Roofer. When the distance between the employee’s residence and the job site is 180 km to 479 kilometres and the employee must travel and obtain room and board on the day before he reports to work, he shall receive compensation as specified in Article 23.09, Subsection 4), Paragraph a) for the day in question. This compensation is only payable once per job site for the same employer. These provisions apply also when an employee is called back to work on the same job site or on any other job site, in accordance with the preceding paragraph. However, these provisions do not apply in the case of compulsory annual vacations.
Roofer. Any such employee who reports to a job site at the appointed time, at the request of the employer, who cannot start work due to bad weather shall receive compensation equal to 1 hour’s pay at his wage rate, minus any pay already earned for work performed that same day. This employee may not refuse to work, however, when an employer assigns him to a job where he is protected from bad weather. Moreover, the employer may require that the employee remain at its disposal during the paid waiting time. It is agreed, however, that the employee shall refrain from reporting to his job when the weather is bad 1 hour before the beginning of the standard working day.
Roofer. When, at the employer’s express request, an employee must report to the head office of the employer or to any other location determined by the latter, before or after the standard working day, he shall be paid one of the compensation amounts specified in Article 23.
09 1) for travelling time, when the distance between the job site and the meeting point is more than 60 km. The application of this provision, how- ever, shall not eliminate the payment of room and board compensation when the distance between an employee’s residence and the job site is more than 120 km. The application of this provision shall not result in the payment of double compen- sation for travelling expenses for the same working day.
Roofer. Standard working day: Employees assigned to roofing work, except for tinsmiths and crane operators (crane rental), shall start work at the time at which, at the employer’s request, they must report to the job site designated by the employer. Their standard working hours may be carried out over a 5-day week on a 10 hours a day basis from Monday to Friday, up to a maximum of 50 hours a week. An additional day of work may be performed on Saturdays, on a voluntary basis, to replace a working day lost during the standard work week due to weather conditions. The employees will be paid their wage rate for these working hours. In this case, the employer shall convey to the Commission on the Friday preceding the day of work, the names of the employees concerned and the address of the job site.
Roofer. Standard working day: Employees assigned to roofing work, except for tinsmiths and crane operators (crane rental), shall start work at the time required by the employer for them to report to the job site designated by the employer. Their standard working hours may be carried out over a 5-day week on a 10-hour-a-day basis from Monday to Friday, up to a maximum of 50 hours a week. This maximum is 40 hours a week for heavy industry work, with a daily limit of 8 hours. An additional day of work may be performed on Saturdays, on a voluntary basis, to replace a working day lost during the standard work week due to weather conditions. The employees will be paid their wage rate for these working hours. In this case, the employer shall convey to the CCQ on the Friday preceding the day of work, the names of the employees concerned and the address of the job site.
Roofer. The employer shall pay the employee $0.75 for every hour actually worked, for meeting his obligation to supply safety boots and hard hats and for excessive wear of work clothes.
Roofer. When an employee works in unclean conditions, the employer shall provide him with overalls and gloves adapted to the weather and grant him up to 30 minutes with pay to wash up before the end of the working day. The employer is responsible for the cleaning of the overalls. This special rule applies only when such is required by a customer.
Roofer. The employer shall pay the em- ployee $0.75 for every hour actually worked, for meeting his obligation to supply safety boots and hard hats and for excessive wear of work clothes.
Roofer. In the framework of the application of Article 25.03 1), the employer shall be responsible for the cleaning of the overalls.
Roofer. An employer may assign 5 such employees in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the introductory paragraph of Article
15.01 on the same job site located outside the employees’ region of residence. Other employees shall be hired as follows: 1 employee residing in the region where the work is carried out followed by 1 employee in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the introductory paragraph of Article 15.01, up to 9 employees. Subsequently, the employer shall give hiring preference to employees residing in the region where the work is carried out, until 50% of the manpower on the job site consists of employees residing in the region. When there is a greater manpower need on this job site, the employer shall apply the rule of rotation, starting with the hiring of 1 employee in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the introductory paragraph of Article 15.01.