Salary on Reclassification. The salary of a regular, limited-term or probationary employee whose position is reclassified shall be determined as follows:
A. If the position is reclassified to a class with the same salary range, the salary and merit increase eligibility date of the employee shall be governed by Article II, Section 5.A., B. or C.
B. If the position is reclassified to a class with a higher salary range, the salary of the employee shall be governed by Article II, Section 4.A.
C. If the position is reclassified to a class with a lower salary range, the salary of the employee shall be governed by Article II, Section 6.D.2.
Salary on Reclassification. A. The salary of a regular, limited-term or probationary employee whose position is reclassified shall be determined as follows:
1. a. If the position is reclassified to a class with the same salary range, the employee’s salary, merit increase date and probationary status remain the same as in the former class.
Salary on Reclassification. When an employee is reclassified to a classification with either a higher or lower salary range, the employee shall be placed on the new salary range at the employee’s current salary step.
Salary on Reclassification. A. The salary of a regular, limited-term or probationary employee whose position is reclassified shall be determined as follows:
1. If the position is reclassified to a class with the same salary range, the employee’s salary, and probationary status remain the same as in the former class.
2. If the position is reclassified to a class with a higher or lower salary range, each Probationary employee shall be compensated at the Probationary step in the new salary range of the new class and each Non-Probationary employee shall be compensated at the Non-Probationary step in the new salary range in the new class.
Salary on Reclassification. (a) Upward Reclassification If a position is reclassified upward and the incumbent of that position is appointed to it, he/she shall be paid as if he/she were promoted to the position according to the provisions of Article 11.05.
Salary on Reclassification. A. The salary of a regular, limited-term, or probationary employee whose position is reclassified shall be determined as follows:
1. If the position is reclassified to a class with the same salary range, the employee's salary, merit increase eligibility date, and probationary status remain the same as in the former class.
2. If the recruiting step is higher, the employee's salary shall be advanced the number of steps difference between recruiting steps.
3. If the recruiting step is lower, the regular or regular limited-term employee’s salary remains the same.
4. A probationary or probationary limited-term employee reclassified to a class with a lower recruiting step shall have the same salary, step status, probation status, and merit increase eligibility date as they would have achieved if the employee had been in the new class throughout the period of such service in the old class.
B. If the position is reclassified to a class with a higher salary range, the salary of the employee shall be governed by Section 4.A or 4.B of this Article.
C. If the position is reclassified to a class with a lower salary range, the salary of the employee shall be governed by Section 6.D of this Article.
Salary on Reclassification. A. The salary of an employee who remains assigned to a position which has been reclassified to a class on a higher salary range shall be treated as a promotion and governed by Rule 4872.4.
B. The salary of an employee who remains assigned to a position which has been reclassified to a class on a lower salary range shall be treated as a demotion and governed by rule 4872.5, with salary continued as a Y-Rate.
Salary on Reclassification. An employee who is reclassified from one classification to another having a lower salary range shall be assigned to a step within the salary range that is closed to, but not less than the employee’s current salary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Manager may, in his/her sole discretion, permit the employee to retain his/her current rate of pay, even though it is higher than the salary range for the reclassified position, for a maximum of two (2) fiscal years. An employee who is reclassified from one classification to another having a higher salary range shall be adjusted within the new range so as to guarantee a minimum of five percent (5%) increase. In addition, an employee who is reclassified within ninety (90) days of the employee’s anniversary date shall have his or her annual performance valuation from the employee’s former position conducted at the time of the reclassification. If the employee receives an overall rating of “satisfactory”, the employee shall receive a merit increase at the time of the reclassification, in addition to being assigned to a step within the salary range which will guarantee a minimum five percent (5%) increase. A reclassified employee’s anniversary date shall change to the effective date of the reclassification. Future performance evaluations shall be based upon the employee’s new anniversary date.
Salary on Reclassification. Reclassification occurs when a Field Services employee is assigned to a different classification from the one he/she is presently occupying, as a result of substantive changes in the duties and responsibilities of the position, requiring assignment to a more appropriate classification. Reclassification may be to a higher or lower salary range, or may consist of job title changes only. Upon reclassification, the City Manager, with the recommendation of the Division Manager or Department Director shall place the Field Services employee at an appropriate rate and range.
Salary on Reclassification. A unit member who is reclassified to a position on a higher salary schedule shall receive salary as determined by the procedure for Salary on Promotion, in Section A.7., of this Article. A unit member who is reclassified to a position on a lower salary schedule shall receive salary as determined by the procedure for demotions due to staff reduction (see Section A.9 of this Article).