, will focus in the coming period on the launch of the monitoring and reporting of the strategy implementation, donor coordination,, design of complementary capacity building measures at national, sector and local level, further development of cross cutting issues, visibility of the Road Transport Strategy and the Sector Budget Support, awareness raising and consultation with non state Actors for enhanced participatory sector governance including policy setting and monitoring. During the implementation of the SBS the dialogue will broadly but not exclusively cover the operation of the Integrated Policy Management Group and the performance of its monitoring systems, the sector policy progress, the Medium Term Budget Programs, the bottlenecks and potential gaps in capacities identified of the national, sector and regional structures to implement the strategy and action plan, indicators and related targets for both the strategy itself and the SRC (matrix for the disbursement of the tranches).
ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND POLICY DIALOGUE. The Sector Working Group in Employment, Education and Social Inclusion (SWG EESP), is the sector policy dialogue structure bringing together the relevant national institutions, the donors and civil society active in the sector. The SWG operates effectively since 2017 and is a good channel for the EU to pass strong and streamlined messages and guide the sector policy dialogue. It has a large mandate from identification of priorities to coordination to review of sector reforms progress. The SWG is co-chaired by the Minister of Education and Science and the Minister of Labour and Social Policy and is institutionally supported by the NIPAC office. It also involves, the Ministry of Finance, the Employment Service Agency, the Vocational Education and Training Centre, the Centre for Adult Education. The Secretariat of the SWG comprises assigned officials from the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Secretariat for European Affairs (having the Governmental mandate for donor coordination). The SWG benefits from contribution from all relevant Directorates and Departments at the XxXX and MoLSP. It meets at least once every three months on average and operates according to the adopted Rules of Procedure within the NIPAC sector coordination framework. The EU Delegation, the donors and foreign partners participate and support the SWG through advice, sharing of knowledge and information. This is the platform which also embeds the donor coordination. Since March 2018, non-state actors are part of the SWG, but with limited engagement in the process. As of 2019, a complex EU-supported mechanism will be put in place to structure the participation of citizens' organisations and improve the contribution of civil society to sector reforms. The SWG-EESP is the main platform channelling the IPA programming in the sector, including the preparation of this SRC and will continue to play a key role for monitoring the SRC as a part of the monitoring the progress on the relevant sector reforms. Since all relevant bodies involved in the implementation of the SRC participate in the SWG, it is expected that it (or part of it) will also play the role of a Sector Budget Support Forum on Education and Employment, which will be specifically dedicated to follow and advice the implementation and disbursements of the present Sector Reform Contract by-annually.


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